The BBC's response to the Iranian people is race;

بی بی سی


BBC Persian website recently did a piece titled “The majority of Iranians, not Aryan race” Dr. Maziar ashrafian Bonab quotes, genetics researcher, in the form of a published interview and brought it to such درتوضیح:
"A group of researchers in genetics, University of British portsmot, under the supervision of a researcher to interesting results about the Iranian race have reached. This group believes that most Iranians, contrary to what is believed, are not of Aryan race, but belong to a race that inhabited Iran about 10,000 years ago. This genetic research that is part of the global research under the supervision of Dr. Maziar ashrafian Bonab years ago at Cambridge University and started at the University of portsmot the result is reached.

What of the title and the content of the news and the BBC picked up is that "there is a race called the Aryan race and the people of Iran are often contrary to the common belief that ever has been, this is not a race and of other races that are about ten thousand years ago in Iran. Lived.»

The most basic principles of journalism require that if we quote something from someone, it should be exactly as it is stated, and not that we reflect our own perception and conclusions from what others say in the form of news or reports.
In this interview Mr. Bonab says:

According to the linguistic differences, sometimes due to cultural differences, religious differences, sometimes twenty-six different groups studied and genetic studies show ten despite that we zbanmon as an important branch of the Iranian language ایندو language یوروپین or ایندو یوروپین is the branch of the vote The central parts of the Central Asian Plateau شهایی handled; Our genetic content is very limited and amounts to a bit of pollen zone markers and genetic indices; that we can find in the rest of the Caucasus Middle Asia, beyond the existing advanced theories estimate based on the origin of the Aryan tribes, early on the plateau are found very, very low and it will show the ten That we have very little genetic impact if the immigrant ethnic groups of Asia Middle Center and you will find the truth in Iran .

Dr. Bonab continues says:

We came to the conclusion that all Iranian ethnic groups have a common root, and that most of their genetic content, more than 70% of the genetic content of all Iranian groups that currently live within the political borders of Iran, goes back to a common root of about 10,000 years ago, which followed the Neolithic Revolution or the emergence of agriculture about 10,000 years ago, in the southwestern region of the country and Iran. In any case, this initial population expanded and grew and settled in all the Iranian plateau and then perhaps outside the current political borders of Iran, and this population is the common genetic root of all the ethnic groups living on the Iranian plateau.

The report of the The BBC can completely through the link below to listen:


BBC audio file

Before I want to discuss the reasons for not being Aryan or Iranian I would like comment readers to this point I draw that the Division of the old packaging based on the shape and appearance of the استخوانبندی, which is divided into different races of human beings * other obsolete today, and not, for example, to the application of scientific research این مقاله See:

‘Race’ and research

Modern human genetic variation does not structure into phylogenetic subspecies (geographical ‘races’), nor do the taxa from the most common racial classifications of classical anthropology qualify as ‘races’ (Box 1). The social or ethnoancestral groups of the US and Latin America are not ‘races’, and it has not been demonstrated that any human breeding population is sufficiently divergent to be taxonomically recognized by the standards of modern molecular systematics. These observations are not to be taken as statements against doing research on demographic groups or populations. They only support a brief for linguistic precision and careful descriptions of groups under study. Terms and labels have qualitative implications.

In fact, the evolution of a species of man, which is referred to as modern man or modern man, has not yet been long enough to be derived from various races, and therefore the word or concept of "race" is generally not used in modern scientific research for human groups, let alone for different groups.

Years ago at the same site about comets The amount of Iranian descent with the affiliate or other family relatives and Nations I published that research under the supervision of one of the most prominent contemporary professionals in the science of genetics, Stanford was doing and there is a word of racial differences and the absence of a criterion called the family to show genetic differences among different groups had been used. And why is his interview in Bonab doctor wary of Iranian folk roots "» ( And not the Iranian race) Therefore, contrary to what the BBC says, there is no such thing as an Aryan race or an Iranian race that we are or are not, but there is a people called the Aryan people with specific historical, cultural, linguistic, and genetic characteristics, and in the rest of this article, I will try to show that Iranians, both in terms of cultural and linguistic characteristics, as well as in terms of lineage, are the survivors of this group.

But we must return to the doctor's statements in the interview to the BBC, Bonab : "Genetic studies show that despite the fact that we got our language as an important branch of the Indo-European language or the Iranian branch of the Indo-European language, we got our genetic content from parts of the central plateau of central Asia, our genetic content goes back to that region in very, very limited quantities, and certain genetic markers and markers that we can find in Central Asia, Transcaucasian, which according to existing theories originated. They were originally Aryan tribes, they are found very, very rarely in the Iranian plateau, and this shows that a very small genetic influence, if we got it, was taken from the migratory tribes of Central Asia and can be found in Iran.".

Because our language exactly which timezone is the subject of linguistic research, handled and not genetic research; the only thing Dr. Bonab can be based on his claims, is the same as our genetic content of the Central Asian region and this is not necessarily the result of clay The Iranians are Aryans. In fact, this is the default آریاییان via Tiki Caucasus came to Iran is one of the only existing assumptions.

A few months ago the article from two Russian scientist about the genetic properties of the Aryan language of the mrddman reviews read this article also last year on the basis of genetic information with different groups, including the Iranians found release. Mention the parts of this post could possibly become more clear to help topic. This article in the Specialized journal the science of genetics In Russia released and backup it can The same database بخوانید.

In short this article is arguing that at present there are two hypotheses about the immigration آریاییان. First گویشگران Aryan languages through the steppes of Russia in the third millennium BC were scattered and آریاییان at the beginning of the first millennium BC from the South went to the Aral Sea in Central Asia. The second hypothesis that the name Balkh hypothesis – Merv is famous to say that the Aryans were in Merv in the third millennium BC and in the beginning of the second millennium BC in southern Central Asia and in Afghanistan.

The authors of the article, then both of these assumptions by bring up the cases rejected. In the first hypothesis it is said haplogrop (Gene group) R1a1 in India and the plains of Russia to these areas and the basis for this comment, there is a lot of people in this group gene is about Ukraine 4050 Years with the maximum and minimum 500 There is a difference between years. And about the history of Slavic peoples around 4750 Years with 500 The year is more or less. This issue with dating guys not in the R1a1 in South Asia reads about haplogrop اکراینی much more than the Indians and the Slavic peoples and about twelve thousand years old, and therefore could not come from the plains of Russia.. This hypothesis also for groups such as survivors of the نورستانیها آریاییها in the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan are not explanatory.

The second hypothesis is that the migration of Aryans from the Merv refers to items such as could not influence the linguistic structure of the Sami language explain آریاییان, and ultimately on the basis of all the authors of the article to provide the آریاییان migration map:

نقشه مهاجرت آریاییان

آریاییان migration map


نقشه مهاجرت آریاییان

آریاییان migration map

Based on this map is in fact the early Aryans, first not from the steppe of Russia and Central Asia, but also from the West immigrated to Iran. And of course, a group of them then returned again to the land of the former Immigration.

نویسندگان این مقاله برخلاف دکتر بناب می گویند:

The combination of linguistic and archaeological data homeland of Old Aryan language could be located on the territory of NorthWestern Iran in the region of culture Hissar B in III millennium BC where Old Aryans migrated to the east, south of Central Asia, in the area of Margiana civilization and beyond to the region of the Pamir and Hindu Kush.
2) Most likely, Old Aryans have several haplogroups and their gene pool can consist of subclades of J2 (and, possibly, G2a). These haplogroups are also represented among the Brahmins and the age of these populations is over 12 thousand years. In the gene pool of the original speakers of «ancient European» dialects present haplogroup R1b1b2. 3) During the migration of speakers of «ancient European» dialects through the Middle East and Central Asia, and further through the Volga and the northern Black Sea region to Europe, in their gene pool was involved the R1a1 haplogroup. Later the R1a1 haplogroup become dominant among the eastern Slavs, R1b1b2 – among the peoples of Central and Western Europe 4) In the period of stay of the ancient Aryans in the territory of Margiana in II millennium BC in their genepool could be included haplogroup R1a1, later this became dominant among the Brahmins

Translate :

Linguistic and archaeological data shows that the early homeland of the Aryans in the third millennium BC was probably in the northwest of Iran, and from there they moved east, south and Central Asia, to the Merv region, and beyond to the Pamir and Hindu Kush regions.

Likely to be آریاییان هاپلوگروپهای(Gene groups) They had several genes in their gene pools, including J2 and possibly G2a, and these haplogroups are also present among the Brahmins, and this group is more than 12,000 years old.

In the main European languages of ancient genes, گویشگران tank haplogrop R1b1b2 there. At the time of the migration of the ancient European accent گویشگران in the Middle East and Central Asia and beyond, through the Black Sea to the Volga and Northern Europe, R1a1 haplogrop was added to his genes, tank. Later, in the midst of the Eastern اسلاوهای and R1b1b2 R1a1 in Western Europe and among the people was the dominant.

In an era where the ancient Aryans settled in the land of Meru in the second Millennium b.c.. The tank was added to ژنهایشان R1a1 and later this became the dominant haplogrop in the midst of Brahman,.

About the concept of Aryan as, in accordance with the said دیاکونوف "is the only term allowed the following verses about the usage of ariaiy is about azmanh bastani, purify Arya may namidend. Indian passports (Parsian) And the head of the Medes, and Alan and Iranian peoples and their languages in Central Asia was called ARIA»
(OBO. M. Diakonov.: «تاريخ ماد»، ترجمه كريم كشاورز، انتشارات علمي و فرهنگي، 1380، ص 142، سطرهاي 5 Up to 9, and the notification of 12 Up 17 PS 82-481).

According to what was said, the BBC claims that most Iranians are Aryan peoples from gross conflict with historical resources. Because it is not the BBC's website and not a doctor so you basically did not clear which group is going to be the difference with the rest of the Aryans, Iranians have blood. Merely explained that the Iranians have genetic differences with Central Asian peoples if they knew earlier hypothesis of migration from Central Asia to Iran, آریاییان only one فرضیاتی is raised so far; in accordance with the said that Professor McKenzie Encyclopaedia Iranica website موجود است، عنوان آریایی برای مردم ایران بدون هیچگونه تردیدی مفهوم اتنیکی/قومی/تباری دارد و صرفا منظور از اطلاق آن، گروه زبانی نیست.

We also know, thanks to this very same inscription, that Ahura Mazdā was considered the “god of the Iranians” in passages of the Elamite version corresponding to DB IV 60 and 62 in the Old Persian version, whose language was called “Iranian” or ariya (DB IV, 88-89). Then again, the Avesta clearly uses airya as an ethnic name (Vd. 1; Yt. 13.143-44, etc.), where it appears in expressions such as airyāfi; daiŋˊhāvō “Iranian lands, peoples,” airyō.šayanəm“land inhabited by Iranians,” and airyanəm vaējō vaŋhuyāfi; dāityayāfi; “Iranian stretch of the good Dāityā,” the river Oxus, the modern Āmū Daryā (q.v.; see ĒRĀN-WĒZ). There can be no doubt about the ethnic value of Old Iran. arya(Benveniste, 1969, I, pp. 369 f.; Szemerényi; Kellens).

همینطور به این سند Look at Professor J. Nelly who says that the meaning of the word Aryan has many meanings among Indians, but among Iranians its only meaning is ethnic.

Emile Benveniste is thus quite right to assert that, unlike the various terms connected with the Aryan arya- in Old Indian, the Old Iranian arya- is documented solely as an ethnic name

Darius Kiani, a prominent Iranian scholar earlier in an article on the site azrgshansp Aryan concept in the field of historical documents has collected that At this address Is accessible.

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39 Reply to The BBC's response to the Iranian people is race;

  • Mehran Said:

    Hello to you more specialized genetics publication available backup :-|

    • admin Said:

      M. John Hello

      The link in the article is the same as for it come after pressing on the link and enter the Russian Journal website must wait a few seconds to display the article; I'm strictly a backup copy of the same file on the server this site is added as if any cause In the future it does not available readers can read the article from this page.

  • Meisam Said:

    Completely false. If the date of shnasan, and linguists to ask if you will say: ARIA is a word of Persian and ancient in the hands of some ktibeh that the Iranians will read your ancient ariaiy 8) .So it must be German and Italian vanglyci they have proved the same genetics we have ariaiy to show. :lol: And this is not the same shows they are ariaiy and ariaiy, are the only Iranian. :wink:

    • admin Said:

      Researching the genetic similarities, the Germans about Mr. Bonab and English and not the Iranians, according to its Central Asian tribes of the region and the analogy with ghghaaz Iranians about the genetic similarities among Nations in this story of a master database of all available. A related website also recently published another graph from the same person that is very valid

      One of the sources in his article, Mr r the same person Bonab is


      Everything indicates that possibly the BBC as the news based on his impressions of the written interview because as I research a new text the word Race to not working and this article and interview with Dr. Bonab was waiting for such a thing should not also As the author of the article respond to these uncertainties, herself.

  • […] Is. Recently the BBC also fake content in connection with the people of Iran have released race which is also distorted the truth and the Foundation properly […]

  • Ali Tabrizi Said:

    Honor Gulf ناسیونالیستهای on the Aryan race that constantly as the mallet over the non-Iranian Nations collapsed Gulf used ! In the year 1377 Dr. name of two historical books of cutaneous زهتابی ” On Iran, the Turkish of course = Turks longtime ) And it was told with documentation of native سومرهای generation in Iran Turks are no Aryan, however with farsha and . But still being Aryans farsha Azerbaijan Turks secrets of marriages and said Iranian Turks Turkish irrespective of their race, Aryan, but now Dr. Maziar ashrafian scientific findings show that the historical documentation of Dr. زهتابی scientifically through DNA was also true and not The only Aryan and Turks of the millennial generation, a native of Iran and 11 ۱۰و ( Somerha ) But most are non-آریاییی, and also from farsha generation native of Iran 0( Somerha = the old Turks ) And later with the Iranian regime, but instead of their mouths on farsha ngadshan has not changed .

    • admin Said:

      My problem with you قوزقورتهای you or other factors feeding Tabriz makes this funny is your استدلالهای? I think at least for the caution is that, while the promise of Barbari bread from your diet, omitting a few weeks or less howling came سرجایش aghltan wolfdog drag perhaps, or at least the size of a baby aged two through ten eleven subject unrelated to the relevant leaders and آدمیزادی,. So that they have all these improvements rather than تبریزیها the same trakhtor brdshan for agriculture!

      This is Mr. doqtor زهتابی who dghatra the courage of, and it is not known where you posted that material profsorsh of bad fortune in the world, with the official date is not accepted in any academic read;(Probably the same except the University of courage)In no valid publication, no reputable books that are printed in place of آدمیزادی and no nonsense this encyclopedia yet and I already described here also چراییش:

      If my claims to the contrary, where you can go to sandsh alone to the rest of the Nations of the world on this are aware of Turkestan Buick. For example, an instance of this gossip after several years to show me that in a reputable journal or from a specialized academic publication or an article is encyclopedia.

      About the same time سومریها is no the same anywhere in the world except the Turkestan سومریها do not know leave yourself

      Ashrafian Bonab, Dr. تجقیقات, the first time the genetic research on the descent of the Iranian people, will not be too آخرینش. A doctoral research student at the University of Cambridge is an English-medium University in the later one and continue until the moment not even yet released entirely what is so common here claimed descent, genetic similarity of the Iranian people with each other and to the people of Central Asia is the lack of shbahtshan That is the smallest with a few million years of ایفتیخارات and Avenger of Sumer is not Turks.

      • E. Said:

        my friend “Barbari bread” Gone to spicy. I read here that take up all the temperate and deliberate, this one was a little spicy. However, I imagine that in the wake of Azeri, qozaqort yourself a breakdown, but there is one ethnic connotations Barbari, whether these two together does not breakdown, like ethnic connotations, however, is that of sangak is much weaker.

        • Irani Said:

          Barbari bread bread, not even in the populous city native of Azerbaijan, we can hardly find the Barbari bread
          So it's not as a symbol of the people of Azerbaijan *

    • B. Said:

      Dear friend, so it's all the similarities too I boushehri or Shirazi and Azerbaijani with a dissatisfied?

  • kazemita Said:


    You are spiral or iranic?

    • admin Said:

      Hello my friend. None of the authors of this site strictly; am I released mtalebm here and you too if you have a story or to publicly write here or if private prsshtan of use contact form at the top of the page.

  • Mehran Said:

    The master article also read about Mohseni and insert if possible. Because the response has been good:. With the title: The BBC and non-Aryans! / Genetic research and the common roots of the Persians:

  • […] The BBC claims the wrong description I gave (Link to my post about the race of the Iranian people and the BBC interview audio file from here …).Most recently, Mr. Bonab also sent a response to the BBC and this claim […]

  • farzad Said:

    Mr. admin were seen in the literature was the sanctity of the site admin will tell you that adaat kept the way you speak, why? Something to leave the Gulf and and and LOR and Baloch and …. I've always said I'd try, but hes not Iranian dignity underfoot Harrow bzary …You see, the first Azeri and تاریخشونو are slaughtered after KIA profane come now… Go Dede qurquod got slaughtered after the profane come here now…We keep every Azerbaijani Chi of Arab rather than happily ever دینیم b generation… When the Arabs attack same-babaki in mghablshon stand and did not allow to exceed namussh.… Same-babaki when dstesho cut off the hand of blood hand picked بریدشو دیگش ran his and said that there should be a yellow face with Azeri بمیره… The same, he sliced the next کشتنش-babaki * and a few say that few of the country gateway اویزون b man look what have ابهتی…Yeah, we're میمیریم to Azerbaijani Azerbaijani bodenmon azari and proud because we are not on the Arab…

    • Chuck sacrificed Iran Said:

      Thank you yourself and not Azerbaijani Turkic نامیدی
      Yes all our countrymen in the atrpadegan or باییجان are not Azerbaijani Turkic December. b both Azeri and was defeated by the Arab Caliph emitted تورکان aura to the martyring. b not only honor آذرباییجان honor all that. but you and I guarantee that all Azerbaijani b talk to him anymore. the first Turkic Sogdian The language was آذرباییجان had come to kill b.

      • Saber Said:

        B did not leave? Sure was Rashti. Why NAP and throws you're saying?

      • Saber Said:

        I don't know what race has nothing to do with the continuing rights of Nations is getting? Why you fallacy of admin? If you're saying right about to overwhelm the nation's rights have been leaving the native speakers write like. The entire letter is that millions are leaving legal language that has been violated and the only time it is decomposed in this way and if need be we will do anything. You are so بیسواد that you don't say, for example, a land property of the Azerbaijan ایرانه. Each country is to mrdmansh like this is that t is to mount damavand mount sabalan. Doesn't make sense at all. I was on nkhundem so I know that, but we all are human beings and have rights that we must fight with him, even with the country's breakdown

  • orhan Said:

    All topics and made him ghrbandder the Pahlavi era in circles one hundred percent dependent on the mahafli of "Kaveh," "Patriotic Association, the homeland of Iran", "dmokrat", the Party Committee of the Berlin people because t. ¬, زادة k, iranshahr, por d., ghazvini and several others to promote racist beliefs and excellence breeds ari OBO and engaged youth hunting . Sayed Hassan taghizadeh in his diary journal financing refers to the Germans by Kaveh :
    "The Germans did not have any mzaiqh costs in terms of money and they can easily».
    E. confirm that iarshatr is also in the German press, ariaprstane naziha governance of print organization of Germany and Iran to shall be added and the اروپائيان were discovering the history of ancient Iran and Iran's fkhramiz iadegari hkhamanshi Nael came especially in this point is not bad OBO The famous French "we shrghshnas Iman klaman» in Iran is completely known and famous scholars to confirm such pan-farsist «mjholat busy discovering the history of Iran in the ancient Testament is .
    , And its implementation to the colonial policies in the form of Pan-airanism- Pan-farsism dates come . With the company in the form of scientists and intellectual mershdan and nasism with money and colonization, the njadpstane formation can flare tab . "This is the direction of the Iranian national identity formation on the basis of an unknown race, stripping away the Mola excellence ariav Persian language which unfortunately until today in the context of the general laws and mentality has been a lasting product directly in the second and third decades Europe present ad (The 20th century) That is extremely racist
    Pay attention to the historical realities of this painful point of the Mara, quite the bastangrayanh and mazi hiahoi presti, something other than the issue of mshti the slogan of vacuolation in be liable for material wealth has been plundered of Iran
    A look at the history of simultaneous and parallel activities in two directions for :
    1- So natural throthai
    2- Superstitions prevalent racist ariaiy
    Exposing the fact .
    No one نمیگوید that unless this sneaky behind the back اریاییها what is the difference with the rest of the contenders have all these years is pure and perfect. "Yes, you are, unfortunately, a more اقیان to woodpeckers are pure اریایی yesterday but today the other thing….
    Head west to sprdegi propagandists wanted: "Iran should it and who, by جسماً and روحاً, and to the persistence of Pan-farsism cease and the Foundation helps to understand the causes of three military conflicts," the era of ancient grandeur and Majd and adai breeding excellence (Gov and merely Arab Torkan) The bitter truth to swallow the Rapture and today he forgot . Kash and the handle all over the mghdonian, Islam, Arab, Turkish and Torkan heart . Gooya Iran sasani Medina and hkhamanshi of fazelh of mghdonian and were by the Arabs were diverted to brbarit
    The nature of highly anti-Turkish Pan-farsism azarbaijani and ashkari issue is . Historians explain the cause of this problem in derbari, Reza Khan Qajar سلسلة hostility to leave because of the language they are !? But to cite the information in the car is hand anesthetic mask but one fell on the main perpetrators, the actors will work چهرة was another . Therefore, the nature of Turkish Pan-farsism azarbaijani and proof must be in the search instead of the other, that the cause is something other than the role of Azerbaijan in the constitutional revolution and the leadership of Shaykh Muhammad Messenger of Azerbaijan to put against the street 1919 Ironically, it is the interests of the United Kingdom's Al-dawlah petition at pichid . With speculation could not be accounted to date . Come work with Azerbaijan on one hundred percent dependent on the regime was supposed to tghas English mkhalfathai yourself with the policy of the UK so give that this network of revenge today. Mokhtar hadidi in conjunction with jshnhai 2500 As such, Iran will be on the shahnshahi years :
    "The rise of the bastangraiy ariaiy in the nineteenth century and its expansion in the Pahlavi period, associated with hdfahai astamari scientific scholars in India and Iran.
    Following the same policies was that "Iran Novin" alternatives "to the domestic محروسة of Iran seems to be that many political experts, leaders in the art of giving great Torkan is based, has been the multinational land . It is interesting that the counterfeiting of disclose shovinista historical time. . It's such a rare work of the Caucasus issues shnasan sedighi and Middle East political studies in the State, "نشرية", the final defeat of the other historical hoax to expose farsistha and pan may has :
    ««-Thesis, they practiced on the political needs of the academic- It was during the German King and act as a consolidation of shahnshahi nationalism. . This thesis to explain this reality trigger political and cultural, which is how Azerbaijan Republic of national identity during the years of his throbbing kmonisti.
    While we are shoonisti vatani 70 The ominous years spent making this their historical hoax that there is not the North Azerbaijan and it is called "the land of Aran
    The strategy and policy of the Pahlavi period in Iran inspired by Ataturk came to ترکیة that the expression of nationalism relies on the language, namely the Pan was the origin of فارسیسم countless cultural crimes * . In the Pahlavi period, unlike the former Constitution that does not need to mention the official language of the country were virtually never seen in English language were converters is the successor to the country and know that every language is actually the successor to a killer language converter and the role of cultural and culture-proof drawing plays . While the "common language" has such a role and not always a spirit of national unity with the self-imposed human freedom and equality of all citizens, social and cultural rights along with that in front of the spirit of unity and efficiency, "انتگریسم" and "no to dictatorship," Mottaki» is located in the . But the language of the successor and political guidance and استراتژدی it called for stripping the real identity and plurality and natural, cultural diversity in order to destroy under the pretext of "national unity"

  • […] They have the same. Earlier in two separate written here and here and in response to BBC English, is mbsot about the concept […]

  • ali Said:

    Dear Admin I ask you the question I am going to:
    1. do you consider the people of Iran are not important or Aryans?
    2.- If you can prove the Iranian people today generally, the majority of(At least two-thirds of the entire population) Of the Aryan race?
    3-length of time the Iranians with a variety of ethnic groups, intercourse intercourse they did this, they did not affect the race?
    Hopefully a clear answer to the question above about Aryans and the truth is that they are one of several folk have been residing in Iran and the Caspian Sea to the South and more living in the Northwest Plateau. If we look at genetics Aryan tribes have genetic samples of early Aryan (This is very important) We will consider for example tribal skate and Alan and Interestingly, that genetic research on the mummies of the people that have been found in Central Asia and Siberia, shows almost all of them do not like the current people of Iran are living in Iran probably Aryans. from thousands of years of coexistence with other peoples Interracial intercourse with them, and their initial properties have lost.

    • Admin Said:

      Hello. Do you consider your children or a member of your family you care? Ali al-this topic is not worth to you but is part of your identity.
      I have three more, once written in the same (If you read the full) And Once here The second story is about the Aryan race and the BBC as well as Here I توضیج why people are Iranian Aryans and why something called the race for modern man is not defined that our race of Aryan race..
      In the case that the truth of the Iranian people's descent جیست we merely academic texts we can invoke otherwise merely on their personal opinion.

      • ali Said:

        What you are about to check identity is true but having a common ancestor could not be displayed because of common descent on an example of bravery in the past a group of businesspeople went to Zanzibar in the African country, Shirazi, and settled in this group with Aboriginal people (Which were black) They married and now in Zanzibar's rural ساکنانش know their menu but no like people today do Shiraz, although rated ancestor Shirazi. do you can tell that these are rated are, of course, and the identity of the Shirazi Iranian?
        It is clear that the inhabitants of the village even if it has to be their ancestors could be Tammy Shirazi, Shirazi, and now the people of Iran have Aryan ancestors, though, but because their ancestors at the time with the other guys were the incorporation of the current دیگراکثریت are not considered Aryan people of Iran.
        Of course in some villages and nomads, Lorestan and Kurdistan, Gilan-Azerbaijan-that there are marriage and family among them and with other people have less mixing can be Aryan Nation, the survivors view. Although the number of these people to 1 percent of the total Iranian population appear not.

        • Admin Said:

          According to دیاکونوف only the application right from the Aryan groups as it is for the old era which also used this title for themselves *. Indians and Iranians, including the Aryan tribes which they said. According to Jay نولی (The second entry I see about the Aryan race.) Only used the ARIA as related to ethnic Iranians. Although the Indians as the Aryans used to themselves, but unlike the Iranians not to use it for ethnic concept. In the modern Aryan as classification to those relative to speak one of the Aryan languages; as the Iranians are those that a branch of the Iranian languages speak. That is, the modern classification for category of Nations on the basis of the language is not descent but if blood is no doubt Aryan ethnic name; the people of Iran.

  • ali Said:

    Do you think it is that common language or linguistic origins can be solid reason to be on the common descent?
    The language of the nationality of the religion and culture of the features are acquired( Unlike descent) And over time and according to the need for social and political change, for example, now many native Indians and blacks(During the colonial era) English, French and Latin is whether you can tell us, for instance, that his skin black in English is descended from Anglo-Saxon too?
    Now anyone who is one of the Iranian languages, I shall not communicate with the ancient Iranians. This definition that you have more Iranian or Aryan as hereditary descent and has acquired trait
    In the case of دیاکونوف said that in the past their Aryan or Iranian who can read must be the same people who were saying that the Arabs as they said ” Red ” That is, if you look at the Sima red Mummy Scythian Mummy found in Siberia and salt in order to get you noticed my Zanjan.

    • Admin Said:

      Not me so don't think that common language means common descent. The thing that I wrote to you and again I repeat that modern ethnic groups; categorized based on languages they do not descent. For example, in the definition of the Iranian modern person is a branch of the Iranian languages spoken; not someone who has Iranian ancestors. Whether this is correct or incorrect classification is not my topic of discussion.

      I wrote to you earlier that the Iranian people as Aryans, in addition to language, the concept of dependency is blood. The mstndatsh In this entry You can read the.

      In order to make the Iranian دیاکونوف of what was and what they were saying to the Arabs and Persians who were in the area of the old is not your knowledge you are not expert in this field. Merely referred to a specialist or the exponent of debts or write your personal opinion.

  • ali Said:

    I.e. now a majority of people in this modern European classification of American Indian وایران ranging from black white red yellow skin and skin… Are Indo-European languages!!! Because a common root language has, however, are !!! Get this is !!
    Now in the Arab country, Turkmen Turks what task?
    If you go to a family from Saudi Arabia after a few generations of Iranian and Persian irrespective of the Aryans?
    Or a family from Tehran to Tabriz and whose language is not Turkish, other Iranian?
    The people of Iran and the Iranian language of course is a combination of many different breeds are not supposed to know all this to be sure is to give an opinion by an expert
    This is a program that is broadcast on the BBC has many شدایرادهای such as being properly Aryan criteria is specified but no person of a person kind of clogged up the scientist could not prove the current majority of Iranians are descended from the ancient Persians

  • اتاتورک Said:

    بعدترکهااومدن اریایی یااول دنیاازنژاداریایی total ترکشون are being یااریایی is not going down, but being اریایی دقیابانظرادمین ازسی ریشش whole world agree _ and the third is the view that the entire history of Arabic lhjah از۲۵میلیون taalan last year that I'm this کامنتومیزارم belonging to farshabodeh Spunky فارسهامردمانی وغیرتتتتتتتتمند!!Andagh has been a country in which the majority of the dstshon روبدین be کارهاروخودشون ' do ودرعین a body strong civilization had created images like this where? like afghanstaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn کبیررررررررر جمعیتشون بااینکه بزارین total respect for all sruthsh. Trust the world 40-get ۴۰ملیون, but has a strong willpower derjal on onbogh خودرادراین abraznmodeh always such problems. …..وغیرخودراکوچک know خودشونوبرترین بااینکه. ازبزگیشون is the same as the Arabs and the entire همسااااااااااااااااایگانشو وترکمن ubluch and leaving the Shiite and Sunni and ومسیحی…Azeshon metnfarn. وایران وبروزی leave کردونه not change the air dropping change someday in this Arab نمیخان کشورباشن people عثمانیها باایران dosdarboden by, for example, areas for(Ahwaz, Iran)Oeam murder went off but now what that bkhatrazadshden believe in all the dirty njadhajonshonm to lose Iran ازربایجان وکردستان takhlas sand from here??????????!?

  • Anonymous Said:

    Farsha سیکتیرین. The same بلدین like your Persian ancestors live, PARS only.

  • B. Said:

    Dear friend of cracks that were somerha race oghble of whether Iran's PARS were no doubt this native area to come on it's not ancient or normal in Azerbaijan indicates this. in the meantime, why not پرتهای هرکی NAP and confirmed mites you insult Thoreau I? and the other is a case That got the Red aqalt apply now say actor skin of Mongoloid people or the same eye, almond eye, when the continents were connected to immigration or Eskimo, thence also, when you saw you carefully look like your eyes almond eye brows u do ... but the black In Iran with golden hair eyes German brass lion opost Abbey are you a race you know? it is theory that you bring up the BBC with common match in which she tells friends. historical materials related to Iran represents is that we're اریایی bdonn 'em at the time was Bob Reza Shah And aims to raise the so-called ((Class )) Iran was good wasn't bad policy.

    • Admin Said:

      Dear friend you can say Perth and Pola. You can expect the Lockman and others also benefit from this knowledge لایزالت. You thought I was a couple of times this week take nonsense? Sumerian language in terms of a group of isolated, are valid in any University in the world, this group's ancestors of the Turks or no other ethnic group are not considered.

      In the case of my three posts on this blog Aryan wrote does not need to explain more. If someone wants to learn what can be written to look for sources if someone will have something to learn from me not working. The race also A social system And the base is not genetic. Something called the European race or don't race, Aryan race.. Why is there the same apparent features a detailed explanation of the needs that I wrote a post later maybe but something called race for the modern man does not have the application categories. In the case of the BBC also denied entry to nkhstshan themselves, and the second entry is the same as my written claim confirmed means that Iranians are survivors of the آریاییان living in Plateau. You will not post the rational نخواندی and after.

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh(Ariana) Said:

    Stupid ass tracki AILANTHUS sfthai pig spy.
    This is how bakonid motlbu konton
    The arrest nokran Baku a General in Iran I was burn-proof ointment bsosid cool boxes to muzzle and loose kthifton kon

    The two spies arrested in Iran were prisoners Azarbayjani
    Documents obtained show that Shahriar hajizadeh and Farid Hossein-f with the guidance of Azerbaijan information service had entered Iran, MTN. They had a mission to some of the protesters with their internal purposes and in line with the ambition of separation to humans.
    The two arrested a citizen of the country of Azerbaijan in Iran, spying and trying to create ethnic tensions under interrogation..

    According to Fars, an official in charge of East Azerbaijan province announced this to the press that the documents obtained show that Shahriar hajizadeh and Farid Hossein-f with the guidance of Azerbaijan information service had entered Iran, MTN. They had a mission to some of the protesters with their internal purposes and in line with the ambition of separation to humans.

    The method used two Azeri nationals have been arrested, the same way that Israel has long been to run it is trying. Stimulate and support the extreme elements in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the payment of funds to provide training and share experiences and these factors and finally deploy targeted them to Iran, thereby increasing the political تنشهای between the two countries Iran and Azerbaijan.

    Hajizadeh and Hussein Cultural Institute with a PDF with a forged invitation that had been sent to them a ایرانیشان interface to enter Iran.

    The two defendants mentioned in line with its mission, attempting to collect information and have specific places of imaging.

    In recent years, the Republic of Azerbaijan to the right for local traffic and transit to third countries and terrorists, spies, including Israel, has become .

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh(Ariana) Said:

    The Iranian high probability interface e. or h. salarian mohammadzadeh sedigh, were two pig snout pig unclean loose manners of kon nokran and pabusan ataterk ahamghqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq dumb ass donkey

    Shaarton iashatin and iashashin
    To the grave ataterk together bshashin :arrow:

  • Logical Said:

    If the dominant genetic marker haplogrop j2 which is your opinion of the people of Iran related to Aryan race you so all Sami or to express today, the Arabs are also Aryan ! And did you become the so-called Indo-European languages the term Sami – -European ! In that case the position of the Sami languages what do you get?! I also based on genetic variation determined who were Aryans . For example, the marker r1a1 which Aryans haplogrop mshahore فراوانترینه in northern India, and later in a path in Iran(As low as)To the East of Europe and later the Center and even Western Europe, but also found marker Sami(j )Just to the South of Europe (Greece and Sicily and …)View . Remove hands from لجبازی . The migration of one of the tribes of Aryans to the Iranian plateau and were therefore able to give these people the plateau languages change, but many of them before the coming of civilization in Iran and Aryan civilization also built on the previous civilization . As a Union of Medes, native tribes and absolute power measurements were Aryan clan of Aryans from the Sassanid Persian Empire was started and finished in . After the arrival of Islam and that the Turks and other times in this land . The current Iranian majoah of all these ethnic groups and cultures and events, and none on the other's excellence .

  • Logical Said:

    Really what there is of the Aryan Nation, autistic !! Aryan is not very khfen were all with gene groups had themselves ! They were careful to everyone just give one face !! For example, to European r1a1 and j2 مهاجرهای just to keep themselves !! You accept that the majority of Iranians are Aryan theories to better provide such a strange athbatsh !

  • Ali Said:

    It was great
    I really don't know what is the purpose of the BBC اینکاراش exactly

  • One Said:

    Dord to the interested zeal اریایی

  • Reply to Ali

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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