Fakes BBC Persia and Persian cyst 2;

BBC English.

BBC English.

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). According to the CIA's diplomatic lomond you in addition to the direct support, spending millions of dollars, in the name of human rights and human rights organizations do; so it shouldn't be surprising to know much of those active as a human rights activist and supporter of the rights of ethnic minorities to their own wormholes; where are financing.

The last few years is that the country's State organs, the BBC uk, a part with the name of "observers say has created a Web site in English and some of the well known ' pen in it?. Despite being a BBC Persian tv I do not have access, but the most shamelessly the most ugly and anti-Iranian on the same content a few years of the BBC Persian website I read. Work somewhere that even Iran's legal basis for the hands and feet; while the right is called the right of secession in the form of self-determination is an absolutely shameless lie. The continuation of this policy led to a separate part of my blog henceforward I created to pay these fakes and thmetha posts.

A few months ago the BBC story Be released With the title: «”پرژیا” Where is it and “پرژین” The cyst?. In it the author was trying to show the use of the title of Persia for all Iranian people, Iranian peoples in the right ajhaf. As I explained in the previous article, the main theme of all thematic articles قومگرایانه the BBC called the national oppression and the claims of the hand on the same connection can be raised. At that time I was in a fairly detailed answer two comments for the author wrote that the BBC will make sure both the censorship. Today that after a few months, I published another story response; these two comments, I will also publish. In addition, the article of Professor FRY in Harvard University–The answer to this is gossip pounding–J-stor database I received from Is available here Is. My comment text:

If a PARS and two Persian words is the same. The word "fares" or the Arabic form of the merb "PARS". Persian and Parsi is a relative adjective for people who speak English language (Relative adjectives like that for Iranian languages گویشگران.) "The group is English گویشگران or say Corp. Contrary to the opinion of the author, "the word like or Corp after Islam's historical usage and its use is not racist, nor is forging a new system. Sample: Fars field day bhan "I love/love/Avon/to/in/out/receipt after the Sarai curtain that unveils نوائی heard. (Jami, a seven-o.)

In the case of the difference of Persia/Iran and پرژیا, according to Richard Frye, the two words are not synonymous to historically. Iran is a country that stretches from the Euphrates to khwarezm and Khorasan is — The same thing today, "greater Iran" read. The western part of the historical land of Persia Iran merely name, i.e. what we read today in Iran or the Iranian modern country.

Persia would be used for the modern state, more or less equivalent to “western Iran”. I use the term “Greater Iran” to mean what I suspect most Classicists and ancient historians really mean by their use of Persia – that which was within the political boundaries of States ruled by Iranians.


از نظر قومی و اتنیکی به تمام مردم ساکن در ایران امروزی پارسیان می گفتند:

The Leks form the clans of genuine Persian blood, such as the Loors, Bekhtiaris. To them might be added the Koords, as members of the Persian family; but their numbers in the dominions of the Shah are comparatively few, the greater part of that widely-spread people being attached to Turkey. Collectively the Koords are so numerous that they might be regarded as a nation divided into distinct tribes. Who are the Leks, and who are the Koords? This inquiry I cannot solve. I never met anyone in Persia, either eel or moolla, who could give the least elucidation of this question. All they could say was, that both these races were Foors e kadeem,-old Persians.A Lek will- admit that a Koord, like himself, is an “old Persian”(Foors-e-Qadim) but he denies that the families are identical, and a Koord views the question in the same light.

Shiel, Lady (Mary). Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. London: John Murray, 1856.

نام تاریخی اقوام کرد، لر یا لک پارسی است. Even the people of Azerbaijan are also getting their mouths before Turkish In the fifteen century The Pahlavi language, and is also the name of the historical Group Corp. I recommend the author's friend This entry Read.

But why use ایرانین instead of/utube pergen though, there may be some you do for political reasons; I personally if non-Iranian dialogue with a person, the name of the country of Iran, and nationality/ethnicity I introduced myself pergen. Iranian trait in spite of historical background and despite being at least a thousand years or more in the new Persian language dating, European languages is not known and not a dating back to the turn of the century. Clearly, whatever about our backgrounds and دستاوردهایمان, in memory of the historic Nations and registered on ادبیاتشان, with the same title pergen come and use as more precise coordinates of possibly pergen cultural and historical identity of European languages in our offers. Another reason for me to not use pergen.

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16 Reply to Fakes BBC Persia and Persian cyst 2;

  • Irani Said:

    Dear friend, I don't know who you are, but you and anyone you subsist Marsh's hot-and-Hello brsherft. Unfortunately (And of course, arguably the) Because the friendship of Iran on behalf of the Government and not support any alien spy organization, voice of Iran and the Iranian Patriots between Iran's mercenary ستیزان هیایوی missing. And as the history of Iran and Iran are located in oppressed friends. So much for your enlightened astmrarmtaleb “Iran” The fateful and azershmand well.

  • M. Emami Said:

    My personal experience is reverses each of Persia. say only people cry every time you change the shnasandder of Persia Iran say, instantly from your njad and اخمدی کومینی and other اشغالهای and Iran say. :cry:

  • Autumn Said:

    Greetings to you.. Your work is appreciated and your contribution to the servant.. The big powers, especially the regional rivals of Iran's abundant talents (Area, population, natural resources and mining, etc.) To become the first power of the economic, political, cultural and military in the Middle East are well and naturally all their efforts will apply to prevent it and protect Iran's current and previous دیکتاتورهای, the creation of hypocrisy among Iranian tribes in order to analyse the financial and political support for the country and even direct d An analysis of the media and so on, all the various parts of this effort and are bermast that by maintaining alertness, aware of the broad and other messaging methods with this ominous and dshmananeh policies to step up opposition to their passivity of the day tomorrow and not regret and despair suffered due to incapability and confusion The next generation of this ashamed of our land we cherish نگردیم..

    I hope in a way that you have always preferred Nicky and good luck..
    God bless eternal shame on Iran and Persian and otanfroshan..

  • Falcon Said:

    Greetings very
    You want that content, and such that نوشتاهای represents the relevant documents to support the BBC and tlbahast analysis of spy agencies to publish more
    God bless Iran

  • Mehrdad azma Said:

    The text that I have carefully read Frazer. These are written to "the word “Pergen” In Western languages refer to certain people, and to describe people living in Persia/perga and items related to them.
    "The meanings of such”The art of community”, “Persian culture”, “Parsi new year” Translate words like “Persian Arts”, “Persian culture” Or “Persian New Year” It would also completely, because as we know cases of this common heritage is something like all Iranian tribes»
    «Must expressly mention that the title of the English translation and the term Persian words such as pergen/Strawberry “Corp”, “Parsi”, “Fars.”, Or “English language” .»
    What I write I picked up is that the so-called "English translation" in the Persian language pergen have nothing in the category is "Iranian" and not something radical, such as Persian folk "».
    And this is what you've written above, "in which the author had written attempts to demonstrate the use of the title of Persia Iran ajhaf in the right for all people, Iranian peoples.
    I think you've picked the wrong answer and pounding it gossip!! You've given.
    In the meantime in order to inform you in a bit that you've brought from Jami, فارِس means a pony ride and فارِسیان means horse riders! See United States. Who is it.

    • Admin Said:

      Hello dear friend. These cases specifically is incorrect:

      …A where the Khwaja نصیرالدین “Gray” Scholarship “Parsi” The introduction, at first glance Can be found on the author's implicit interpretation of the radical nation of sentiment

      The word “Corp” As the English equivalent So verbal counterfeiting And that the word is used often; “Pergen” In Western languages refer to certain people, and to describe people living in Persia/perga and items related to them are used.

      Interesting that the word A recent "Corp" system and does not have a history of English languageSo what In the search in the ' books of poetry and traces of such verbal abuse cannot be found.

      Refers to a person's ethnicity in any way racist aspect or not قومگرایانه. To say that the community has the same نصیرالدین, Khajeh توسی; it is to say that a person has, for example, the Arabian Prophet. There is no superiority of savings and there is no racism in the said. On whether community or ethnic concept of the recent hoax in Corp or have experience among Iranians, these few examples, see:

      Stay tuned to see myrrh he's someone that does not interest/knowledge of TI/very//g and Roman Persian people//Does the ship Enduro ing c// (The Kingdom of Alexander the great, Ferdowsi)

      اندیشیدم that all verbs and their actions do become a Farah نیابم. The sixth Thursday and ثلثین and alachr the martyrdom jamadil Lupine اربعمایه Half January Corp Four hundred and ten years یزدجردی. The head and tons of bshstem and got بکردم prayer and mosque and wanted help from Bari to excellence lay what on my hand and it is obligatory to proscribe inappropriate so that the right of the منهیات and sbahaneh and excellence has said. (Itinerary, naserkhsro)

      That was a داورگیتی شهرهٔ us/هرکه/Ferris stamp seal to han because u and r//tabrkhon blood color is liver rkhm//although the taste was my poem tabr ran//This is the CorpThat hundred bit/stoodm/efforts of the clan gathers strength of mine send shivers//a hundred bits that each property requires 200 to بیتش//if the property on his one نیرزد// (قاآنی)

      (G) the Romans and Egyptians and Persian//fzon was the man of the forty times c//swarsh//بارگی iron one made of iron (g) (g) saddle/sonsh/ (Ferdowsi, Alexander پادشهای)

      Such a response that the Tableau//one مَردم and Persian Parsa//بازارگانی//braftm I have one caravan except g of goat fur// (Ferdowsi, the Kingdom of ذوالاکتاف)

      And also see this:

      The term "English" or "English" Of course, as is common in the Iranian languages HO But that's the Word as the name of a group of people And calling specific ethnic language to be used in the recent affair Is.

      Such an error in translation and Document handling cultural and historical terms called for Iranians who owns Corp an identity apart from the English identity is controversial, of course, areThe Azeri and Baluch; and Marilyn Monroe and the gilaki and other aghvami before and after the ceremony, and many other components of Iranian culture to perfection they also held off Label and getting his cultural heritage components to name just one of his partner's cultural heritage that aghvami is naturally caused discontent is.

      In this way you must expressly mention that the title of the English translation and the term Persian noodles/pergen Words such as “Corp”, “Parsi”, “Fars.”, Or “English language” Offline. As well as the translation of a system and that the continuation of such a fake Bob have been.

      The author specifically claims a few: (1) The first claims that the use of the term does not have the concept of ethnic community and its new concept of ethnic forgery. (2) Claims that the use of the Persian title قومگرایانه to refer to ethnicity, and even racist, is. (3) Iran claims a group of this title for the bchesb component and cultural heritage to all Iranians, not merely in the interest of a nation (National oppression), They use while do not have such a right.

      In the case of the first and second claim earlier gave a third explanation, but I think the main articles of the قومگرایانه field of the BBC is. That group, called Fars in Iran, there are different ways to the cultural, economic, historical, and other ethnic groups to put pressure. This article I see within the framework of a set. A set of national oppression unit message in different ways and forms gontegon to induce the reader; this is repeated up to any size audience for the message that it is necessary, more flexibility will find.

      But I wish the media such as the BBC and Fox News to the right to freedom of expression and belief did not remove comments from mkhalfanshan, so if you have written to me wrong, you can type a response in the same report. Be victorious.

      • Mehrdad azma Said:

        Greetings to you. Well if the BBC and Fox News, have closed the comments دانیشان Fortunately here we can talk together.
        The first is that it seems this article is about the English language if not in Iran about Persian translation of the word in English that should be translated Persian or Iranian.
        But what about the things that you've raised: Nasir toosi was good except the community? I can't figure out who has been to Paris, or even what party, but I do not mean to Persian. Unless you suppose Persian Iranian Iranian Persian, IE IE. If so can go in the four corners of the people ask that you are Persian or Iranian? And see what they say to themselves,.
        In the case of the history of the use of English in literature, incidentally, I have the same theoretical time stepped on the BBC site that I copied from here, he is for you:
        “In response, Mr. r. about the history of the use of the word “Parsi” In literature, “Parsi” Generally, to the residents of barking or generalization refers to the Iranians, as in the example of Ferdowsi and naserkhsro..

        But as far as I can see traces of the Persian Gulf nation, and confrontation and not Lor {And leave, and “English speaker” And Arab (Rumi)}The conflict between the Roman and Persian national, why {(G) the Egyptian and Persian-Roman (Ferdowsi)}Contrasting geographical and Persian, Khorasani Indian and Chinese and why {Brimstone community(SADI)}The conflict between the English language and the Greyhound, why {What was the Persian Gulf come taal (Rumi)}.

        Barking is almost always implies a geographic range;

        But this Gulf nation (In this معنیی that the Pan here have thrown in front of the leave and leave the language) And the nation of PARS and Parsi (This means that the ایرانیست have a pan-Aryan love and they use) The servant did not find a trace of it in the literature.”

        But it's not that you've written a few, "the author specifically claims: The use of the Persian title قومگرایانه to refer to ethnicity, and even racist, "again, let's get together to go to Iran any people say, for example, Nowruz Persian new year celebration and see what's brdashtshan. In your opinion, such نامگذاریی is not controversial? Iran's PARS that people migrate to chndhazarsal along with other now mud, part folk and what to say instead that left her Iranian Persian work?

  • کاردو کوردستانی Said:

    Been up there that I got the more I see the BBC a congregation they run it تابقیه the Pan-Gulf War I oppressed Iranian. too late enrollment and Turkic Nations and must have been aware of and have their rights to identity and awareness Fortunately. The historical name of the Iranian nation never existed in ancient times and only an illusion of a bunch of racist Pan farsh. PARS in ancient times to Fars and Kerman provinces of Hormozgan and not least the current applicable land; and Azerbaijan and Khorasan. At least in this domain name geography has been the name of the dominant nation, for example, the median rule the land of the parsha and the rest of the areas conquered all the mud and was called qlmroshan after the median rule with cunning and infidelity was overthrown by Cyrus occupied countries where land of pharmaceuticals including mud country And … PARS were called. Though the nation's growing enrollment or Turkic nation come pergen term of مضحکترین رذیلانه and کاریهایه that most people can never commit. Iranian ملتکورد not, but not native residing in northern Mesopotamia and the Toros sagros and are(Great Turkey) Thousands of years before the arrival of the Indian and European aqqavam in the land of their current resident have been so mzkhmlat with this and more fakes of this chord and متهای to Germany and the rest don't insult. ماکوردها not عربیم not تورکیم not سرزمینمان, but کوردیم and کوردستانی that the Iranians with the colonists were British and French conspiracy between Iran and the countries of khodshown the homemade Turkey and Syria and Iraq divided into current

  • Not leave at least 35 Up 50 Millions of people of Turkey fully documented and alleged facts Said:

    Not leave at least 35 to 50 million people of Turkey fully documented and alleged facts
    The introduction of the country's ethnic groups and nationalities کثیرملت and the newly established (Hundred years old) Turkey – Kurds, Arab, arman, Balkans, Greeks, Pomaks, Caucasian, and …
    Turkey's population of at least 35 of the 80 million to 50 million people do not leave.
    Demographic analysis (Demographics) Turkey

    1.- Iranian Kurds in Turkey 14 up to ۲۲٫۵ million
    2.- زازاهای in Turkey (A branch of the Iranian nation, Afghanistan) 3 million
    3.- Arman arman and secret (Persian peninsula) In Turkey 3-5 million
    4.- 1 million Arabs in Turkey
    5- Lazaha (Viper) In Turkey, 1 to 1.5 million
    6.- Chechnya views (Viper) 100 thousand in Turkey
    7.- چرکس albums (Viper) Between 1 to 6 million estimated, but only 50 thousand people speak چرکسی language and the rest of آسمیله and colonization have been.
    8.- Georgian links (Viper) 1 to 1.5 million
    9.- A آدیغه s (Viper) 300 thousand in Turkey
    10- Iranian آسی (Viper) In Turkey 20-100 thousand
    11- Abkhasha (Viper) 50 to 500 thousand in Turkey
    12- Assyrians (Middle East) In Turkey 25-50 thousand 400 thousand people despite the genocide by Turks
    13- بوسنیاک albums (بالکانی) Up to 2 million 100 thousand in Turkey

  • Not leave at least 35 Up 50 Millions of people of Turkey fully documented and alleged facts Said:

    14- Serbs (بالکانی) In Turkey, 15 thousand
    15- Alban albums (بالکانی) 500 to 700 thousand in Turkey
    16- The Greeks and the Greek have been Muslim (بالکانی) In Turkey, about 1 million despite the genocide
    17- The Bulgarian Muslims, Pomaks or aslavnjad (Near passing blood) In Turkey, about 750 thousand
    18 – Romain or Roma (ایندوایرانی) In Turkey, 500 thousand to 5 million
    19- An unknown number of Africans in Turkish
    20- Crimean تاتارهای (Leave) 150 thousand to 6 million in Turkey
    21- Azeri s (Leave) 800 thousand in Turkey
    22- Uzbeks and Cossacks are (Leave) 50 thousand in Turkey
    23- Utube videos (Afghan and Iranian) In Turkey, about 700 thousand
    24- Syrian refugees (Arab) In Turkey 2.5 million
    25- The Jews leave (Leave non-descent) 25 thousand in Turkey

  • Anonymous Said:

    Our webcams have written like pan that people us to speak at the 15-century establishments in Persian and Turkic languages have been later .
    You are everything that dsttan tv and the newspapers. more than a hundred years of rule have been recent fares because, even a small Persian in Iran, people do .
    Unless the old name of the country” Iran” Was .
    You are the power taken from Kay that everyone speaks their native language to the growth rate of nominal and open your desire .
    Mr. Hadad Adel commented that the possibility is not in Kuwait Arabic words from the English language the English language so we separated. ft is one of the Arabic accent .
    You want the most complete language with this lhjah the world of aunam is a Sogdian! .
    Unless there is such a thing possible?!؟!؟!??!

    • Admin Said:

      If the purpose of this blog is like the Pan-Persian writer, click No.! I'm not just claim that I leave up to the fifteenth century the language of Tabriz, but I gave a link to the source and claims! All material on this website come from if the alleged, it come ذیلش reference.

      A huge difference between what show and there are handling the Lockman. Where is that Persia Persian Iranian language or has always been more documented is because reliable sources that referred to the Turkish language in the world; the most complete is Tosh that gets written on air.
      The name of the country At least from Sassanid era Iran is not supposed to be speaking and I also I change somewhere that someone can or can't come! A vocabulary of the mortgage on the other languages is very common and is a dialect of the language–And no. “Lhjah”–The other language does not. English More than sixty percent of all the vocabulary and technical vocabulary ninety percent Taken from his Latin and these two languages are not each other's accents; Arabic is also a lot of English vocabulary and the accent is not English.

  • Saeed Said:

    Hi, unfortunately, this is one of the tricks of Saeed Nafisi Reza Khan that the name of Persian has been changed to Iran that only exclusively the historical civilization of other regions and in the name of the self regardless of the share of other countries such as Turkmenistan and….

  • Reply to Stupid about not leaving Pan Turkey slaughtered

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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