Archive for فوریه, 2012

Statistics کشتگان denomination Azerbaijan democratic and fakes trkystha

اعضای فرقه دموکرات آذربایجان با تصویر استالین.

Members of Azerbaijan's Democratic cult with Stalin.

The English version of this article from mehrazar on the Severn here Or here.

Recently Motallebi Pen Ali Karachay world Le – One of the well known Pan-ترکیستهای – The site analyzed the demand of the citizen published کشتگان دروغینی statistics about the number of cult shows provide Azerbaijan democratic. About the site and its performance, citizen earlier An espahbod article here I published.

Trkystha almost all of the threads of history, culture, celebrities and national honors to the number of words and verbs in Turkish, and the population of the provincial budget ترکزبانان and torkzaban areas of counterfeiting, and this is not the first case of جعلیاتشان, certainly will not be too آخرینش. But it is said that thousands of members of the cult were murdered by the Iranian Government, Democrats, Mein, which should go beyond the scope of جعلیاتشان before it is answered.

The fact that the Soviet Union, the democratic Azerbaijan and Kurdistan for the cult of fragmentation, straight and your hands, not on the person wearing the. (To learn more To look at these documents)

George Friedman: Israel's military attack on Iran is not possible without the accompaniment of America

حمله نظامی اسراییل به ایران

Military attack on Iran

After threats of military attack on the Israel authorities and لفاظیهای اسراییلیها to Iran recently and taken a new dimension over the past few weeks and we will link to more news sites Iranians, several experts in the field comment including two important conversation that I heard recently is one of the برژین AAA- The designer of the Americans in the past decade, foreign policy – That the attack in the direction of the national interests of the United States knows and believes the military attack, the Americans fired from the region and to the security of Israel and Pursuant to the destruction of Israel within a decade Will. Dr. George Friedman A prominent political analyst and also that of the surviving Jews of the Holocaust, today this subject more practical threat to the exhortations of reads.

All together Turkish bread Turkish چیزمان;

نان سنگک

Sangak bread

One of the Pan-Turks claims that the "bread" of Persian Turks It is from the Turks to Iranians, the importance of this claim is better known when we know that this sangak is no longer that old Sangak and thanks to the velayati system, it has a dignity and has reached a grain of thousands of tomans..

Of course we Curmudgeon and perhaps this points to the bread to the Turks at a bread in the La تاریخشان to the shared souvenir, but these guys are not aulshan that time of Surrey and charshnbeh Marilyn Monroe And Rumi And Military And Ibn Sina They started, and now they've reached Sangak bread and goat broth, and if they keep going, they won't just leave anything from our historical past, they must demand something for these historical services..

Ali ایحال encyclopedia of Jewish cuisine which is a The comprehensive academic reference For the classification of foods is a belief to the contrary belief, this pan is trkyst pantrkyst friends According to the encyclopedia ofSangak bread is an Iranian bread that, contrary to the belief of this friend of Pan Turkistman, its name is derived from the same word "stone" Persian and has long been the standard bread of the Iranian army, each soldier has a bag of flour and pebbles with him and if necessary, he cooks bread by doughing the flour..

Barbari bread would also name it barbarian name of "the people of Afghanistan," the traditional bread and nothing to do with the Turks, and in the 18th century came to Iran.

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