Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.
My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.
Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God was، از مریدان این ملا محسوب می شده یک موضوع است؛ اینکه نظریات فیزیک جدید از درون قرآن و نهج البلاغه و بحارالانوار ملا ممد باقر مجلسی در بیایند موضوعی حتی جالب تر است.
برای کسانی که آگاهی ندارند کل جهان اسلام، و از جمله کشور ایران، ظرف هشتصد سال گذشته، و پس از حمله ی مغول، جز ملا و مفتی تولیدات دیگری نداشته.
I remember the days when you went to school in Iran, we would say in the U.S. There is a big building in which a great version with various interpretations of the mullahs that danshshan Americans from different versions are Quran. We do not, of course, reached the settlement aghlman to ask why they don't use the computer that does not fit into the size of a building? Or why can't Muslims themselves, supported by the science of the production that the Americans did not bother?
The Ayatollah were, of course, the building of the Holy Quran in the United States of insecure Americans are not familiar with, but also did not. Numerous documents that the coup d ' état of August published twenty-eight shows this Mullah had been in contact with the CIAI And Americans have for مزدوری. Now imagine this dude at the same time also a physics lesson data.
Site content is worth reading once were. The author was Adam ذوقی with any that have been laid over the Congregation's. Only the physical resurrection formula that I posted on this site a few minutes he. But the head of the working group that its share went down ignorance and not something from the outside world of our pain, fahnd pain does not dispenser.
On this subject was also raised that Einstein developer of the atomic bomb is that it is the wrong word for time. The only thing that Einstein about the atomic bomb will sign a letter to the President was rzolat. The making of the atomic bomb has no Communication of knowledge or opinions or not Einstein's designs.
About Einstein's two Muslim video also can see:
- The Ayatollah, the head of the Assembly of experts: The Shiite Imam Sadiq Einstein Was
- The testimony of two of the Shiite mullahs About Einstein being Shi
- [+]among those who worked closely with the CIA and the Shah during and after the coup are: Ayatollah Abolqassem Kashani, Kashani’s son who was the second person who talked at Radio Tehran as soon as it was captured by the coup plotters, Ayatollah Mohammad Behbahani, Ayatollah Sheikh Ahmad Kafaee Khorasani, Ayatollah Sheikh Bahaaldin Nouri, Hojatolislam Mohammad Taqi Falsafi, and Grand Ayatollah Brujerdi. [↪]
“The toughest job in the world is thinking”
ShowAlbert Einstein
All you خد my خد خد no a ادمیزاده never been fixed because it ojodkhdar man azhawas باهچیک افریده so that his قادرنیست five azkhdar گوچک even a sign to prove that bgorraftn is ignorant of the moment, corn بعضیه chharat وانجیل azqaran was reborn discovered him there again oturat خدارانمیتوانند مذهبیه just to prove even the largest azavl Earth Genesis Bel تاهمین وفسادکامل and gshtareh وبیدادگری cruelty today mergz bloody وجنگهای even between religions and the marauding and rape and acts of پلیدترین ادمی and taamrose aorbashr a shame even conducted for Justice azasman بفریاد مظلومین land once Terra مذهبیه oghart police ofsad oppression on the Earth too they have obasham except خد let's talk don't bother yourself d درمسایدیگری the greatest scientists also did وجودخدارااثباتکنند alone upape وکشیشه some Jewish rabbis and Christian mlah white f. e. Al-Azhar ومفتیهای
Showایت GH انشتین انشتین were never seen, and he also راندیده d and physics lessons any time and have not hand made clerical lesson the endless ads and remove documentary evidence
ShowI'm a newly religious oardhastem to my اکثرملاهای زیرازتون to ask about the growing reach of initiatives . Apparently you are good with a Mullah in the Middle I don't know why? But familiar too low to replace what the mullahs زیرشاید services.
Ibn Nadeem
Aboshel Ismail nobakhti
Mohammad Razi bin زکریای
Fakhr Razi
A. Tabari
Ibn Sina
Omar Khayyam
A. Ameri
Yahya ibn Uday
ابوسلیمان سجستانی
ابوحیان tohidi
Jaber Ibn Hayyan
The outer aburaihan
Ibn ABI Sadiq
Ibn مسکویه
Khajeh نصیرالدین Tousi
Muhammad Ibn Mahmud Amelie
Ibn the Hindu
Abouhamad Mohammad Ghazali
Sheikh bahaei
Mirdamad Ave.
Molla sadra
M. feyz Kashani
Mir Heydar Amoli
Pole DIN Shirazi
Hadi Sabzevari
Qashqai and
Mullah Abdullah bahabadi
Mirza Ibrahim received Zanjani
Morteza taleghani
The wise هیدجی
Mahdi naraghi
Mohammad Taghi shooshtari
میرابوالقاسم findiriski
Israelis-Palestinians Ibn Tabari
Hello students,
I have a cyber attack last year due to the mob outside the Imam Khamenei and the concerns of the Internet world I leave for some time so that I can paskht a little bit later I hope to offend نشوی!
Something that you mention here you do get moved two seemingly similar concept But in a separate backend. Yes it is true all those who point out their Kurdish and some (Just some) The philosophical or scientific works are religious education were well. However, some people lived in an era when the only place available for acquiring knowledge is the same as mlakhanh, and the school was. That is, in addition to religious training schools, scientific topics related to that period of time were taught. In other words, no Adam sanity in our times to earn the prestigious University of wisdom does not drop that to see the scope of Qom!
You have been our constitutional era look to them to all those ارزیده and tnshan more danshorane synthesized (Such as Kasravi or taghizadeh) Of the same mlakhanh are also پایشان there were other and stopped. Look within the past 200 years that the world is accelerating growth in the production of science and technology, and all the world's knowledge is almost at the same time produced what you تولیداتتان, and a few scientific or philosophical effect from inside these areas come out. پاسخ این است که حوزه ها و ملاکده ها نه فقط چیز درخوری تولید نکردند بلکه بزرگترین نقش را از انقلاب مشروطه و پیش از آن در گمراهی و بیچارگی ملت ایران و به قهقرا کشیدن جامعه ایرانی داشتند.
ShowIt was great
ShowYour problem is that you only nod in violation of the General and growing censorship of facts. If say hear hear right to violate the Quran for scientific ایات thanks
ShowThe problem you have but this is at best, dont dont know what you talking about!
Firstly, where censored جقایق that you amarsh you sure as to the size of his 90 percent of censorship? The comments section is open and everyone will be whatever you (Except for vulgar words فخاشی that automatically will be removed and the contents of the جانک/jfang) Writes. اما در طرف دیگر عمله اسلام و سربازان اینترنتی امام خامنه ای هر نوع صدای مخالف را سانسور می کنند و بیست و چهارساعته هر ترفندی از رفقای چینی و روسی شان یاد گرفتند را بکار می برند که همین یک پنجره را حذف کنند؛ این از بابت سانسور.
But we've gotten to that I should "hear the verses of the Qur'an I violate science». In the Qur'an verse one is not necessarily the scientific and specifically a scientific phenomenon to predict. When we say do not necessarily mfahomsh this is where you make the argument that you raised and assumptions is necessarily given it and the arguments desired result be achieved, nor that you interpret yourself write a verse and you claim that PHI lalmthl it's the same quantum theory or the theory of verse by a certain General There has been the first foreign رلتیویتی do not swear; i.e. no scientific and scholarly written document a scientific profile is not in the Quran. According to the foot of the pulpit the mullahs is good, but beyond that no application.
Anything that is not in the scope of the physical world (Paranormal phenomena like the world after death, the soul or the existence of God, likewise,) The possibility of Falsifiability because it basically is not a purely physical phenomenon in the world contained in the physical world can be an annulment (falsify) *. To reject the Qur'an but not necessary all to his annulment is enough to show just one of the claims (Such as the story of Adam and Eve) Can't be true–To assume that to ابزاراتی because the interpretation of religious هرمنیاتیک//draw means us resort–Then this book is the word of the creator in the world cannot.
ShowEinstein, Newton, Espinosa, Kant, Descartes, and the most of them were not God's existence. Russell and Sartre and a number of contemporary philosophers are not the only virtue of proving the existence of God, even the Hume and the argument of evil is not the existence of God.
Showضمن اینکه در این سایت میبینم از هاوکینگ درباره وجود خدا مطلب وجود دارد که باید بگم دیوار علوم تجربی کوتاه تر از صحبت درباره مسائل متافیزیکیست. Science is helpless in proving the existence of molecules, atoms, photon and subatomic particles, and therefore, the implications of the annulment of the popper, explaining the coherence and the principle of research positinism has been proposed as metaphysical's concepts of faith.. اگر ساینس اثبات پذیر بود هیچگونه از نظریات فوق مطرح نمیشد همچنین مقاله دو حکم جزمی تجربهگرایی کواین نوشته نمیشد، ساختار انقلابهای علمی توماس کون نوشته نمیشد، فلسفه علم کارنپ نوشته نمیشد.
Einstein did not believe God (In a separate article, I described with a credible quote from Princeton and Oxford Publications.)Espinosa Pan Teaist (All the gods that are absolutely different from the personal God, with character and will) Was The Lord is Kant also showed Descartes in the.
All of this does not show that God is not. That it is fallacious to fame to prove the existence or lack of God is a fallacy called: Appeal to Authority
Hawking is a merealist. It is one of the people who resort to a material world interactions not to be a paranormal argument.. In the view of Hawking, there's no metaphysical looking to look at it..
This phrase is a fallacy called Science doesnt know everything. If the existence of God for the reasons of the world is like the first cause is in the scope of science.
Lenovo! Principles such as the patability of the unseen or the rules of the knowledge of science in dealing with the material phenomena of the world is a material that is considered as a sign of proof of God if you proven the MSDAGHSH.
It is a proof of science or sciences, but not all scientific theories are at a much of a level that is outside the debate, but if the category is not scientifically proven. Anything that is methodical, repeatable and tested.
If you bring a material for God's existence, you cannot escape the scientific method.. You also mentioned that it is a مادیگرا that for the first reason Allah has physical and material reasons..
ShowHNOOZBH چکونم چکونم Nifadi I see that there is no N-man who is the of a woman who is a shout from the bottom of the خداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااکمکم.
ShowHNOOZBH چکونم چکونم Nifadi I see that there is no N-man who is the of a woman who is a shout from the bottom of the خداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااکمکم.