Almost four years ago I picked up a few lectures in University course unit. A professor who taught the course, an older lady was an American Jew. As a general rule I than to those who pretend to follow particular religious, I do not have a positive opinion, but my opinion of who what religion or skin color or gender-biased, related to that person's own. In this case, too, the ethnic and religious identity of this person did not matter to me until one day in his class, something happened that changed my opinion of him forever.
Because of that, amid publicity every time a new dimension of criminal actions and the malevolence of Iran by pro-Israel media–That is, the vast majority of American media–It was discovered. Ali Khamenei, the President appointed each year and sent to the New York mhaboobsh to spend millions of dollars with the people of Iran, in an interview with the media for the East and West take the horns and shoulder; advertisements and ideological teachings of nzamsh to hear the rest of the world and from the podium of the United Nations -Faraj Imam and often of the same cases together to show the face of irrational and as anti-Iranian propaganda was used. The work to a place that even in tv cooking program is the subject of Ahmadinejad's threat to remove Israel from the world map and Iran's nuclear program was raised. The overall theme of the Holocaust denying all these ads and نژادکشی Jews by Iran, the risk of killing the people of Israel with the continuation of Iran's nuclear program and the production of the atomic bomb and the right of Israel to defend itself–That is, military attack on Iran–Was. These ads–Like the general public political advertising–Devoid of any truth, and in most cases includes Cheng was when the leaders of the Islamic regime than they are in Iran and the inability of Israel's military capabilities were exaggerating; reports and news of exponential upside down to Iran's nuclear program and the risk of magnifying the American public opinion to attack your Amy Israel, Iran and the U.S. participation in the attack-ready. In such an atmosphere that every day waiting for news of the attack was to be a look at the entry, one day master class Jews and almost hit this theme with bdstem:
Imagine an atomic Holocaust in Los Angeles have occurred and all the members of your family and friends have been killed in the Atomic blast. You are the only member to live in the city you are going to escape and rescue your contract. To maintain your speed should the city jantan and leave only one or more of the following products of the pen can take your mobile. As a choose which one of these items you choose?
Continue on multiple radio and the sex of the barrel of water taken up food was that listed each of the students should be the priority of one to ten with his tohah to the situation turns out to be. This entry was not a political appearance and communication to Iran and Israel was not; but as soon as I read it I realized that political advertising is.
The word of the Holocaust that was English text into the incident with the concept of the Holocaust tragedy in which Jews had been murdered the similarity found. In English the Holocaust but also to the concept of the disaster and the concept of the incident the Holocaust during the Nazi Germany used. In the absence of a daily subject of Holocaust denial and other Holocaust by American media was raised using this word, along with the American audience for disaster specific concept to be induced. The subject of the Atomic blast in the city of Los Angeles–That was the House icon for the readers–And the death of all their friends and family members during the explosion also raised the imminent danger of an Iranian atomic bomb, and finally, the fact that the students had to assume such an imaginary scenario and find a way out of it, unconsciously aroused their sympathy and reaction.
In today's world most of the political advertising of the Act this way–By presenting and reciting symbols and meanings that were previously in the outside world and there are in the mind of the audience with the concepts related to each other with a few repetitions of a single message in different ways, and with involuntary reaction in the audience cheer, behavior that are intended to induce in him Live. The basic point is that such actions are perceived mainly are involuntarily. In these situations the audience imagine are opt; but in fact they take remedial action for he did انتخابهایش. Because we know in a text (text) Ranging from the writings, film, lecture or conversation means there is widespread and covert or purely literal meaning is contemplated must be symbols, کنایات and nghshshan in the domain of the system icons (semiotic whole) Attention.
However, the question is whether standing still I could be sure, it is something beyond a test measurement management during the crisis and a malevolence or purposes not merely sensitivity over Iran's nuclear issue to my size so I was induced on the autistic?
In addition to such indirect advertising, Iran's nuclear program, on several occasions the purpose of direct advertising was in the lobby of the American pro Israel. In all these cases is that the Iranian nation has been trying as a group to appear in the wild. A Comprehensive report prepared at the University of Utah The show, in case of any kind of military attack on Iran's nuclear centers of tens to hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in the first few hours they will be killed by the same. To be carried out in such at this level of the nation done; it is necessary to face the animal it is displayed. In other words, the Israeli army and the U.S. military could not and would not have killed this number of human beings unless they had already become a threat to humanity and were reduced to animals, or anything less than human beings.
Several cases of this have been done in conjunction with the Iranian propaganda; a good about that because I'm a Jew by the name of Pamela Geller was performed in New York in which the nuclear tensions with the West bahbojah, large banners and billboards in New York City that embedded on them posted Was: In any civilized and savage war among the people, of the people support the civilized. Support of Israel, and to defeat Jihad.
- The people of Iran anti-Israeli propaganda.
- The people of Iran anti-Israeli propaganda.
- The people of Iran anti-Israeli propaganda.
- The people of Iran anti-Israeli propaganda.
Israelis also take good care of the فیلسازی industry in their political ads can help. A very famous example of this publicity, the film "never without my daughter" that were made in Israel video. About the اخیرتر ایرانیوم movie (+ Iran uranium) That is a negative image of the country Iran and Iran's nuclear program does not provide. Israel to build such advertisers the best tool the world of filmmaking, Hollywood, also holds.
Napoleon said to date the nation writes conqueror. The Jews have not been victorious in no great battle but it seems Hollywood script they write. According to the Los Angeles Times–Press strongly pro-Israel–American film and television industry at the disposal of the Jews is (here Or here See). All of the eight major American Film Studio are run by Jews. The performance of the industry on several occasions in the interest of Israel. In addition, the intelligence agencies of Israel as well as Hollywood producers are active. For example, recently turned out to be one of the most famous Hollywood producers–Films such as the Club of his compositions is the Fayette–From Factors affecting intelligence organization of Israel Is. The three producers of the film 300 anti-Iranian, mark Canton, Bernie Goldman and Jeffrey silver are both Jewish. Clearly, should not be surprising that the Movie Studio Warner Brothers, the maker of 300, also a Jewish company.
The sequence of entries in the The second part of …
I am very happy that such a query in this review of the movie the ugly and empty after . I hate this so much that I hate political art say subtle well . A few got it also true obado clip in YouTube her, but these are not trick the node opens the. The capital must be gathered and iPod movie making . Iranians the border should stop talking and drnbud a duplicate of your front leg, they state the people . Do you have four million out of Iranian borders cannot 500 Million dollars for the preparation of a film on Iran? Because if they fail to do so, and if not . So the flock at پرپای this was advertising should not be toxic . Be victorious
ShowFirstly, being seventy-million Muslim who is not Iranian but know their Iranian Arab. Unless the Iranians themselves, not ملیونها Seyed Mohammad Ali and al-Sadat and Hassan and Hussein and know? Aryan ایرانیهای قدیمیها were not Muslims today. There is no other real Aryan. Iranian Muslims, Muslim Arabs, the result aggression to Iran and Iranian women are in fact the Arabs, on the other hand that of crude to Muslim and Arab Al-Sayed and the other being themselves are proud and because crude is not the Arabs know were not called themselves Arab honor and constantly say we not Arab M! Is the God of the Arab nation and the Arab culture and religion میپرستند are.
ShowIranian Muslims that they must be of God and not Iran's Muslims, یهودیها control. If Iran were to control یهودیها آیاایران like today's shit was going on? Unless the kid like dirt کاریهایی game that is legal in Iran, Islam does not come? Unless the prevarication and RIA and piracy and اشغالگری and the rest of the acts of corruption in the old part of Iran would benefit account? Unless it is not now that these behaviors promote Islam only?
Of course, this enmity with Israel, want to give the same vogue because of Muslim and Arab crude being that you want the feeling of inferiority, low yourself between Arabs, that maybe they just complain to you and your mjavs other nkhannd. On the one hand and of course also for the sake of being a Shia Muslim and you like a kid playing a few centuries ago designed to upset the present why not a person یهودیها بیسواد and open تجاوزکار and the Bandit and baby pamber banamand. Hazrat Ali was that you guys are the greatest and afathar شماشیعه cache is that he was so strong that the overall head of the kids could one day kill. Bashar Al-Assad is also to follow Ali babies baby Kisser that this cache is.
The dirt on the ایرانیهایی even when the Shiite religion and race, but they still deny the cuddly Arab culture of brutality and racist Islamic Arab anti-Semite.. Gets what? This post you are one of the signs of this are other Arabs that crude. Khomeini's Islamic Republic and also the mass of the so-called بیسواد and basoadeha, Georgia ! They inflicted to the country.
There's nothing to do with race, religion, baby… In this the videos don't work in Islam! They direct to the Iranian توحین Darren… I got the same یهودیها Empire *! I'm not a Muslim myself and so I had not entered the United States when it was they got یهودیا… But now I know these are what kind of burnt father milling CN! Otherwise, the problem is not that the United States! The problem of the United States are China and Russia… But I have this یهودیا influence in American politics through the Israeli lobby and the control of the media and buying senators and… The American President is quite the slave them!!
ShowThe film is a perfectly quiescent جدیه… Against all friend ایرانیا… New RoboCop movie in a relationship with ایرانه… Should we work to بمالیم posshon downward and…
Just before they got to the soil posshon بمالی, open up your own muzzle rubbed dirt نشی.
ShowI do not want to represent the people who head to Iran, the tone of this film is very encouraged by the significant period of time and I got to present happiness and joy of the!
Let go beyond this time, saying such a “Death to Iran and Persia” I want to show how much of a dirty I am hated in Iran….
You are born to Iranian shit you've drawn with the sludge that Cyrus and same-sex marriage and family with baston هخاهای among themselves were causing such filth and dirty countrymen than yourself come to the world. Of course, no sugar other Aryan AHURA اصیلی in Iran does not exist and the only Aryan illusion and claimed that it was struck by the tail! The cerebrum is the Los آدمین and maderls
If the graft is certainly out of the back of one of the Iranian and Persian Arabi who had raped.. Unless you do the following to crops.. You and other hmotanant that you place yourself.
AHURA is the witness was very beautiful. Always whisper wild ancestors, but I heard the Aryan mtohman; hear who like seeing? کروشچف say and hear Cyrus?
Captain of the activists, former karimizadeh Mans religion know Android . Today's modern man that نیاکانی bdansh had no access and as a result the only refuge religion reference in the world was filled with their questions.
ShowWe are not the children of the Jews of numerous intercourse between Remy, Greek, Iranian, Howe …. The Arabs came to create a harmzadh know and not essentially religious and racial mskhrfat باین belief that causes have been between hypocrisy of human beings . We're داروینیست and its evolution to a knowledge of the مینگریم . The knowledge that a clear answer against the specified questions outlines .
So we are not Jewish, nor can we combat the ethnocentric . On the nakhdabauran of Jews are against the owner of the countless opinion lo and fighting racism and the State of Israel by having non-انسانیش behavior with non-Jews and Palestinians in Israel, they condemned the European race. It is interesting to note that the oppressed Jews in Israel and the Jews in the land of the real bazmanzgan home of lkhaz that d. n. to install it before a few thousand Jews or people. The DNA from the issue I mentioned that one of the conditions for citizenship in Israel, the issue of blood of the Jewish race is even if one drop and one percent. . Let us not forget that we are all human beings-Zadeh is a type of monkey میباشیم. and so angry that sometimes when the noise can be large and well-kept in what we pay and the human personality of its view of the outside can.
What fun. This is a new weapon of war many Muslim Nations waging war and incitement to بیسواد and backward Muslims of Persia is against Israel. Know that other خیلیهای have known Islam and anti human beliefs of the companions and anti-Israel and anti-the Jewish religion to Cannibal and want their religion with the anti-nationalist claims and show hostility to the Muslim nation's fire again with Israel keep alive. A Muslim congregation that will really do everything that they do and the prevarication of bestiality and hand برنمیدارد. God is no Khomeini and Khamenei that they only know how should a Muslim congregation with the behavior and just in your head are damaging Muslim animals and glass are in mathattan. You deserve more.
ShowThey say we don't do religion and Muslim! But the written word for Word the Islamic fundamentalist anti-یهودتان hate to Cannibal! If it was not for the sake of the Islamic نفرتگرایی culture so why not anti-Jewish movies in which thirty-five years in the نمیزنید letter to Iran made a film about guys not to others? Of course, this movie is not just the Americans and Israelis have been the big lie is also a Muslim and Arab on the other reason being that whatever yours میگفتن Khomeini is head of Israel and cry because you want the killing and terrorism against Israel and the U.S. to turn the way you know they say the elephant dsttan The m's have just Shor اسراییلیها Ned! This is the other reason lies on the Shiite Muslim religious and trfdara Khomeini and yours.
They say the answer is heavy. If the blockbuster anti-Christian and anti-Jewish and anti-Americans work Persian schema of the so-called non-religious Iranian Muslim people are not working and you with the rest of the difference between Muslims and people of the Islamic religion, why not in this 35 Years to protest against the Islamic regime didn't why the anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli films and anti-Americans and Iranian Muslims by stimulating the right and the rest of the Arab and the Muslim بمبهای war and destruction against Israel continued.
This 35 Years of cost types we've seen the Islamists and this is her new types that are not our religion by saying that they try to excuse concerning the enmity with Israel they find. Iran-Israel friendship never again possible because Iran is an Islamic country with a 80 The country's only Muslim million for Muslims. Every time you have a country like Iran before the secular nation of ours is all ساکنانش and send to war with Israel, arbatan sroran you maybe refused to continue the discussion, but is geared better to continue the Islamic fundamentalist mzloam maybe sroran Finally, present your arbatan part The Islamic Ummah to account and so don't feel inferiority. A Muslim congregation of more stupid and savage does not find انگیزتر in the world hate w.. Try also to stay. The God of wisdom and a lot of consciousness may not your brain does not bother!
Navid:.. But I have this یهودیا influence in American politics through the Israeli lobby and the control of the media and buying senators and. .. The American President is quite the slave them!!And..
ShowYou are not a Muslim, but Muslim and Islamic culture are. Lobby for Islam and Arab and Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States, especially the lobby Delet nsush. Arabic and Islamic کشوهای such as Saudi Arabia and Iran are thousands of times stronger and richer of the Israel lobby have that gets the American people do, but unlike the more pro-Israel, and the nation of Islam beast of democracy are so کشوهای and the beast war and apartheid and their lobbyists like Iran and Saudi Arabia Even in their countries to the uterine mrdmshan. khjaltem that the American public spent his پولهایی that are anti-Islamic terrorism of the Islamic Ummah in the comments and not with the Arab-Muslim lobby along with نیمشوند. The nation of America does not expect that the beast of Islam and the Ummah party they will murder.
Navid:.. But I have this یهودیا influence in American politics through the Israeli lobby and the control of the media and buying senators and. .. The American President is quite the slave them!!And..
You are not a Muslim, but Muslim and Islamic culture are. Lobby for Islam and Arab and Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States, especially the lobby Delet nsush. Arabic and Islamic کشوهای such as Saudi Arabia and Iran are thousands of times stronger and richer of the Israel lobby have that gets the American people do, but unlike the more pro-Israel, and the nation of Islam beast of democracy are so کشوهای and the beast war and apartheid and their lobbyists like Iran and Saudi Arabia Even in their countries to the uterine mrdmshan. khjaltem that the American public spent his پولهایی that are anti-Islamic terrorism of the Islamic Ummah in the comments and not with the Arab-Muslim lobby along with نیمشوند. The nation of America does not expect that the beast of Islam and the Ummah party murder them. Member of Parliament in the United States are not representative of the American people and the Iranian mullahs and شیوخ representative of the Saudi and American people must demand of the people of Israel and in support of the Government declare it.

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Israel AP's stupid butter eaten wedge azarbaijan donkey and inspiration together this stupid AP alif guzo filmo khookdoni in Baku shown.. Tork tork Dumb stupid stupid AP analysis of the quest the traitor nokrsaft
There are no stupid I noker tracki
ShowDear friends, this comment is not a bbd it mine this is written by a woman who writes my name in non-human oaamal kthaftkari Israel doubt but this comment I nnoshtem