Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The second part of)

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

The continuation of the The first part of …

Israelis also take good care of the فیلسازی industry in their political ads can help. A very famous example of this publicity, the film "never without my daughter" that were made in Israel video. About the اخیرتر ایرانیوم movie (+ Iran uranium) That is a negative image of the country Iran and Iran's nuclear program does not provide. Israel to build such advertisers the best tool the world of filmmaking, Hollywood, also holds.

Napoleon said to date the nation writes conqueror. The Jews have not been victorious in no great battle but it seems Hollywood script they write. According to the Los Angeles Times–Press strongly pro-Israel–American film and television industry at the disposal of the Jews is (here Or here See). All of the eight major American Film Studio are run by Jews. The performance of the industry on several occasions in the interest of Israel. In addition, the intelligence agencies of Israel as well as Hollywood producers are active. For example, recently turned out to be one of the most famous Hollywood producers–Films such as the Club of his compositions is the Fayette–From Factors affecting intelligence organization of Israel Is. The three producers of the film 300 anti-Iranian, mark Canton, Bernie Goldman and Jeffrey silver are both Jewish. Clearly, should not be surprising that the Movie Studio Warner Brothers, the maker of 300, also a Jewish company.

The movie 300–A few days ago, the second part went on screen.–Apparently, it's a purely entertaining film, adapted from the ancient wars of Iranians and Unionians.. The story is based on a comic series called 300, written by Frank Miller, in which the Spartans' 300-member army–As a symbol of democracy, freedom and Western values–Iran's Million-Day Corps–As a symbol of anti-Western tyranny–defeats. The narrative of 300 does not have a historical basis. In the real world, neither the Spartans were symbols of democracy nor freedom, nor were they able to defeat iran's great army..

A while ago, Time magazine listed the most elite military forces in history. Be released And in the meantime, the immortal army soldiers of the most elite combat force in the history of the world were classified after the U.S. Navy Rangers.. Comparing the Iranian army with the Greek army is at best something like comparing today's U.S. army to the Vietnam or Iraqi army.. At a time when the narrative deals with 300, Iranians were the world's largest superpower, and the Greeks were merely small independent groups outside the Persian territory.. These same libertarian soldiers later repeatedly fought for Iranians as mercenaries against Athens..

In the film, Xerxes is also introduced as a tall gay giant who hangs naked a string of metal chains.. The court of this gay king is made up of a number of other homosexuals who engage in sodomy and homosexuality.. In addition to the uselessness and badness of awe, covering Arabic clothing, similar to the clothes of taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, and in addition to homosexuality, anti-freedom and anti-women are other features of the Persians.. In the same early sequences of the film, a black man going to Greece as a Persian ambassador, in an imaginary dialogue.–That has no similarity in history.–Antipathy to women's freedom in the West. So it wasn't almost a vice in American society, and contrary to the values of the American audience that made this film to the Persians. (The Persians) not attributed.

Although these topics are all important, the most important thing that attracted my attention in this 2007 film is that only three times the faces of Iranians are displayed all the time.. The face of iran's tall, homogeneous king and the faces of two blacks is all that can be seen from Iranians.. The rest of the people who crumble like tree leaves in battle with Spartan warriors are either basically not human beings and are monsters or wearing masked faces and clothes reminiscent of al-Qaeda fighters. Even cowards, cowards, and the defeated are human beings and have a human face.. The absence of Iranians justifies their cruel and collective slaughter, just as Israel's mass killing of the Iranian people is possible by reducing them to nothing less than human beings.. But does all of this mean that the film was made for three hundred political purposes?

To answer this question, part of frank miller's interview with a comic publication a year 2006 و درست پیش از اکران این فیلم اشاره می کنم (here Or here See). میلر در این مصاحبه می گوید:

…Comics can affect culture by allowing the world in, reflecting what we see. There is a reason, Miller says, that most of the great comics heroes were created by Jewish people that lived through the early part of the century. To a certain extent, they were creating a golem, a hero they needed to exist. Their comics were a response to they times they lived, something that comics have largely gotten away from and need to return if they’re going to be a significant voice in modern culture.
…Miller’s tale of Spartan warriors in “300” is coming to the big screen in a work that Miller says is very faithful to his book and a very complex and gorgeous movie. The Spartans are definitely his Spartans, and while they might not be perfectly historically accurate, they sure look cool.
Miller feels that the story of “300”– where a small band of Spartan warriors fend off a vast Persian army in a battle that probably saved modern civilization-still has relevance today, reflecting the struggle in the middle east and the fight of modern society against certain fundamentalist Islamic groups.

…کتابهایی کمیک (یعنی نظیر همان داستان فیلم سیصد) Can Reflecting what we see and bringing the world into itself has an impact on culture.. there's a reason for this. Most comic heroes are created by Jews. who lived at the beginning of this century. To a large extent they're tricking me. (In folklore, the Jews in the sense of the imaginary being that comes to life) The hero they needed to survive. Their comics were the answer to the times they lived inWhat comics have largely walked away from and need to come back with if they want to become an important voice in modern culture.

..Miller says Spartan fighters come to the cinema screen, in a film that Miller says is very loyal to his script and is very complicated and beautiful.. The Spartans are definitely his Spartans, and although they may not have a complete historical truth, they certainly look cool..

Miller feels that the story of the 300 that a small group of Spartan fighters fought against the Persian army, in a battle that perhaps preserved modern civilization, Today, there is a counterpart to the conflict between modern Middle Eastern society. (Other name Israel) Reflects on Islamic fundamentalist groups.

In other words, Mr. Miller says in a non-verbal way that the story that he has made up and has no historical value, but which he says is cool, is in fact political propaganda from the very beginning, before it was even made, and represents the current state of conflict in the Middle East.

According to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it sounds like a duck, then it's a duck, and of course this one is an Israeli duck..

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18 Reply to Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The second part of)

  • Ali Said:

    Hollywood can tell about 300 copies of one is based on a heart-set historical event.. I stayed 300 copies two, which are not based on history, what other excuses to build except to destroy the image of Iranians.. The problem is, many people don't know there's a lot in the West and Israel, people who hate Iran and Iran more than the mullahs of the congregation and don't like the Iranians to rise up..

    • Admin Said:

      Every film made in Hollywood is primarily a revenue-generating tool;. The 300 film has now become a brand, and as long as they can make money, they sell the next parts under its name..

  • Anonymous Said:

    Iranians are always hallucinating and dreaming.This 300 film is one of hollywood's best and most watched recent films, and I've personally visited it five times, and each time with a few Iranian friends and everyone loved it..

    • Admin Said:

      Shahla Jan Neither you nor any of your friends who went to the cinema with you five times are Iranian.

      You have already commented on this site secessionist and You once wrote by your own name. That the Iranian nation is a dirty nation. Obviously, you should like this movie.. I didn't say this film is anti-Pan-Turkish, I wrote the film is anti-Iranian.

  • Rare Said:

    They complimented you, they'd be the good guy.!!!!!
    The crap truth of Xerxes' autistic son :arrow:

  • Hokhshterh Said:

    You pan-Iranians are accustomed to repeating your lies and repeating them enough to believe them yourself.. What you've done is just creating dust from the dust, especially the type. “Misdemeanor audience” So you could cover up the facts.…
    Iran has everything it has from Jews and movies 300 It's also an undeniable fact..

    • Admin Said:

      Hello dear friend. I think you mean by the fallacy of "misdemeanor audience," personal attack or adham atk. (adhomenim) .. a personal attack is that you attack people's personalities instead of showing something incorrectly. For example, instead of saying where a person's reasoning is wrong, say that he is a pan-Iranian who lies constantly.–The same thing you did in your comment. It's called a personal attack of all kinds of fallacies..

      What I've written in this article is to present a series of evidences based on the presentation of an assumption that this is an inductive argument. (induction) Say. If you think there's something wrong with this argument somewhere, you have to show it, or if you think my evidence is fundamentally wrong, you have to show the inaccuracy of the evidence.. What I am or how competent I am is a matter independent of the right or wrong of my writing..

  • Nothing Said:

    I mean, John, who's lying?
    I'm not Iranian, but I love Iranians (Imam Rahel) I myself have several Iranian friends who love this movie. Every time I see this film, new openings of truth are opened to me.. I hope the next episodes will be released as soon as possible.. I did something with the back of the film screen 300 I don't, but what goes on screen is happier for me..

  • Nothing Said:

    I am an anti-Semitism with a woman who is in nature.
    If you consider how much of my poems are in anti-Semitism, I am not in my memory to write all the his poems here, and of course these poems are worth remembering.. But bit: Women buck the woman who has a dog of one hundred women of Parsai
    How was it going to be a male? This is a great ferdowsi and our total intellect is irannia.…
    Is it that I do not have a lobby?
    In the ancient times of the tradition of marriage and sodomy among fashion, Cambyses married his two sisters Dariush also took his sister to a woman. Ardeshir with his two daughters and Dariush III, he also married his daughter that دیصان also confessed that she was married to her sister.. Bahram Chubin married her sister Gredick. Mehran Goshher her sister to a woman. He was a aspiring to blur the major of the contemporary yerdodes!!!! Brother's marriage becomes clear by the sister by Farahizdi and the court rounds it away.!!!!! Fresh medicinal miracle had a name for the Pissedon, which was a miracle!!
    Traditionally they had a name(To lend the woman to each other who is so so, ) Means giving a spouse a temporary wife to another man who has been done or because of the impossibility of a male child or because of the existence of courage and power in another man
    Amity another man named Yersoot: the time to become a bed with the girl- The mother or sister, which is referred to in prestigious books such as the Book of Herodotus, Cambyses, Xerxes and Dariush and a lot of the Sassanid kings of the villain.… Herodotus to marry Kourosh II with mother and كمبوجیه with her daughter Atousa as an example of the marriage, she remembers Bahram in a Sassanid time with her sister is also the sample
    The book of Denakoot is learned from books of ancient Persia كاملترین marriage married father with the girl and the son with mother and sister B brother.(The big-boobed book 9/12 – Visparad 3/3 It is among the most prestigious Persian ancient sources in this field.)
    Amity another Dshtanstan name : Woman dropping into a dark and no window in Hajj days (A period of time) With the belief that Satan has walked in his existence and had an evil woman who has been washed and cleaned with the urine of his cattle after ten days?!!!
    According to these women, ten days should be single in this room, in fact, women in every year have four months of life in the dark prison in the next few parts of the film 300 Will surely be beautiful!! i don't know why you dear people are looking at this cynic! Many Iranians who visited the film were internationally satisfied with the film.

    • (A) Said:

      It's a bit of جعلیه and سخیف which are quite not characteristic of Ferdowsi! Do not have Adam be sure scholar and the scientist and scholar Ferdowsi's poetry, even a normal average IQ with people who have little familiarity with the poems Ferdowsi can easily fhmeh that this bit of Ferdowsi, of course, provided that the source did not have anti Ferdowsi. :-|

      همجنگسرایی that for the Greeks and the Iranians have no title to the famous lack of homosexuality! Western culture today that officially recognized the growing همجسگرایی! So I do not قبیحی ugly and gay and very باکلاسه because the Western qbolsh Darren! So unwieldy that Alexander himself his Western that is everywhere "at the great مبارکش has two آتیشه one out lesbians and myznh! Why do Western movies and سریالها رذیلتهای got you there themselves possess and others got themselves some proportion or more virtuous and jzabatr and cool than being what we believe and the positive aspects and the others deny the زیباییهای?! :-?

      Both mythology and Greek mythology pictures, marriage between the blade of the Greeks themselves awash in sexual immorality being. Not just Greeks, most ancient ethnic groups like مصریها and … Asdoah between the بینشون existed?. Being so inventive that یهودیها their marriage between ethnic groups, between the other departments facing vogue giving! The Persian Empire is also likely to be the work of other ethnic groups, especially یهودیها mimic!

      The Greek society is a patriarchal society and has been a contentious woman. In Greece, one male and female citizens of the degree being chndm! If you're a woman, you are a very Greek society has a prominent prostitute and progress grade a;! The same rules about rules Greece women have been the religion of Islam! While the same time you've got a female Naval Commander and satrap has a State!!

      Then why are you and this movie one sided about Iran and Greece face a judgment of advanced civilization to introduce!؟

      The reality is that Iran has not produced a show that you saw and not Greece's utopia was a movie that you and you claim! Those stinking creatures are full of hate and lies! They maybe بیسواد or mgharz and nbaschn and just stupid to make this particular goal, but do فیمها the person you're so miserable and that of forged a bit بیسواد therefore making Ferdowsi was contentious woman! While they're not Iranian, at least if dshmann! You guys make the stigma and the Iranian and Iranian سرشکستگی هستین! The same شهروندایی you got متمدنی you find any country not! You're so good you got 300 similar film show! You've got a 300 is just a Greek for ugly and unsightly almanzer show! His argument was to betray!! :arrow:

      The name of the book that is not "دنیکوت"! «دینکرد» well! You even got the name of this book do not well میاری quotes.! It is not known where these are copy paste from the Kurdish!

      You are not خوندی got the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi and not got the زرتشتیها books! Well, about misogyny or the provisions of the religion of Zoroaster Ferdowsi you judge! Theres only a handful of each hand you got mskhrfat from the Internet you can copy paste!

      Cyrus II (Cyrus linseed) He never married his own mother or daughter, and Herodotus didn't say that.! When are you going to stop making fakes, fantasizing and gossiping?! The way that Greeks first Achaemenid King Cambyses درفشانی out that it was a marriage of incest you got vogue clan gave.

      دینکرد is apparently a handful of written Zoroastrian cleric and the comments of those things. Perhaps something similar to the essays and jurisprudential books of marja's and Muslim clerics. The religion of Zoroaster would never marry their mothers and sisters and did not do so with intellectual and scientific reasons among the Iranians are not prevalent, such as یونانیها تهمتهایی got to immerse themselves in handling a variety of Iranians sexual immorality being.

      You claim you did that in the Avesta, the time to complete the parent like دینکرد "marriage with the girl and the boy with his mother and sister with brother is remembered", and also address contractor!! The Vandydad Avesta section relates to jurisprudential rulings, and marriage issues must reasonably be brought up in this section.. At that address you wrote. (Vendidad13/8) And so was the thirteenth Chapter VIII manzort and dont know about the provisions relating to not let what marriage marry?! Chapter XIII wholly about the sins are related to the persecution of animals especially dogs well!

      Avesta, the Zoroastrian Holy Book are several sections that only section written gatha زرتشتیه religion of Zoroaster and the person of the Foundation and about religion and decrees on the only judge I gatha Zoroaster and the religion of Zoroaster has not instructed to never marry?. That is why Islam, while for men the order to marry four wives simultaneously free and having a sexual relationship with countless data کنیزان! Interestingly the same laws in ancient Greece was also! The person of the Prophet Zoroaster also never married herself with pictures. While the Prophet (s) has had numerous marriages and married one of his own incest after divorce, and since the prophets can be the role model of their followers, Zoroastrianism as a model of its followers has neither married incest nor multiplicity of couples such as the Prophet Muhammad.!

      By the way, what part of Avesta is "chest"?! You probably mean Jasene, which is the most important part of Aosta, and the Guts are part of it.! Are you going to claim that Zoroaster ordered incest in the Gatha?! Hot 9 Yasene, who claimed to be one of those parts where "the most complete details of the order to marry incest came in.!" It's totally about home drinks. Hot 12 In one place, he points.: "I believe in the Mazdapress religion to overthrow the war and abandon the battle of Afraz and command a bonded relative; …» (Avesta, Translation and Research by Jalil Dostkhah). Kinship and not marriage with incest! If a relative is considered a crime and an incest marriage, then the religion of Islam and Muslims who believe that cousins and cousins are tied up in the sky will also commit incest marriage.! Today's kinship between the people of the Middle East is a good tradition and a celestial bond, while Westerners and Europeans see it as an incorrect, irrational and scientific act that leads to the production of ugly children with genetic problems and low IQ.! Of course, the Europeans themselves had many consanguineous marriages and even incest among their royal families.! And today all the royal families of Europe are kindred.! You copied this nonsense from anywhere.. These were some examples of stupid fist lies.. :-o

      In addition, inter-incest marriage was the custom of human beings thousands of years ago, and in its time, it was not a very barbarian act.. This practice must be judged by the moral standards of thousands of years ago.. As you're gay to 100 It was a cruel premedibption, but today in the West it was recognized as a natural human instinct, it's not unlikely. 100 Next year, inter-incest love will be recognized in the West.!

      Today, for every Islamologist, the criterion for judging Islam is the Qur'an and the prophet's words and behavior, and not Khomeini's treatises and books, otherwise if Khomeini, who is also a high-ranking Muslim cleric and whose writings are the criterion for judging the Religion of Islam and his instructions, we know the orders of the Islamic religion, which has officially ordered the rape of the infant in one of his books.!

    • (A) Said:

      Yafkar – Hot 12 (8)
      I خَستویم that I am a patriot and a Zoroastrian. I have converted to Kish and believe it. I am believes Nick thought, and I believe I have a good speech..

      You are not a section of the "Ystes", but there is 17 The same time (The most.) asmeshh.

      Vitcia – Coridea 3 (3)
      I will stand Nick Andish, Nick of speech and Nick deed Behdin.
      The young I will stand rune.
      I will stand someone who has a relative,.
      [Atribbons] I want to stand in the country,.
      [Atribbons] A auspicious that [Abroad] Circulating, I'll stand.
      Notre I will stand.

      Vendydad-the most. 8 (13)
      Ahurah Mazda Replied:
      A sheep or bull, but not an old man or a woman, unless the man or woman, the closest relative is dead.
      The mesis must be prepared to tress and their own tone..

      «Avesta – Translation and research: Jalil Dookhkhah»

      His valid resources to prove the marriage of father with the daughter and son with mother and sister with brother in the Zoroastrian religion!! You are not a gatha of the original and old Zoroastrian documents such as the most important books of Zoroastrian and in Avestan and Middle Persian languages..

      Probably, these valid sources have been compiled for other disclosure, which has made a mistake, the earlier errors are the result of the copy.! Now, let me conclude that the rest of the resources and their quotations are valid. :?:

      About the tradition of a woman in the Iranians who was childless by husband and having sexual intercourse a relative to the child! Incidentally, this tradition was also in ancient Greece. In ancient Greece, if the woman and couple did not have children to be born and the man was childless, a woman or male relative was having sexual intercourse, and the woman was pregnant and the child was born to be a legal child.. Exactly like the same Persian. Now, it is not clear that the traditions of Iran have gone to Greece or have been from Greece to Iran but did not have a bad draw. It's interesting that ancient men and women tried to solve their problems in some way instead of being separated or left childless for the rest of their lives, and the only thing that didn't matter was the stupid jealousy and prejudice of men and the chastity and infallibility of women's commando and drama.! Cheger's solution reflects the logical mindset of ancient men.! It's a pleasure when ancient men preferred solving their problems to humble jealousies.. It's very interesting to me that Iranian men, like Turks, Arabs and Muslims, didn't have the stupid prejudices to make them stupid, but later the Religion of Islam took away their freedom and replaced them with prejudice and ignorance.. :-|

    • (A) Said:

      Yafkar – Hot 12 (9)
      I believe the religion of the war to overthrow and bring the combat to the side and command the link relative; [Dito] Cleanness among all [Hindu] Current and future, largest and best and most beautiful [Dean] Is; [Dito] Zoroastrian Ahvaz.
      I know all نیکیها deserve a Mazda.
      So is خَستویی belief in the diaspora. 8-O

  • Nothing Said:

    Basically, iran's history today is not the narrative of Iranians. Rather, this history is a collection of myths written by Russian, German, English and Italian writers who share a common denominator of their Jewishness.. If iranian translators have translated materials in this regard to keep their positions clear, they have done nothing but follow, edit, express and reflect the contents of foreign legend makers, so the myths written by foreigners and accepted by the pawns and entered into our textbooks and national ceremonies, history cannot be said.. If they don't have a pebble in the shoes, the flat footage will sometimes be broadcast by no one on TV to make people comment. why he's sowing dirt into the eyes of the masses to keep their hearts clear.
    Ironically, there is disagreement among followers of great religions such as Christians and Muslims.. Behankhtar- Christians themselves go to different branches such as Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox..... divided. Muslims are divided into Shiites and Sunnis, as well as Sunnis and Shiites themselves, each divided into different branches.. There are even disagreements about the causes of World War II and the massacres, but when it comes to iran's history, there is no disagreement.. Everyone follows Jewish writers.

    People, John, you and your site were raped.

    • Admin Said:

      Basically, reading something and learning something before you make a lot of mistakes is a very good thing.. When you don't know the alphabet of scientific work and scientific methodology, it results in writing sakhifi material.. History is science. It has a university department all over the world, it has a specialized journal, it has distinguished professors, and it has methods to get the head out of the house.. This issue has no problem with Iranian translators. Authentic historical sources are accessible from everywhere and from the Internet. You just have to remember exactly where to look for a valid story..

  • Nothing Said:

    Iran has everything it has from the Jews. Even the name Achaemenid was originally in the form of Rabbi Manesh, half of which is Hebrew and half Persian.. And it is a mark of devotion and adherence to the Jews.. And the fake title of Achaemenid 100 The last year has been created by forging history.
    And like the name itself, “Iran” It's emerging.. The country of the year 1936 Later “Iran” The name is also dated to the extent of its name.Achaemenids or, more correctly, Rabbi Munshids have nothing to do with the Persians.. They have been followers of the Jews, and Iranian historians have carried out extensive forgery in this area..
    Iran's tumultuous history, built in the last 100 years, has plunged like a cuneiform over the fanatical nationalist Iranians who, despite being aware of its falsehood, still insist on it..

  • Nothing Said:

    No one knew Cyrus until the last hundred.! Until, with the forgery of Iranian historians, this character, who did not know Iran at all, became a rector for the Aryan delusion.…

  • اوغلی Ardebil Said:

    The embarrassment of the Persians has gone, not the Iranians. :oops: :oops: :oops:

  • Alashn Said:

    Iran's representative's victory in the Turkvision race congratulates all Turks of Iran.. :) :) :)

  • Reply to Anonymous

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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