The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)
A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. After entering the party and the usual compliments, he suddenly asked me if I believed in the existence of God. It was a strange question to start the conversation after greeting, but I tried to explain to him without insulting the host's beliefs that his seemingly simple question could have not so simple answers.
The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.
News پریشب about the sale of a volume of the Gospel on the radio I heard an American in a Sotheby's. Speaker with a passion for explaining the Gospel; $68 thousand of dollars to buy and has written to the German language, by Einstein and his wife the gift to someone else and it reads that the Gospel is the best way for human happiness. It is clear that is not going to be told in the Gospel that the Holy Quran is the best way forward! And that means give the gift of the Gospel to another person that it believes the content of the. (As I repeatedly Gospel and the Quran to people who need it, is a gift.) Unfortunately, they're advertising with Sue others for the use of the name مومنین and religion have always been a lot of wholesale trade with get and spread the faith in the world, the more prevalent at the time. In the United States over any four-way and in every neighborhood a couple of burgers, and the Church can be found the oil changer. Churches, such as commercial enterprises, other churches compete for attention with مومنین and more ایماندار that catches any size of hanger without money are entitled to taxpayer مالیاتِ. So it's a trade tens of billion dollar to empty the pockets of the مومنین is going on. This دکانداران religion where necessary and for religious propaganda of lies and dghl and Sue using the name famous people is not the regime.
This An example of religious advertising About personal faith, Einstein told that it's time to have a translation of the English. In this video for a listener who does not know the original premise; Borhani called Argument from evil (Problem of evil) Can be raised as incomplete and claims Einstein — That is a physicist and has never been a philosopher at all — At the time of childhood, this argument is rejected. At the end of this time, such as "کوکانه" with "wisdom religion religion back to schools" will be displayed on the screen. This video is a sample of the advertising Commons فریبانه is fake and that it The superficial fake man (Straw man fallacy) Say.
In addition to the Christian, Muslims are also not remain silent momenan idle and Einstein in recent years to the Islam religion Shia Imami find conversion 12 tricks. Conversion of these toys were introduced is Ayatollah (The person who took the July 28 coup d ' état, along with street thugs and other clerical work with the CIA in AfghanistanI ) و ظاهرا دو تن از مراجع تقلید قم هم موضوع تشرف ایشان را به دین اسلام تایید کردند.
With all this in the name of the person that Albert Einstein, the physicist and the general theory of relativity vaza, know it; at the time of حیاتش due to lack of belief in the existence of God was the excommunication from the کلیساداران,. This means that today the shrine dismantled Einstein widescreen; he wanted to take his hand, or from the کفرگویی or leave American soil. Sometimes in his اینیشتن that his religious read or said to God refers. — As for example Steven Hawking In one of the books to reread "mind of God" refers to — Do not change the subject. Such are the successful concepts and کنایات astghareh things wrong and not religious belief means. As hawking is a godless; اینیشتین says:
What you about my religious beliefs is the essence to lie. Frequently repeated Mein. I don't believe a personal God and I have never not concealing this time and it clearly states I. If something within me that it could be called religion. It is the structure of the universe belongs to admire our knowledge to date revealed.
I am a deeply religious person, believe in the existence of God am. This is the new kind of religion can be considered.
And again, Says:
The idea of a personal God, for me, is completely alien and even naively.
It said its strong reactions in Einstein's time among the Christian mullahs stirred and some were his excommunication. This is an example of these letters is one of the leaders of my church (اونجلیک Christians) Sent for him:
Professor اینیشتین, I believe that every Christian in America will respond to you: "We are ایمانمان to the God of his son Jesus Christ to ourselves and we will not abandon." but we invite you if you do not have to believe in the God of this nation to Tottenham lose ground from which you return, come. "I was doing whatever I can to be merciful toward us and then you coming and with it the language of کافرتان more than what all Christians were efforts of anti-Semitism in this country, the Jews shot rooting You're.
Prof. اینیشتین, all American Christians will respond to you: "It's silly and false theory the vector and تکاملت the same turnaround in Germany where the catalyst of it; or tlasht to loose faith in the people who welcome you to say; when you have to escape from the country as Ken, stop now.
- Among those who worked closely with the CIA and the Shah during and after the coup are: Ayatollah Abolqassem Kashani, Kashani’s son who was the second person who talked at Radio Tehran as soon as it was captured by the coup plotters, Ayatollah Mohammad Behbahani, Ayatollah Sheikh Ahmad Kafaee Khorasani, Ayatollah Sheikh Bahaaldin Nouri, Hojatolislam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi, and Grand Ayatollah Brujerdi. [+] [↪]
I got the update atlaaatton . Stephen William hawking mordaadm ادعایش in the existence of God then there's truth to the cave and jlalah admitted.
ShowCould you tell me where the ادعایش was then hawking . Please, please attach a link.
ShowSo it turned out what Adam has this احمقی Einstein told. The call is obviously that has animation, foll stress.
Altabh was a German scientist called Einstein (Einstein) That is to say(Say, we are not on fixed) The complex has been understood and Adam. Of course, the Iranians that even I do not know how the name got right بنویسیند OK to claim with a thousand out of mourning and the chicken wedding and silly in the cases themselves can vardsh..
ShowTo respond to claims of انشتین: 1.- EBay Insider her, the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki got her blood to the neck in the first 2-Darren, if you doubt, therefore why do بفرمایین the Philadelphia experiment? 3.- In response to انشتین and Hawkins said that know Nikola Tesla.
ShowIn response, you:
Einstein's first independent of character, there are you and me. Einstein is a well-known to have been involved in the new physics and the partnership has been a major; the size of Einstein's general relativity was not the major that if we still had working with Newtonian mathematics and head. Whether we come like Einstein or anyone else doesn't like or cause is not lack of validity or with.
That conversation ourselves quietly and correct to assume the opinions of ourselves and instead try the world around and see it as guys are, whatever or any one who mkhalfman it was discredited, illiterate, criminal, corrupt, tiny and trivial focus of intellectual maturity and there is a lack of superficial view. All of these are of course related to when not to use mkhalfman because if we hit him probably the same disaster that we are over the head like the Shahnameh he scraped together. Always wipe the face the issue easier than encountering it is.
It would be that one day the world's greatest scientist Einstein because Shia Imam Sadegh and astdlalat in the late 1980s, the proof of the things we're interested; but that later turns out to be a stupid lies and our money – simple view * to become a criminal and a not-so-important characters who are basically not notable and another person who is tbaman OK — if — rather than Einstein takes place. This is so that the human sciences Western intelligence agencies and made to be (Folly and tortured string) Because of our interest in that چرندیاتی does not endorse, and we therefore do not spill it away to ourselves what we manufacture in accordance with the میلمان. This is so that the stench of Ahmadinejad to the country and then explain why instead of to the status reached that place, economic concepts such as the poverty line, inflation, the rate of development and changes the Gini coefficient. These are all parts of a single human comedy.
Secondly, Einstein had no collaborative construction of the atomic bomb. The person named atohan was first to fission other atoms nuclear physicist by the name of اپونهایمر in the Manhattan project to build the atomic bomb was the responsibility of the. The only thing that Einstein in connection with the atom bomb was a letter to the U.S. President Roosevelt's time wrote and explained that a German-Italian physicist heard are busy making the atomic bomb. So Einstein is not making a bomb and not to bomb the place, but these are for us the importance of sanctions because the US does not confirm Einstein's theories and it is the same as alakhlagh and corrupt criminal.!
Thirdly, because there God said Einstein means that God does not exist. More than ninety-five percent of the world's most prominent scientists today do not believe in God and the existence of all discredited and corrupt alakhlagh and not less important; just what we're interested in is not approved and not believe it.
My goal of this release a few more about God and religion was that the likes of you to know how much loose attitudes and mslmatshan – that even the most general principles based on the derivatives it governed the country and kill people, they also place doubt is what it ofroa to reach the annexes that are not something beyond the childish tales.
ShowThese two honorable (!) Those comments that the peak of the growing consciousness of a theistic. Congratulations to them, and all hmnoaanshan.
ShowAssume that the other peril or انشتین to have the belief in God or do not, there is a reason that others spend being انشتین or the like do not believe in God or Ann, makes faith to God or the hand of faith have?
ShowNot to believe or not to believe a person is most certainly a topic, because it's not accept or decline on that subject. In a piece that I wrote about hawking I mentioned that about 93 percent of the U.S. 's most prominent current scientists (Members of the Academy of Sciences) And 95 percent of the current time to the biologists do not believe in God. But again, this time alone because of the lack of the existence of God is not a religion or an incorrect. To accept or decline any logical reasons we need things that confirm the correctness of the conclusion we have specifically. In the case of religion, there is no logical reasons basically never. Religion religious groups do not accept logical reasons. But there are logical reasons for that of others is not a hoax and for political or religious interest, or lie to them نبندیم advertising.
ShowYou got fired documentary look, notice that you say so, that America is not nice that eBay insiders science communications 95 are godless dersdshon because نمیذارنند the opposition talk
ShowI don't have the necessary documentation has been fired to see. I live in America, and every day the American society with the eyes I can see. American society is strongly religious community.
Forty-six percent of the American people Believe that the Earth is only six thousand years of human beings and dinosaurs together in one time purely because it is a chapter of Genesis in the Bible (The Bible Christians) So come. But I agree with you about the lack of freedom. For example, universities should be secular, but are not. I own a couple of times on behalf of the professors, who were themselves considered secular, I reprimanded friendly contents contrary to the نگویم religion because it may not welcome متدینین. If you do not have a right to abide by such request.
ShowMy friend got the secular greeting to you
ShowIn Iran, the only issue is not religious, but the concept of a single God in front of the old and the new religion of another religion, which God مذهبهای unbelievers. in fact the culture question Gary is very beautiful and filled with an invigorating and very هجیان but when the subjects raised by English speakers study مکنم but a kind of hatred and religion or something else can't be understood
ShowIran's religious rulers in power and propaganda tool for the political and economic باجگیری. In other communities there are also religious and this situation nearly as pressure groups lobbying but because the power in Iran is more religion and everything related to religion; it is clear that the opposite is more severe reactions..
ShowOne of the interesting disagree that God is done three to Dean (Most of the three to Dean, I know now, I mean ابراهیمیه religions;) That sent not only from the time metnfarn, but everyone from the inside (Religions) Problem with themselves the cult any religion and Darren Darren that don't bear the cast met… According to the first and third nkhoran and pork--circumcision, circumcision is not necessary--said the Middle, but don't استمنأ can bkhoran pork… In the ten commandments after the first command that says God is telling her that the image یکیست and second nsazan says that growing its osoma spoiler ever, fourth in command says; "Saturday closed!» Verbal, but about the earth being round and not dinosaurs… I know that I associate this place is اینستاین!
ShowI'm quite confused to who I believe religion and religious?
ShowMr. Nima if you don't understand the word, especially to the ghlam Arabic
ShowIn a July 22 God discovered االمغربین paste and paste المشرقین means Lord of the East and the West of being two round the Earth rather than bulging دیکری interfere ابهای sweet passion in the Quran that speak to the bulging with equipment تمروزی captures the gold in our religion is forbidden on the man who, after centuries of white blood cell deposits cause astfadeh in place of the gold for men's cancer and it is the location of the discovery and the proven and……. I got a lot of things will be reached and reach or میرسن
ایشتن has been a man if he did not have faith that if blessed bonanza of great blessing himself has denied
And in the end fit albatl zhghalbatl Haq and paced Ann Kahn destroy vicious zhogha you the right and gets to destroy the black void-like درستیکه night is doable . Thinking with the mind is thinking but maybe Einstein told the meaning of mind was full and so was یکسونگر in the Quran was given one let one note is ogofth we give you the wisdom and power of analysis and we do not mind taghlon afla thinking alham principle Ali Nabi
More sahbtton have to say that in the book have been used repeatedly that Flo Anthony ایشتین to believe Espinosa Espinosa, of course, God of God, and میپنداشته nature of this kind of response you got a religious perspective in ادئیست Einstein named Spinoza, but when the unity of the forces of nature as God, remember, Einstein got this issue explicitly set aside your wines and hence the expression. :
I’m not an atheist, and I don’t think I can call myself
Showa pantheist. We are in the position of a little
child entering a huge library filled with books in
many languages. The child knows someone must
have written those books. It does not know how. It
does not understand the languages in which they
are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t
know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see the universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds grasp the mysterious
force that moves the کونستللاتیونس
Meanwhile, the proof of the existence of God by mentioning that scientists believe in the existence of God is not a fake than but devoid of grace that say people like Maxwell's equations with the expansion of electromagnet waves, kind of got پاییه modern physics by modern technology and owe him well or boron, which is quantum mechanics or father Francis Collins with decoding human DNA Nobel Prize in the year 2000 Were received, all دئیست
In any case, my dear friend, I suggest you book THERE IS A GOD Please study the effect of anti-Flo.
Dear friend, the God of Spinoza, God is not omnipotent God consciousness and the competent. The God of Spinoza (Nature) With The Almighty, the God of Aristotle That has the intelligence, the will and the creation of the world and the reason for's disposal are. That is, just like with the name of God, but the God of any religion, including Christianity and Judaism Ebrahimi or Islam. To assume that someone to believe in the God of Spinoza have the subject he's Jewish or Christian Twelver and does not believe in the Gospel.
ShowThe baby isn't with this dignified * should be looked into the eye of a patient. to quote Thomas Edison:Someone debate with باکسی to جایعقل and select the rationalism of religion such as the prescribed medication is dead بهدیک bahamh baby میکم نباشی tired there ... I hope someday all hmotananmon harfto bfahman.
Show[…] Of experts to testify that we help; fry like Einstein have been Shia, and ' u ' Hazrat Abbas read from lovers of Beit e […]
ShowSo now I got a kind of ape man become? I you do not گید that man thus evolved to become a man so why is monkey now well have also discovered that the evolution of OO?? But there may be no asnan made? If your answer is yes then why no human protein cannot be made or sneaky? On the assumption of a human being from a single-celled acknowledges the existence of a single cell from its bulging bulging where is well??? A chaotic chzor can create order anymore? A disordered set got khodshe could not get anymore let alone remember that and a male and female animal right anymore?? Male and female!!!!! Keep now that the monkey, but it's also thinking of human ndarnend? How was that they should figure out the monkeys mating? Ella snap decisions how formed? Where are the evolution of the birds? And thousands of questions in the نرسیدم somewhere but zhanman
ShowDear friend, those being the spherical Earth into question Korea also took the svalshan like you were raised. Probably like you in front of the svalshan is three times the question mark meant:
Fortunately or unfortunately, the topic of human evolution from other animals as a personal opinion, or a particular group and not in the world of science as the earth being spherical dogmatism is the. That is, we are today after a hundred and fifty years with the knowledge of genetics and the scientific documentation of the mountain know that human beings are disconnected from other creatures have evolved and this has the effect of natural selection in evolution. This is the only scientific explanation for the emergence of humans and animals and is in addition to the basic science of modern biology, it is.
Because of how the evolution of creatures found a very detailed argument that if you have an interest in knowing that you can mark up to the number of comments on سوالهایت, the book being; and mark your questions more than the number of books in Persian and valid educational films in this respect on the Internet is available.
Why not find the evolution of monkeys also find evolution or evolution belongs. The ancestors of human beings and these پرایمیت–Like chimpanzees–Today's monkeys were not any group that has more attributed to generation and environment over time to become a species other.
Showکریسشین "post", "ایزاکسن" in this book, not only in terms of the science, but also more human aspect to the character, "Einstein" and in various parts of the book documents the life of the father of modern physics that brought her to the deep faith of God are.
The author of the book "on the part of Einstein: Life and the universe he writes»: "But the astonishment and the allure of faith in God in her life [Einstein] In the past decade 50 He finds he was more especially when he brings that to God on his own words, "the manifestation of the existence of the cosmic laws."»
ShowSimon Schuster have
ShowChristian post or journal the Christian mullahs says Einstein believes in the existence of God. In all the links that I sent my says [The old Prophet] Don't believe any lie told either that the said. Now if mteghn and valid documents in it that of course providing weighty journal bahthsh is isolated and we are heading into their mouth and say you're wrong if you don't believe! Of course, your belief in the order contact the end of life, he has found more important was یحتمل the same time with the President of the Assembly of experts Ayatollah Kenney also about physics and the speed of light Call شیعگی has said Imam Sadiq.
After these yourself here's a funny look, sing away ansafa?
ShowIn your opinion, it's laughter?? Just my opinion you do not answer these questions really means so I fanatic Viper??
ShowThe answer is really very simple you can set several books I ever read the book of Mr. دایکنیز got to Aaron یحی I noticed that there's no possible way to have this man so your question is based on the گید principle of natural selection? Apart from the human mind power creatures aren't darnand? The power to choose their own thinking that sing darnand definitely get is based on the principle of the problems like natural things evolve well, what's the cause of evolution found if female or male wanna know where the closet? I want to know where is the closet of birds ! The first organisms on Earth where the closet initial creatures and closet space creatures sure got a growing shed is not going .. There's a lot of fossils that like morjah and WaSP and moth or even fish that have no difference with so few fossils of the creatures, now the other question ndarnend : How the power of the human mind finds? The man who will keep the hair poured pH levels? A chimpanzee because I did not evolve to asnan?? Why humans میمره ! I.e. not Adam, according to natural selection most of the fleeing death?? Or somehow not wanted his own man? پروئتین has several types of BMW? And I do not have a single cell was very chaotic and bi so should anyone be shit edastsh غیراینه tick? The necessary condition for the construction of a building to the other, if necessary up to 250 دایکینز apart from protein is say well one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Up to 100 9 0 dont randomly came together( To get involved or any Chi because of subtitles I'd) So why should this principle No. 1:250 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000در should actually infinite possibility is said ( Can I Proof of mathematics of course, not have been interesting but my property ) In fact, there's a places on their own and you've got a head to sadfah the course of a few شندیم that Darwinism, unlike دایکینز which tells of an atom was a very complex creature just got correct and say that's available has been هدیت this mean I should be even, the creator is بینگبنگ theory ojchood God proof, my personal opinion is, of course, because both sides say the world is made but BMW says that the head of the sdfahatfagh with the roughness and چنیشی that the world is totally tzadeh as well as suggest the source of the Bing bang is not clear, but the group later said that the explosion occurred at its source and by a designer is God, that, of course, Mr. hawking ( هکنیگ) In the book says if one seconds after the great anfejaz if the speed of the dilatory responses even less than one in one hundred thousand million million before the world was to reach current size world of Hemi can book a brief history of time apart page 188 ) That is, in the given time and a given speed which means I planned … In the untamed should say that I doubt the existence of God and realized that Darwinism makes the racism of Hitler, of course, is that it's the apex of امیداورم good luck
ShowDear friend if you I am oghtt Noddy with a simpleton like me, don't waste my time with me because you don't like the tenth scientist header. You assume that I am and that is something I can learn from the graft or not part of my understanding of the subject.
Based on scientific methods and principles you and science oshbehh science does not know the difference. Because the math proves that there is no evolution or natural selection is a nonsense word. Natural selection is the basis of modern biology.
Even a scientist can't find power biologist who accepts such a letter مهملی. Before you book, Richard Dawkins or any book being; the need to know what to read and how it's being;. You must know the science of how it works and what is reliable and what is not reliable. As soon as you sign-up for me:"On the basis of natural selection? Apart from the human mind power creatures aren't darnand? The thinking power of darnand sing themselves. "This means you dont know natural selection (natural selection) What is the! When you dont know what natural selection; how you judge who is wrong or I'm a simple tablet that people believe in it?
You expect you all learn of graft in the comments and the one like I've to write what is a natural choice, because that is the reality of how the first creatures of the ازآمینو acid came has and how they could open their first biological materials to production. You expect بیجا! These are comments from a website in the section do not recall making the debt should be happy physique and a few books being;. I mean, this is really not that you download eBooks being; and the first few pages I read بگویی and then being;. Can either of the My library Start.
ShowAlbert Einstein had accepted God, but this is what was obviously a growing acceptance that religious Judaism got put aside, but so do accept, khdaro, some say Shi was, of course, I'm not sure, but this issue is something that obviously is really there God vine so great from Adam qbolsh Darren as well as Albert Einstein on the theory of the point Ph.
Show[…] It was a broad. (Einstein's belief about the existence of God to this entry […]
ShowOnce we made our minds are in Morro God for God begin to understand the size of the person God made everyone well
ShowHi all my friends leave in this world people comfortable. live let them believe in God themselves, and they feel this belief with a lull on the side of those who do not believe in God and believe they all feel this lack of composure side by side with peace and kindness live. The دغلکارانی account of religion and religious people eat bread or jdast.
ShowMr. a human right, namely the vessel against the letter quietly agree with unjustly so be sure to remember the characters and friends of Muharram and the large non-Mahram همانیست everyone says that the God of wisdom, he says it's not honorable to those who don't believe that God is not supposed to be addressed and who dont get involved it is not interesting to the edema was a know account
ShowThe name of the Lord first and last hearing and Dana Bina
ShowIbn Muslim poet, said he loves beauty against Dexter: The repair doesn't know and doesn't know who know in ignorance forever remain aldehr
Speaking on the poet with all the ignorant fools and the repair that I corrected my nmasst doesn't know and doesn't know that it is such a pity animal doesn't survive . If God's spirituality and religious scientist Einstein told the world that the blessed go saadtshan but if God and religion and belief complete and religion, especially the b version of the top of the great bliss of Islam ددنیا go right he denied himself to seek the science of physics being who were aware of the substance of science but are deprived of the knowledge and power of the Tiki brain stretch version of the analysis does not make Tiki. In the mind and thinking the two are separate and complementary categories who have the mind but not thinking naqasnd and vice versa . In the Quran, also pointing out that the human mind is like a do not (Afla taghlon) In the Quran, God who is remember to order long man who favors on the میشمارد and then the Mara are invited to employing reason and Android together with . اوناییکه wind میندازن have a double chin and think quietly to the doctrinal meaning of religiosity and thjerh and بیکلاسیه and میکشند naqasshan library books go to old versions of scientific books, ROC scholars and Muslim philosophers and thinkers with incomplete scientific articles supported by match. you mostly adapted the basic resources and petrological and books of Muslim scientists . علومی that in recent decades the century before it gets discovered by the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet, his strict order example mentioned brushing that go hand in hand, especially at the time of Imam Sadeq as promotion and with books and articles to our promise and the generation of Muslims new to science have been moved and today has a direct impact on the relationship between memory and light brush large eyes among avrand with all this Technology is something that hundreds of years ago in the prestigious Islamic narratives are told not bad in the corner of the naqastan library with books on interpretation of the Quran and Islamic medicine and modern medicine books are complete and the ornate
Are you that علمیتان is only five emotions and base almetan and all داراییتان who apparently is the science of matter and Lee are actually the root and crooked almetan دینیست as visionaries and the common research platform is the نهالیست of the new مرحلهی fours to move on stage two of the feet and the hands permanent بزرگترهایش so true to be able to stand on its own and dopa untamed to conclude that it must be adults ask for help Because the land eating and have experienced failure of the proposed ad as a man of God and love of the human mind that is like تفکرتان to get dinner, where ornate books of God and religion as you see are little surge is the right way to redirect the human science that I مینازید to it, according to scholars and science بشریست ایمه 1.3 and 2.3 remaining when Hazrat Alam Savior of humanity sahbalzman His efforts with the emergence of the بفرمایند a.s. science evolution and its maturity.
ShowSo the result is that the word oharf of the untamed : To quote the endless compliments the chicken lay srjat مادیگرا intimate fine-میبینمت
Probably the right عینکت appr. The world is not out of the realm of science article. Science is something that the ability to view, Falsifiability and testing is. what if The condition of Falsifiability (falsifiability) Science is not about science or not science and Soddo this requirement is possible only in the realm of the supernatural. Those who believe in the physical world or non-الطبیعه conditions that are other ways of understanding such as witnesses or revelations are resort. The science of metaphysics or the understanding of the physical world tools, or to quote you, "not" Tiki world. Only those who like you did not have a good drschan of over might do about such a non-physical, non-materialistic science..
The same as you said yourself in the above comments are:
ShowOr high power version of the mghston downwards karyotype analysis and digestion to understand God and the universe beyond wine dinner, or have got the gesture and not a top-down look at you from the viewpoint of the religion of Islam and the Quran are explicit regard for the pile like that with a task just off Yemen and the likes of feet I just your narratives and the Qur'an as argan sayings if you want authentic Islamic books with the help of welfare and presentable with animation, foll The glasses I actually am not willing at all nasal post because the کوردلان not tolerate open yourselves to your personal library, I invited my friends and hope to steer astray and کوردلان
ShowMary Mrs تحلیلتون you the power analysis of ballast and to understand that this رسسیدین بگین Ki khdaro created?
ShowThanks I tell ya “God doesn't need a creator!” Really thought to behold:Why isn't the same handwritten Quran امکانش of what's o.k.? the human Meg Quran? why do I get extreme guys هستین!؟
His answer is:Because there's a God that has induced us… And should be scared of…
تبارک God and absolute the absolute perfection and excellence, there is no such defect is not the fault and. The concept of the word of God is the most public and the most simple concepts that all people, even those who deny the existence of God, as well as understand it.
Although the understanding of God's truth and essence of excellence and تبارک for humans is impossible but a lot of the ways can be found to the certainty of the Lord تبارک and will find excellence. Ways of knowing God in a general category can be split into the following ways:
1ـ intellectual way (Like the argument from possibility and necessity of and the like)
2- The experimental way (The argument order)
3ـ Dell way (Argument from nature)
The easiest and best ways, the nature of the argument (The God of the way of the heart) That man with his back to the inside, needless of any intellectual argument or empirical observation of its God, and of the way it looks to the Dell, sweetheart.
The important thing in response to this question, which is how God created or who created God, find the answer to these questions is that the philosophical: "The criterion of need due to? متکلمین in the criterion of the need for" due to the loving, finger on the problem, but the main criteria, according to the established need to know the cause of the problem are possible, from the perspective of their own because the essence of the Lord Almighty «مبرّا» of the possibility to describe the exalted one obligatory and, therefore, the question of the circuit need to be out due to.
As a result of seeing that God is neither possible nor happen, so no need to cause and creator.
Show[…] Einstein was the basis of the existence of God is evil, of مریدان this is a Mullah is a subject that […]
ShowWhether or not the Shia anshten have documented evidence to prove this claim . If a Muslim has been blessed to have been saadatsh if God knows himself and ungodly herself
ShowHowever, a prejudice to the principle of this robust tree entered Islam and ایمه are the متمسک الوثقی arot Horrocks is a massive column of survivors is it just gets استمسک balarot الوثقی العلیم Sami lanovsam laha blog IE work is not the way forward and forcing religion upon everyone he is clear that out of the way so no follow-up and return to the path of faith and God's prstsh گراید to the string tightly and استواری Cheng struck that Will never break okhdavand to whatever people say وکنند hearing and knowing. . R cow discovered 256
Whether Einstein told of Islam in his own نمیخورد this collection of blow Mr. Einstein told that if if if your have not entered into this collection of huge bounties police denied . And all those who know and are not back to God and religion in the day when the Lord of NLP to have learned very much regrets the Yom alhasrt want to suck . In the hope of opening the hearts and ears of deaf blind وچشمهای locked

ShowA practical test :

ShowI suggest only once from the bottom of heart “God” Ask
Later, in the path of the زندگیت try and see the signs of God and desire ahesast after deeply thinking now
Basically the word of God being a good chuckle and humanity mfahomeh …
I مطئنم all of the Moon at least once ur lives God felt
Understanding God is somewhere between reason and ahsasmon cannot be baore .
Iranian 1.1393 9.
All those who claim God's existence when they are caught Bella Yi started the paddle and loves God doesnt sound that منکرش are the essence. اونجاییکه get dadashon no human reasons, argument and forget. and are متمسک to the Lord
ShowGroup مادّیون (Denies God) They said::
"We believe that the phenomena of the world, beginning and end, and the old world, and always is, to talk about this, we have come to this place, if you're OK with us, it turns out that the تقدّم and the superiority of us otherwise, we will be with you the opposite.»
The Prophet's Holy صلّی ـ against it-and he got: You agree that the: The phenomenon of aghazand immediately and are always there and forever?
The Group denies God: Yes, this is our opinion, because we are loving and we've never seen before, for the start of the phenomenon and fena and we have not observed it for the finals, we warrant that the phenomena of the world have been and always will be.
The Prophet: I ask you my side of it, whether you are old and ابدیّت and always seen creatures? If you say we've seen, have you with the same wisdom and thought and physical force always has been in the past and for ever, so you can see the ازلیّت and ابدیّت all the creatures, and such a close and objective reality, unlike the ادّعائی and all the common universe you will lie on these claims.
The Group denies God: We do not have such ادعائی, that being old and survival of the creatures we've seen.
The Prophet: So you do not judge a way, because you admit yourself not with you and not seen the creatures being old and not the destruction that you have not seen their survival, so how can you report to one side, and the verdict would go because we've never seen fena and loving creatures, so they are old and are eternal?
(Then the Prophet's Holy ـ صلّی ـ asked against it, which besides condemning the opinion, prove that the mojoadat are not happen,) He said::
Do you see that day and night are one behind the other, and they always were?
The Group denies God: Yes.
The Prophet: Do you see such a day and night that always have been before and will be in the future.
The Group denies God: Yes.
The Prophet: Do you think it possible that night and day are gathered in one place? And eat me ترتیبشان?
The Group denies God: no
The Prophet: So in this case are separated from each other when it was all one to another, it would seem.
The Group denies God: Yes is the same.
The Prophet: You are loving yourself with this confession, what of the night and day prior to it being that it submitted, you warrant, so don't deny the power of God[1] Then the Prophet's Holy ـ ـ صلّی continued against such:
"Night and day, your opinion does not start or start and is eternal? If there is a mark in order to tell us that it is the same loving proves to be and if it is not necessary to tell this is the start of something that is not there, the beginning of the end.
(When limited to the end of the day and night, wisdom says to start also will be limited, because of the limitations of the end of the day and night that are separated and are passed and then one after another has come from new).
Then he said:: You say: The old world is the opinion you have understood well or not?
The Group denies God: Yes we know that what the conviction.
The Prophet: Do you see that the creatures of the world are transplantation and together in survival and the need to have each other, so that we can see in a building, its components ( From straw and clay and stone and brick-and-limestone) Linked together and to the survival of the building need each other.
When all the components of the world was, how can we fix the old and[2] If indeed, these other parts that need to be linked and, if they were old, they were not happen how.
The Group denies the God of drmandend answer, and did not mean to express loving works because they wanted more on the meaning of loving creatures who didn't as it was to the old belief, adapt, hence, were humiliated and hard to give us the opportunity to say this happens.[3]
Greetings to you, ارسالیتان more interestingly the text speaks a kind of verbal debate between Socrates and the cover sideways and restore practices سوفسطائیان resembles to the word of the Prophet and his family in the traditions, sayings and deal books! یحتمل, اکاذیبی, further to the publication of the companions of the field because the assignment of the theory of general relativity to time dilation and Mr. Broujerdi, the basics of quantum mechanics to electromagnetic theory and algheran mshaf قدسیه ANVAR Maxwell to the rulings of prayer and fasting and baharalanoar and especially this case mochr means استهزای سقراطی پیغبر person of technology training, and will endeavor to venture at waggle.!
Hello, when you said God is the eternal, the absolute and eternal and omnipotent and aware, unless alsador ازلیت Fi and Compaq eternity or absolute criteria with authority and درایتش سنجیدید or بعینه view all consequences of his goals or beg all the time and you present that he places such osfsh? Except when the Court of Justice will speak to the divine, to the future you have to return another time for us to tell them our description of the s?
As theists to him are the essence of God's مبقیه single and فعلیتی that he is out of time will give the realization (That is, it is not the same and will no longer have the will because “The will of” And “Never will” Lump sum, not one) But on the whole this change, per se, a well or are an existing unit, the same changes in space and time, and objects and objects, and the container and RPO for مادیون or فیزیکالیست-in spite of loving and- Have and old mthbut.
They are not contrary to this principle and changes regarding views not together (As sqaratttan argues!) But history is not on the continuity, stability and stillness, that description and sketch of the astlzamshan in the same harmony and interplay, or have knowledge of the essential. Also, thank you for all the time and we don't have a presence, or because the place is evident loving can not be concluded that there is a God or not religions Ebrahimi.
Here you have a fallacy. Fallacy of appeal to ignorance: What we don't know so well!
As they say in: ” The Group denies the God of drmandend answer, and did not mean to express loving works because they wanted more on the meaning of loving creatures who didn't as it was to the old belief, adapt, hence, were humiliated and hard to give us the opportunity to say this happens.” Fake attack committed again you پوشالین man.
ShowFallacy of attacking a man پوشالین: Fallacy fallacy the bully or attack the authority of the mghaltat پوشالین man is a critique of a person when the opposite with مدعایی and it is wrong, it's the wrong way to show illogical fallacy fallacy; uses the bully never reason Borhani not against مدعای the first, but the review power مدعایی naghd it does, affect side; a loose and weak مدعای the ability to critique it, To its opposite side and instead of passing the main مدعای, to reject this poor مدعای deals.
Cotton is an elaborate phvan fallacy that this person could be influencing rates and reduce the acceptability of the person claimed; however, مدعای cannot be answered first. This fallacy is widely used, its type and the critique of religious theories and schools, religious, social, cultural and political acceptability; some people غیرمتخصص also committed during such a society are fallacies. The cause of the naming of a fallacy to bully is that instead of fighting the main naghd pahlavan, a bully, it's on the ground systems.
On this earth there is edema that 7 billion positive in terms of the exact امارهای say خد my servants global organizations of the world's 1.5 billion hungry worshipers ۷میلیارد خد افریقاهستند au مگردرپیشگاه drghareh, particularly the God you must be between the mkhloghatsh discrimination in women's 54 million poor nations کشورعضوسازمان 200 ogrsanh نانی a خودفروشی b would afford them when it bndegankhd to steal the نمیبیند Creator God averse caption: فروشیمیکنند یامیبند first تاهمین religions of the Genesis today's religions followers خونینی con صدهامیلیون the course of history have been killed by the Rajavi خد servants of the world about God's servants in the second 70 million were killed and ۶میلیون hmazbondegan خد درکوره خد مسیولیت خاکسترشدند of a Viper shot his servants oppose what has been azavl افرینش taamrose درزمین Bel بیدادمیکند خد this filth of corruption, crime cruelty haraagar finds a change once even rotate your servants did not handle the dismal human mood before a وبفریادحتی is not mgrkhodsh
ShowIn the name of Allah Rahman çáñíیã
ShowAllah is one Allah say lasted not one begetting will necessarily and not یولد and not یکن him کفوا a
In the name of Allah Rahman çáñíیã
BR or ایها الکافرون la aabdon انتم tabdon our our aabd aabd Vela Vela Vela انتم abdetm our aabdon of Enna Abed aabd لکم دینکم us, but al-Din
You had better instead of the SQL time to keep filling his mouth and words are words that make yourself also having intellectual indigestion and your brain hemispheres with gossip and omskhrfat has been دیدتان a little breadth omana occupation of free space to your brain and thinking and mind in the meaning of the chapter for the compelled . That is the ambiguity of oshbehh blinds the mind is taken to be based on your dust and if so found the Lord answer you in the chapter of کافرون is given .
It is worth mentioning what the power of the word and thinking I promise there is otrosh onmood from the احدیت is the essence of . Salt eating PBUH break in the AHL and deny the people of the فبای تکذبان ربکما alla doubt is so what you وانکار God نعمتهای denied
If God will not be a leaf of the tree will have everything under his command and if wishes all of you نعمتهایش will be open after the blessed mind your language and just use that to open the ' Annie if he
Okhdavand onzare oshnwa وبینا to control the cursor behavior is right and behavior together yogurt and Reza rftarman Reza, he is not the heads of the ungodly and be alert of what faith متاعی میخری foot میگذاری and the value of the world two days worth of human principles and circumvent circumvent and override the power of God that all of him on ghdertt when azadane بیاندیش that does not have be the Liberator's devotion yet is bondage . The ocean of the divine with the chalice you and me not be weighing and analysis . The criterion of measurement and the concavity on the cave's deep sea rescue ship jlalah the divine because the Prophet is infallible and fourteen are the entry and success q stillness in this rescue ships نصیبمان and took this divine blessings back . Hoping to become deaf and hard of hearing وبینا کوردلان letter right .
Greetings to you.
The relationship between gossip, thghalt, wisdom and foolishness ruin your level of ignorance in your search.
“You had better leave instead of time to keep the filling mouth and words … The concavity of the divine in the cave's deep sea jlalah … To achieve this divine blessings back ” :
One day, I ran into the onion teased …
Hello, do you have in the word frustrated wile and learn from their example?
Beg: “If God will not be a leaf of the tree will have everything under his command and if wishes all of you نعمتهایش will then open ….. If wishes” :
Get paid:
If I claimed that I was in the solar system between Earth and Mars around the Sun to be a Chinese teapot, no one was able to refuse me مدّعای, but would be subject to the hoasem say teapot is so small that even with the most powerful telescopes are not visible.
But if so much that I went ahead because I مدعای ناپذیراست human intellect is not permitted to overrule it, the right to doubt the mud if I charged. However, if the existence of this teapot in the books of ghdma and it was approved and the Holy truth church every Sunday or every Friday at the mosalla, engaged and preaching about it in schools where children were down to mind, really being in doubt although it was considered unorthodox and he's the person in the age of enlightenment to a psychiatrist, and in the period before the Court of the Inquisition Chambers. (Mr. Bertrand Russell)
To understand the truth, both eyes and ears open heads and eyes and ears and heart, but the definition of the Rosary and accolades belong to commercial messages and promote Korea and mrbast not proof and logic and reasoning, but if your God of Korea and مرباییست, so you can continue to pay your تکلیفتان.
ShowVerbal time with you and your group waste time know why اجرهای ذدیوارتان from the base have built up a crooked crooked wall in the House goes Soraya one is a letter is
ShowAll of you just do you think prophets and ایمه and مریدان and philosophers and poets of the bait and the owner of the name Saadi, Hafez and Rumi, Naser Khosrow, because ….. We are all in the گمراهی. Who deny بدیهییات and understand the simplest facts prove the Lord because the argument from causality is powerless and deprived of fellowship with you but it is not a waste of time on the ear and the eye and ghghl غفلتی drawn curtains like you that only God's power and will be able to go this is haraam, and the bite of the veil is one of the examples of this veil is the only work I pray for people to not like you got the sequence of thoughts and منکرانی Pray for the guidance you
During the period akhralzman, and even مکر and دسایس aorndegan of faith demons and Devils are not the safe slaves . Agel لولیک alfarj o the hope of the emergence of the Prophet being eradicated and Zaman deny tree and fruit and the thmratetsh glamorous منکرانی property because of your group . Amin
Greetings to you.
“Verbal time with you and your group know a waste of time because of crooked base ذدیوارتان اجرهای you have established.”
Punctual like me,
If you have three months اباطیل, excuse me, what time is it?
“All of you just do you think prophets and ایمه and مریدان and philosophers and poets of the bait and the owner of the name Saadi, Hafez and Rumi, Naser Khosrow, because ..... We are all in the گمراهی”
Dear guided
Firstly,: Agree with the plurality of votes would apply and not the opposite snjand:
Fallacy of appealing to the majority of the: Every issue that the majority of people agree to it, it's true.
Secondly: You are wrong that “All or the majority of the philosophers and the owner of the name, khdaborand” :
Philosophers: Daniel Dennett, Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Marx, Arthur شوپنهاوئر, Bertrand Russell, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, David Hume, August Kent and ….
Scientists: Alan Turing, Stephen Hawking, Paul Dirac, Laplace, پیرسیمون, زیگموندفروید and Richard Dawkins …
“Who deny بدیهییات and understand the simplest facts prove the Lord because the argument from causality is powerless and deprived … On the ears and eyes and drawn curtains like you ghghl غفلتی …. Mouthful of Haram is one of the examples of this is hijab …”
Dear, a bit more relaxed gifted…
The charge of ignorance fallacy: To the extent that a claim is very clear and certainly does not need arguments and.
Argument from causality is not subject to proof of principle, Tom:
The basic question is whether there is any proposition depends on the cause of the disabled; guarantees or naqash?
If the argument is null then Tomah is because warrants Burhanuddin cosmological proof of this point, and it cannot be helped but mentioned assumptions.
If it is then the argument from causality naqash justify the lack of God's cause will fall short, because the series of causes more back naqash, whatever, are going to cause another naqash looks; that is, we cannot issue to explain that the reason for the cause of God, being the cause of his having no guarantees because in this case the guarantees given in advance because there've been, while our decree guarantees the existence of a cause.
“Hope the advent of Imam Zaman and eradicate … Fruits and منکرانی property because of your group. Amen”
The hope of the emergence of Hazrat superheroes games with Spiderman (P) Eminent Highness Superman (Mums). Amen
ShowHello dear irandust, in one of the comments mentioned that : How do I change the first acid ازآمینو creatures and how they could open their first biological materials to production. But apparently no standard model about the genesis of life, and more about how to create life in the land of stone materials have been told, more of a number of assumptions that are still not realizing they are laboratory-scale has also! Of course, some time between creation and evolution, آبیوجنسیس, ضدیتی are not feasible, but at any rate, therefore if it's not possible in the case of the introduction of a reliable source, فرمایشتون. This content from Wikipedia (Abiogenesis) You can prepare the correct:
Until the early 19th century, the people of Genesis spontaneous forms of life from inanimate material believed. Imagine the classic آبیوجنسیس that today with the spontaneous emergence of name called this issue points out that complex organic materials of non-organic material decomposition can be created.
17 century, the assumptions the truth arose spontaneous تردیدهایی. In 1646, Sir Thomas Browne, a book titled the prevalence of false beliefs that authorship to the wrong beliefs and common folk errors between people. Astdlalat Brown could not be widely accepted.
In 1665, Robert Hooke, the first painting of microorganisms will provide. In the year 1676 more precise descriptions of the لونهوک fan of Antoine microorganisms that are today known by the name of bacteria cell are provided وتک.
The first reason is sturdy unlike theory of spontaneous emergence in 1668 by Francisco Reddy was expressed. He showed that if investment is egg a meat block fly on no eggs, meat will not be on view مگسی. تدریچا in the case of other live material was also shown that a larger theory of spontaneous emergence cannot be true. Therefore, the alternative theory of syntax with the name بیوژنز arose that the emergence of any living organism from its previous think.
ئوری بیوژنز in the middle of the nineteenth century following the evidence abounds that the pastor and others was so open your presentation rather than that their influence on the emergence of theory of action was set aside. Pastor after his 1864 year at said: "The theory of Genesis never a fatal hit an own goal that this simple test on his sculpture has arrived will improvement." on the other hand his theory of spontaneous emergence of decay caused khla in response to scientific reason how Abiogenesis was initially. In 1871 Darwin in a letter mentioning that life may be a little warm baths that contain ammonia, phosphorus salts, light, heat, electricity and other factors has been started.. These conditions create protein compounds that have been ready for more complex changes have made it possible. Such compounds have been eaten or decomposed quickly nowadays but this decomposition and destruction when not living things have not happened there.
In fact, there is no standard model does not exist in the case of Abiogenesis. In newer models, in most cases the ancient hypotheses of Oparin-هالدین to the eye eats. It's what comes below on the basis of the findings and the diverse opinions that there is in this case.
1.. One of the proposed models are key processes that model was a bubble of chemicals needed to make the space available within the life of a bubble on the surface of the ocean knew. This model includes five main stage; ammonia, methane and other gases from volcanic submarine Obama on the bubbles were confined under the sea. Methane and ammonia are required for the formation of amino acids within the bubble in front of injuries resulting from ultraviolet were reserved. Bubbles to the surface of the ocean and after the bursting of simple organic molecules can de *. Simple organic molecules while the transfer by the wind and move upwards is exposed to ultraviolet light of the Sun and lightning have taken place and as a result the force necessary for the next reaction was to provide them. The rain many of these organic molecules that were formed recently in the ocean and they start another cycle.
2.. Some of the theories mentioned that the atmosphere of the Earth at the beginning of the game, and it compounds such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and phosphate is present. In such a depleted oxygen and ozone اتمسفری has been or is there.
3.. In such a اتمسفری electrical activity can simplify and expedite the creation of vital molecules have simple. In the year 1953 the fact Miller- Yuri has been shown.
4. phospholipids (If you have long enough) Their formation can be cleaned by two lipid layer that is one of the fundamental components of the cell membrane..
5. One of the fundamental questions about the nature of the first is hmanandsaz,. In modern cells the same as in the effect of the interaction and cooperation of nucleic acids and proteins occurs. Based on the response form in the case of priority of thinkers nucleic acid or protein reviews are divided into two categories. A bunch of the Genesis protein are believed to the first and the other to create priority groups believe nucleic acid. The theory relating to the priority of creating a nucleic acid refers to the following:
* Based on the theory of the world has become نوکلئوتیدها مریزه poly-n-a, may lead to the creation of the ریبوزیم (Enzymatic properties of RNA molecules with ASP) Have been hmanandsaz.
Show* It's got that الیگوپپتیدها can connect to create a better ASP and RNA catalysts are based on selective pressures, it is possible to choose the performance of the transferasegenetic polymorphism of an enzyme, the پپتیدیل have come this way. Proteins are the its small can be created as a result of the selection.
* Create your own proteins be competing with ریبوزیم as a catalyst, and this can be set up as a new بیوپلیمر dominant in nucleic acids that more activities of transferring genetic information, are chosen.
Mr. f. irandust, if in the above document and confirm the بیوژنز theory or scientific observations on the theory of the genesis of غیرزنده organisms, there is a reliable source, please introduce. Thank you
ShowHello dear friend. The subject of human evolution with Abiogenesis are two things and these two should not confuse together. About human evolution today accepted as the General. But the emergence of the first forms of life to more than three and a half billion years ago returns. About its origin, there are different opinions. But it is believed that the first cells emerged from the bio-material life that had the ability to reproduce themselves. See here.
What is available to anyone, only the righteous man جالبیه knows. Science and religion both are equally khodbzerg between, unfortunately. The hands of Einstein and amsalsho and anyone wants to give it to his own world, Perth man's consciousness, perception and power analysis. This is a case of I think acceptable to science and religion, so going suck merdmo… The life of Dean hit the intelligence people ran a science now prchamo taken and innocent people's stupidity and خردی label myznh. بردارین hand, Adam of strife with the stir also its goofy, who's going to folks who live contrary to other incarnations of the desire we're sheep addressed Darren k need to Shepherd's!؟
ShowYou might think I was fired because of what Einstein German?
Oh, just guess the زدین was ینی was a theistic Jew.
Please think a little later to the site manager, Mr. fake for no matter which حرفایی ازاینشتین نداشی source
ShowNaghi give healing herself! Otherwise we do not made that.
ShowGreetings to you and all the خردگرایان and اتئیسم movement of Iran.
ShowFirstly, you have no source in relation to the introduction of the نکردین Allah speaks of Einstein Einstein's opinion in the relationship with God with belief, he is not a philosopher, he stops, namely personal and not religion and spirituality …
And one other question that if there is no God in accordance with the belief you are so great, how the universe with all this, there is, for example, to order a bulging who and how the process of the gradual evolution of universe creatures the world has placed in the existence in the meantime one of the comments from above this question with a spherical Earth were being compared to the issue that the analogy is here alfargh
Great scientists like Steven هاوگینگ did not deny the existence of God, but God they have that ordinary people can imagine antaur don't agree
Hello dear friend,
I did not mlatft exactly you mean what is the "no source". Because you claim someone else is written at the top! Exactly what the source is and what can be considered as "no source"?
I have a few quotes I top with a link to the source of that inside each of the links, and click the search button in the book dozens of other books in the library the same source shows Google; so this is where "no source"?
These are a few examples of:
Here from publishing Princeton University Or It's not that high on the inside of the originally too Oxford University Press That is very explicit does not believe in God, says. These resources are danshorane and the authenticity of the quotes show the. Whether you have something that is a topic for you; I didn't write any other topic resources.
More second order of what is not that religion spirituality Einstein told it should be? Religion is a category of revocable, not verifiable, possible testing and. Use this for religion studies with رمالی and the floor of the nose is not توفیری–All of these are to prove the authenticity of a dogmatism and size limit of finality.. In addition to being content you Personal attack fallacy Is. That is not because they envision دخلی cyst to Einstein.
The third entry that in accordance “My opinions” The existence of God is not verifiable (Not from a scientific perspective and not from the perspective of philosophy) Here are some story to explain because they envision a ten and a few comments that I can't repeat in all the comments I answer a. You can use the tags to tag the existence of God and all the comments, resources, and the reasons I realize if you hit somewhere to make because they envision leaning against the stand.
Is very gradual process summary the creatures through natural selection and smart designer emerged today in the world of science as science/scientific Soddo known شیادی. That is, the existence of God is not coming to Lebanon, the demonstrable creatures. In this article I explain more: https://farda.us/?p=4743
In the case of Steven Hawking wireless is expressly. I have a movie in that story got translated as you can See here And Here again the emphasis that is (To believe she) Triune God related to the human past.
All this does not mean that God exists or does not exist just these people unlike you said did not believe God created.
ShowNow God has you laughing
ShowBecause خییییییلی احمقید
ShowHello excuse me was wondering you you are still an active website?(Please answer.)
ShowThe real intelligence of scientists and how much they really understand their perceptions of superstition turns out to be really smart scientists. ???
ShowThere is a force beyond man to certainty, whether we call it God, what the name of an animal, whether stone or pottery