Cyber Corps Center: Over 8 million لایک have peers on Facebook
A true story
The news from Iran, which has a (Alias) Arrested and obtain ناراحتید. These days the news of the arrest comes one after another. Cheating in the election, Khamenei himself to Ahmadinejad for President, two hundred – سیصد نفر از کسانی که به این روند اعتراض کرده اند، در خیابان و در بازداشتگاهها کشته شده اند و حالا حکومت برای اینکه زهر چشم بگیرد، هر کس که قبلا فعالیت سیاسی داشته، خواه در ارتباط و خواه بی ارتباط به قضایای اخیر، را دستگیر می کند.
A quiet guy to know dorador; and well; she is like you twenty-four more years is not a student like you, but unlike you still lives in Iran.. Already some time together once you have and Internet chat he collected in a multiplayer you meet. According to the news that the mullahs, and brutality of the سبوعیت for a good fate you don't anticipate.
You have come to the United States for reading lessons; the judicial file in Iran and very comfortable can you commute to Iran is purely for yourself if you close the dhantan and do not correct the trouble, but after a while you realize that with the ojdantan of the ship that ojdantan force to aspire to surf freely in Iran and a party to go to the House of kin and relatives can decide any chrabd and they are to deliver the voice Arash Arash and oppression the likes of the American media and political figures to action. (With the assumption that you are an impressive work!)
After two or three years of comprehensive effort you and others to send a weekly email lists with frequent phone calls or an e-mail; the media offices of the representatives of the United States Congress, alien and finally comes the news that the era of the conviction of a magically come to an end and mobile will be free. A. of course you sacrifice nothing and you don't expect thanks. In the two or three years that Arash has been arrested, Arash's character has gone beyond your efforts and that of others from a first-year and second-year university student who ultimately had a hand in the wall newspaper or student dissemination of his university, and has become a journalist and combatant journalist who is released as a national hero..
One or two passes of a fish that you can make a boarding on Facebook are busy and the politics of the day the mullahs of Iran under the title of nationalism and friendship promotion! In these writings, the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards become national heroes who are fighting criminal Westerners, cyber Basijis are the proudest of Iranians, and whatever is the position of the IRGC and the backward part of the regime, the nationalist and Iran-friendly procedures are taken into account and published..
The early رودربایستی of ADO, or you react, you don't show, but gradually the others that you have less tolerance, next to رودربایستی and show a negative reaction; consequently friends are divided into two groups a group a convict and the other group to defend a common and gradually work to Internet controversy kills. After a few months you try with a gentle tone in some of the arguments you make nshansh Arash errors. The result of this would be when a couple of times did not find an answer, you have to take that as a "no issues abroad have the right to intervene in Iran" and himself as "a person who عقایدش the cost is justified and as Iran does. (Personal attack fallacy)
A prison
A prison for questioning in delivery “Haji” Make up. Haji Muslim character is very شارلاتانی and all sorts of vices and mailing campaigns are,. Haji for a side tab that describes several kept prisoner to rape their mother and if a prisoner does not deliver him that collaboration that make up the rest of the time he will serve in a shared cell. Haji, of course, admits that Arash is a good boy who has made mistakes about the Islamic holy system and in order to avoid further misunderstanding, he continues to describe a corner of his moral courage and courage in confronting other prisoners, and Arash realizes how important it is to cooperate with Haji..
Finally, a pledge that in the future something contrary to the opinion of Haji نگوید and ننویسد and also in front of the enemies of the Islamic system–That's according to Haji Iranian enemies are–If you take a position and moves against Iran (According to Haji) Haji in his sight. At this stage not yet formally hired Haji Arash is.
Arash out of prison
Arash out of prison, but there are still cases. Haji from the very beginning of a quote that was taken to diminish the duration of cooperation with محکومیتش Haji that even the judge does not show greater kindness. Also a problem later said that if the verdict comes a heavier, but since it is a so well and Haji also knows it is not, this happens. A. for an early commitment to agree a number of late Haji Haji publishes content; see the next few opponents, opposition, and little by little it is measuring this during the coming months will be a repeat of that is what writes to herself alternately believing it will continue all that size and perfection to an infinite بسیحی ration and becoming a convert, so that if one day Haji and the Lord of the Haji is the same لاطئلات, gorshan lost repeat!
Patriots a collateral
Per one prisoner of conscience in Iran at least five prisoners of conscience are out there with collateral! The Islamic Republic for its correct file and then it مخالفیتن with a heavy bail-out throws and a couple of targets at the same time the supply unit: First the number of prisoners of conscience from what it really is, much less show. In each, while all of the ones that are still out in the fact political prisoners are considered to be. Secondly, the cost to imprison these people nprdazd the same 1979; now several times more than its official capacity have been saturation. Thirdly, the collateral benefits Earn money; But more importantly, all of these people as a free tool for political propganda and release hand use.
Imam Khamenei controls how the Internet
As a general rule, any person who entered the Islamic Republic's political offense should be promised to come out with collateral and give anyone who entered the prison to be in step with the exception of Bella asked both of the cooperation.
May those who pledge their commitment to cooperation in the future, and not to act; they have lost out and stand (In cases too)Or in some cases not merely give promising antitumor activity of the system and finally to azadshan but what often happens that promise and superficial.. Knowing the issue foremost in their favor is imprisoned; The more aware the society is of this process, that those who go into detention after coming out, are under security pressure for long periods of time to cooperate and disseminate political propaganda, the more burdens are removed from the prisoner, because the audience also realizes that it is possible to project the views of the security sectors of the system on behalf of these individuals in cyberspace, and these people will be less pressured..
Tell us that one of his Corps eight million لایک we take control of Facebook Refer to the same reality the intellectual leaders of the engineering society (Those who have contacts at any level, including: Singer, actor, athlete, model, prisoners and …) Is that sometimes getting points and often with threats and pressure and intimidation by the security organs collaborate.
In many cases, this cooperation is not entirely clear, or that argument may seem correct at the time, because the audience of these messages are ordinary people and do not understand all the details of an event or the policies of the day, and the Islamic Republic succeeds in directing public opinion by incompletely describing a subject or focusing on parts of the truth of an event and mixing it with lies. slow.
However, even these methods aren't effective together and here is a bunch of چاقوکش Imam Khamenei Ansar-e Hezbollah and to help the Governments of the United States and China for Russian refuge Islam and persecution that have bred Cyber brghza it also has limits, and to date, none of these methods has the front of the publication حقایقرا–Any size that is limited–The desired objectives and does not meet the system.
Why? # m # پیشکسوتان, Rustam pour gay media slander, libel, arena play. This behavior from the time he rghtbar mrahoman behmanesh and tender reached ever continued to clear the vast omsud اقایان, Behnoud.
ShowSadegh Hedayat has written that the sanctity of man have not finished look try to create tension and profane the naughty on the 2 categories are divided. Of course, these two categories are among the people of his own and of the existence of a nuisance and should be the person or people they are there to stimulate.
Sadegh Hedayat has said these 2 categories or people that are talking are milk and others confused and profane, and either people are that this time the donkey and they also talk with others committed to be profane and profanity گوییی.
From the perspective of Sadeq Hedayat both of these 2 categories because of their performance and by stimulating others to react, in the category are not supposed to be humans and hence that guided them to 2 different animal has interpreted.
This day and the days some people, in the world of journalism is also quietly similarities with milk and a donkey is not desired Sadeq Hedayat. #M. Rostam-poor journalism that his homosexuality to the Hall of Fame # sports # Iran, these days once does the donkey work and milk the other day to be.
One day he is a great مردهای of the mrahoman ولطیف on Iranian journalism and criticism behmanesh the other day اراجیفی on the vast and bright اقایان, Behnoud pose, and the point is that he is in all these directions of his demagoguery, and there are people that he can or milk or donkey, to reach its demands by her.
Of course, a gay reporter also apparently not unhappy this situation and try to drop it low and has knowledge of their sport with the world and Iran is the reflection of material irrelevant to the exercise and there is the false.
Rostam entertainment these days and all of the poor and ndarsh has been a few falwoor in your work at the end of the way of telegram, also hurt national champions and people like to read liar Behnoud master.
The servant to the width of the reporter, I like every day is the day comes and journalism on msrfsh all, but remember that good journalism to express that truth will be your working life and have a sort of milk and was not a donkey..
Today Mr. behmanesh joined to eternity, but he will always be remembered, Nikki is your score in front of you which is not zero, behmanesh would have thought that the rest of your life how you spent and what you want to say?
Dear friend, I am sure you did not notice the relationship of this entry I?
برای آگاهی شما من نه بهمنش می شناسم؛ نه مهدی رستم پور می دانم کیست و نه همجنسگرا بودن و نبودن این اشخاص، مادامی که در حیطه زندگی خصوصی خودشان باشد، برایم اهمیت دارد.
But even if we assume that you will be sent correctly rather than کامنتتان, then to be properly or show something wrong must be wrong because its on correctly or bring (Personal attack fallacy)Private individuals like issues; their sexual orientation is associated with khabshan bed.
One of the wonders of Islam's was that rather than replace with the penis brain. The group will argue the sex and the brain.
In the meantime some of the work of many of our compatriots have been easy. Rather than show an argument is incorrect; it is rejecting a practical error or is said should be Scouting the bedroom side until his دربیابند whether sexual relations cannot in principle and accepted and accepted standard or not! اگر روابط جنسی خود شخص ایراد نداشت و با ما مخالف بود، یحتمل اتاق خواب پدر و مادرش یا جد و آبا اش هم تواند نشان دهد که مشارالیه بر حق نیست و آلات فوق الذکر فاقد استانداردهای لازم برای ارایه استدلال منطقی هستند.
ShowI absolutely agree with the answer . Some are zaten for the live and breath that you know the rest of why you breathe? How do you breathe? A breath that takes trick or not? Mean to the life of what people are doing,… Don't have one hmjnsgarast one….. One time ….. What is the middle seems? If someone is born in 2-sexual form, … Should they cultivate? Fingers of the facade? The first principle of human beings is freedom and authority in his life and the place of living, religion, cover and feed.….In this Islam, which only the right to life and the AHL-i-محدودددیت, the type of clothing, hijab, and mandatory and eat and drinking should also consider them, and there is even a crime to act contrary to these sayings. … The meaning of man being taken from us… I do not have a minimum of your life. .
ShowBut responding to Internet control by Khamenei ….(The word imam will be dubbed to the people of the person. And this gimmicks himself after Khomeini … Please enter this article as a site in which a person is not named as the title of Imam Yshh. Like Wikipedia rules ).Should say simply… If you take a look at the constitution, which was done by Khamenei in 67 after Khomeini's death, we will notice that the total authority for every task, except for the leadership and the head of the three main leaders in Iran, but also …
ShowDetermining and selecting the head of banking, justice, judiciary, head of Parliament. Corps, Army and …… It was added to relinquish, including those who appointed Sima Irib after every 5 years.. And by entering the Internet and the virtual world to Iran and SIM cards, the رییسس of these institutions are also تایین by the person.…Like the chief of Communications and Communications, Reyes and Internet data information bases …. And commander of the Sheep police ….. So so the rations and the people of the car are knows and then the work that you dare ad… Because Shezy Khamenei gave up a 24-hour trial of a high-ranking official, even a person with a death sentence in the same constitution.….However, he has given himself the year . Rid
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