Fakes BBC 1; language English has always been the common language of Iranians is

BBC English.

BBC. Image in the public realm.

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). According to the CIA's diplomatic lomond you in addition to the direct support, spending millions of dollars, in the name of human rights and human rights organizations do; so it shouldn't be surprising to know much of those active as a human rights activist and supporter of the rights of ethnic minorities to their own wormholes; where are financing.

The last few years is that the country's State organs, the BBC uk, a part with the name of "observers say has created a Web site in English and some of the well known ' pen in it?. Despite being a BBC Persian tv I do not have access, but the most shamelessly the most ugly and anti-Iranian on the same content a few years of the BBC Persian website I read. Work somewhere that even Iran's legal basis for the hands and feet; while the right is called the right of secession in the form of self-determination is an absolutely shameless lie. The continuation of this policy led to a separate part of my blog henceforward I created to pay these fakes and thmetha posts.

The BBC claims that responsibility for others ' entries in your website that this claim is wrong. Because the BBC is also the author of the entry and selects the subjects responsible for the release of this is. Up today several times comment respectfully I also deleted comments from this section that the two examples that I had the opportunity earlier release will published. The main thematic content of all this in the name of national oppression ".. . As I explained earlier; maybe none of these articles alone does not matter, but the procedures that this fall in total content; Finally, the illusion-inducing to the reader that in Iran there is a Gulf in the name of ethnic people to various forms of economic, social, cultural, historical, and z Animation, foll violated the rights of other ethnic groups. Because of functioning and how the media influence like the BBC we should to some extent; with aware how political advertising and modern media have familiar پروپگاندای.

In Recent entry That an author has published the name of witness qumgra Alavi, a claim : 1) Separatism in Iran is an illusion. 2) The historical claims of being Iranian in English as the common language is meaningless because it can't issue before have contemporary conceptual. 3) A group of very extreme Pan-Aryan-oriented ایرانیست and generally opposed any kind of opening lends the whole cultural languages are غیرفارسی in Iran and it is opposed to Iran materials and their evaluation against the Persian language. 4) Separation of interests in Chicago, And not independence, In the face of democratic political space, freedom, cultural, linguistic and political power building renovated to guarantee federal and decentralized/unconditionally and the right of everyone to participate at all levels of the political game, color bazd.

If the secession in Iran was an illusion, according to u.s. Government documents–That was disclosed officially becomes even–And the media reports such as the telegraph or the States millions of dollars in lomond, Iran did not cost to devote to extend the illusion. If the British Government had some illusion to expand ethnic hatred was not a proposition. Of course the final row in his written Alavi this issue better clear. In fact, according to Alawi and Alavi in Iran there is no separatism because they want the country to shreds, they are not seeking independence, but security analysis;.

In this post also claimed that the English language has never been the common language of the Iranian people because those are the historical concept of the claim being does not know the language and the common language of the modern national State before basically is meaningless! It is not known the common language of dialogue before the modern era has no sense because what? Modern Governments that emerged in the middle ages eighteen and nineteen, and concepts such as the common language to what nationality with the hundreds and thousands of years of history? Unlike the authors of the BBC, Professor Arnold j. Toynbee, a prominent English linguist, believes that the Persian language Common language has been always Iranians.

In addition, the BBC Persian website to bash her extreme charge is ایرانیستها Pan; without being given an opportunity to this group that defend themselves. This behavior is not only unethical and unprofessional, but we also can be considered as. Pan did not believe that never ایرانیستها non-English languages need to be banned in Iran. Learning any new language, a new window is a growing global. Any language, any size and still be suffering, which, surprise, and other languages that are not in ظرافتهایی. Of these non-English languages as the teaching, the State fee, must not only be achieved but for the relatives of the remaining Iranians should be able to learn in the common languages of Iran. This topic is not only wrong, it is not less that someone with the opposite; what with which we are highly related, mandatory training an Iranian language, weaken the common language as a historical heritage of all Iranian peoples and not just a nation of (About Fars/PARS and the concept of community This is a good article To read.) And declining native language string to create ethnic hatred.

Discuss with fellow Iranian tribes of the beautiful love. Today that our nation has historically oppressed; the release of all Iranians mullahs regime of any ethnic origin depends on our cooperation and the release of all the people of Iran. In Iran, every Iranian is free tomorrow–As a citizen of Iran (And not as a citizen of a nation and tribe)–Human rights and citizenship that must be استیفا regardless of ethnic affiliations. The Islamic Republic of Iran to the people of all the oppression, but this was more in the right ajhaf some groups; however should not forget that the main problem is the tyranny of the Iranian nation and not who or LOR or azari is.

Some alien countries to pressure the Islamic regime and the Iranian blackmail risk analysis procurement saw حرکتهای. This issue will not lead to the collapse of Iran but can be ethnic and tribal wars and ethnic hatred in Iran; something that Iran does not have a history of today. Not difficult to understand that if the UK Government and its State-run media concern protection of ethnic rights; could this affection in Irish and Scottish decent right and not being in the worst economic conditions today are millions pound to the cost of their English broadcasts.

I love the text that the BBC did not publish, and censorship:

This set of notes will definitely represent the position of the BBC Persian. You yourself choose the sure-fire starter and the article you publish yourself so it certainly is against what you have responsibility, published.

Applicable as much to the "extreme ایرانیست" pan is not joanmardane (Because this group has the right to defend himself against the charges against the author of the article.) And not ژورنالیستی and professional. In addition, this group is a very "extreme" version of the doctrinal source for it yet to say this superficial man fallacy. The author herself decides who will have faith then what opinion the review.

This section is false if نگویم is false: «…Being natural selection in English as the common language of all Iranians…This is a non-historical understanding of why that common language before speaking of the formation of modern national State is dedicated to the contemporary world and in Iran less than a hundred years, is essentially meaningless and overcome historical times on the complication arises from the mind of the complainant.

برای مثال اینجا از پروفسور آرنولد توینبی:

Arnold J. Toynbee, A Study of History,V, pp. 514-15

In the Iranic world, before it began to succumb to the process of Westernization, the New Persian language, which had been fashioned into literary form in mighty works of art…gained a currency as a lingua franca; and at its widest, about the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of the Christian Era, its range in this role extended, without a break, across the face of South-Eastern Europe and South-Western Asia from the Ottoman pashalyq of Buda, which had been erected out of the wreckage of the Western Christian Kingdom of Hungary after the Ottoman victory at Mohacz

Translate: In the world of Persia, before فرآینده غربگرایی, new Persian language (Persian language in order of Islam.) That was common in the works of brjesh art as a common language [The Persians] Vogue website.

The English section of the library you can search Google.

Send this comment while but until today many respectable comments from me on this website have been removed. If this is deleted it will send a few comments for the highest. But I hope at least the principles of freedom of expression are not to be believed or if it might be find the belief.

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15 Reply to Fakes BBC 1; language English has always been the common language of Iranians is

  • P. b. Germany اوغلی Said:

    Hi عزیزفکرنمیکنم like someone منکرقوم PARS Persian Gulf Arabic Western porn. ویابا. this mammoth antiques era hanaashnabashd. دردنیاوبخصوص is about 250 years at the obdan value of the bshermtrah rights قایلند. otmden هادریدداشته rafares all over the world that take the nameless laid راآنهابنیان history. Where دنیاقرارداشته or now.
    . Drdoran وهمزیست savage Nations friends inside Iran remained the world's "Afghan سیرمیکنندومیخواهند and rear their own literature and culture خودتکیه.. نمیخواهنددرسایه the Gulf میخواهندزبان racists themselves, their kids are given lessons in music their own property. اصلامنریشه I Fars. now I noticed that this language is the language of Turkish progressive slide ومیخواهم peripheral qdrtmandrabche read my یاترک یاپهلوی my Azerbaijani Azerbaijani. شمانمی فهمیدمیخواهم that ایدوچه شماچکاره khudbashm foot ۱۰۰سال باکمک radio is say... oil money The South Arabian language زوری drmdars باتدریس. obachap ایدمارافارس not book millions.. وحاکمان the old بانبودهیچ station, Turks چطورماراترک Web خردی وحیا بکشیدشرم embarrassed? is so ozandan Woo shmabatfng lie.…کارسازنیست.

  • A. Said:

    :arrow: Madman said none will destroy the face of Turkish language
    Akhh if they think you are you doing analysis of country to hot rsidi?
    We are all we have left the Islamic Republic of Iran and the remnants of the language are scattered all over the place and still mainly Arab and farsa and still completely krdeha
    Quantitative accuracy in predicting that if eradication is the capital of Tehran that all provinces to the city and arranging her life do mden and without hatred of both.
    No fares and not to leave and not Arab, he or another than not أقوام to excellence and racial tension are not together. You are charged for the likes of which this problem instead of trying to maintain a growing Alliance that eradication and eradication of hatred, but special agent prakani been nkani blood and blood of war and planning for
    If we can get a good analysis of the war in Iran and the country's infrastructure and we all face and again for making Iran the cost of money you got oil and gas must be evil and wants our samples for East and West and they do, and the country spent months pocket of more deprived now of observing And please carefully and if thy heart for yourself and not think SUSE Grand aindeh at least voted for that hot guys creating think myad.
    Let's wait for Iran to play and therefore they waste up to the country's nmonim email

  • Anonymous Said:

    I know your beliefs with this unlikely, in the near future, Iran released Iranian human rights and citizenship for any belief to be. You agree only on the framework that you prefer your. In your opinion, everyone is different (And not even the opposite of) With it and qumgra and analysis … Is.

  • N. Said:

    خدابیامرز Ahmad Kasravi who was, according to research that found Tabrizi based on historical documentation had proved that the area of Azerbaijan in the old language similar to the language spoken by the Larry. Now the rulers of killing them with leave and leave speak out. These are both history and falsely impersonate--now it makes Dan that we do these things to the therefore force monitoring we azeshon! With this nonsense is just too much hate and rancor and possess the reader to develop the country and chaos and civil war بکنن!
    AW you're leaving Fars cities overall immigrant dweller but hapless fares a year for not living in a city mixed up VPNs Turks do not leave the life.!!!
    The question I would pose is that they are ethnocentric and intolerant or fares that has next to no discrimination other tribes live?
    If the nationality on the basis of the definition of language can get nationalities disappears.. For example, Switzerland contracted three languages German, French and Italian spoken.. But the German language Swiss says I'm Swiss. Bad tell entirely and did I want to break apart from Switzerland to Germany bchesbam.
    Claims of human rights and democracy that I like her consciousness quite unprecedented interest are asked and just based on the source and the grudge are treated.!

  • How to profit from the dissemination of the آخوندیسم?! Said:

    How to profit from the dissemination of the آخوندیسم?!


  • Nowhere in the Iran thing called race and descent could not be found Said:

    Nowhere in the Iran thing called race and descent could not be found

    ….. The regime has been the hanger and the Gore of velayat-e Faqih regime in that country called Iran the world's unmatched infernal is made for prevention of نابودیش and for those who would die before hand and final method now (A few reformists, بینداز and frmanerva.) Colorful nationalist pan to throw together and lives of the people of Iran are the best integration of shunt operation makes the. گدایان hanger of the clerical regime with false views of Pan Pan false آریانماهای Ministry of information and the Ministry of information and other tricks this talk among the Iranian people, the root of ADO and spark here dark one day are the language and the language of this descent and descent of the And this race is a race, and it has been the hanger and listen to the infernal دژخیمان command in the meantime have no trades! Flipped many of those with the nationalistic mud Pan e Sarai developers are fun little youth age and simple minds are that instead of addressing the root of the Iranian people, which is surely a dark day when the autocratic regime of the colorful Pan-nationalist follow ….. (All see the document at the link below)


  • radavar Said:

    مردک مینویسه English and says you're not moving this hundred years English zbanmon that one hundred years also brought in کجاش from unknown
    Next time, if you got any ethnic language of the North and center of the changed say Iran and Lebanon and Syria South of آفریقاو and even southern Europe always being Arabs? Or maybe was better like Arab and Persian languages other languages all the Turks occupied areas were all perish except Iran got the English not mother tongue--that you get مدعیش?
    I mean, Turkish tabs?
    A ترکیبیه accent of Persian and Arabic ومغولی that's very funny

  • Voyeur Bashi Said:

    D d k e khrsh I lost it when the truth comes up says
    This donkey thread this dear Dell thread this paste, thread the thread this thread Uncle dad love this thread …..

  • Rare Said:

    Dear accent or language you learn every time you leave insulting to fellow don't zbant can define بیارید and fake self defense to date……

  • Rare Said:

    What fun is a mage said Turkish f tab!!!!??!
    English is not a Glam herself is of the type….. Anyway to force the healed psychological namishe

  • Web site design Said:

    Thank you khobtan content

  • Germany ' Said:

    Lord I love myself and root and n Farsi speakers always love فاشیستا against thee. "English for my Honey I sugar, Sogdian. I love on our مللیت 're ازربایجانمم. Sogdian Sogdian language ancestor in Sogdian ancestor.. my father's father were any Turkic forces me to one were Wolf.

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh(Ariana) Said:

    I've you Granny and then divorce from my father is dead, of course, you spit Tay nendakhtm and understanding bisavad and Granny gone because I was the one that said for kheiri and Ahmad nmishi pkhi khnegi u no
    Turkish language for this hate is not Turkish language also lhjst more khrzahrh honey is clumsy and bury the base that very much incomplete and arbih
    This is seen in both nokran and Alawi noche e. salarian and h. pantracki are stupid mohammadzadeh sedigh jael bisavad.

    • Germany Said:

      You've got your granny instead زاییدن ریده . Usually what any kid--Bel Granny her that's why I say the mother tongue …But you're among your people and components go . The more your bōgu !

  • Reply to N.

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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