"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Whether there is a God and God is creator of the world? The answer to this question, what do we find?

In most communities, the general answer to this question is the same. People around the world all the time to have a kind of God to believe; though the same understanding of the societies of any concept of God does not exist.

In our country, in addition to being a belief in the existence of God is accepted as a principle, (Like most other communities)The representatives of God to believe; has to be prophets and chosen by him to have been the Mission of the Mission of the Shiite imams to believe; that the generation of the Prophet's successors, and the generation of Enduro belief that clerics and velayat-e Faqih has a successor and Deputy are both imams to enter the rest of the necessary political and social arenas and in all cases the existence of God as an undeniable principle approved by the community, an introduction to other admissions The political and economic principles that regulations based on it has been based on the.

In the United States, 83 percent of the people believe in the existence of God; the figure among American scientists at about 33%IAnd among the most prominent scientists who arrive to join the National Academy is far less, about seven percent of the total population, and of about five and a half percent among biologists is.II With all of these are the only two percent of the U.S. population, their godless faithIII Or ndanmegraIV They introduced.

Atheism can be heavy consequences for the person to have a mobile and this is not generally the opinion expressed. In America a gay social situations, and may be able to get from the top job, but خداناباوری can lead to loss of jobs and the social position of the lead person of the godless. This issue is directly related to the people's moral understanding of society. For example, the American public believe that a khdanabaor cannot be Adhere to ethics ; If چینیان or public non-Indians who have different religions and religion Ebrahimi, atheism and morality into two separate topics regard and believe that akhlaghagra may be khdanabaor. This fact also shows that looking at the issue of ethics and righteousness in these societies is fundamentally based on religious beliefs and can better understand the importance of God's existence and its role in religion.

Throughout history and in different points of view among the world's thinkers about the category there is a God. A group such as Russell and Kenneth August as atheists are known; the group such as Kant or Hume were ndanmegra and some like Voltaire believed the existence of God. Another group that are considered the theistic people like Spinoza that are starting to have some sort of God through the unity of the world and the unity of existence,VThe common definition of the concept of God is the difference. Another belief is called Jan ایسمVI In two of the last century A lot of fans will findConsidering the existence of the creator is merely at the beginning of the rise of کاینات. What has been common among these theists or atheists until now is that the belief in the existence or non-existence of God could only be studied through philosophy and metaphysics, because empirical science has not been able to enter this field and according to some beliefs, it still does not.

More recently, the physicist Stephen Hawking to a personal name and a former Professor of the University of Cambridge – That is one of the world's most prominent scientists now – Claimed that unlike past and current human knowledge-based world, we can say with certainty that amrour is whether or not there is a God; something that probably didn't have the possibility to danstensh half a century ago. Professor hawking is a fifty minute video that made by the Discovery Channel, the reasons for the existence or absence of God himself explains.

This video is completely and with subtitles in Persian, you can use This address On the YouTube website (Video on the YouTube site for the American audience or those of the country of use, the IP is not accessible.) See the full version of it in the form of subtitles and high quality of here Link without filter From here (HD quality, size 590 MB and formet MKV) Or the typical quality of the hereLink not filtered From here (Normal quality, size 180 MB and FLV formet) Get.

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  2. In translating this video, I tried to make the translation as smooth as possible and given the limited time, but note that due to the difficult and complex nature of the content, you should watch it at least twice from beginning to end.
  3. This is a video only to readers of the English language is translated and translate it solely to the free transfer of information and ideas.
  4. This entry and the English translation is dedicated to Sattar paradiseJohn basherf, who gave the freedom to شریفش otansh. As well as this video of the Dear Didi And Siavash Irani – So today I publish some content effortlessly on your inquiring about English – تشکر می کنم.
پانویس ها

  1. Eighty-three percent of Americans say that they believe in God, while just 33 percent of scientists do. [+] []
  2. However, among elite scientists—now defined as members of the National Academy of Sciences—the proportion who were believers had plummeted to 7 percent, with biologists showing the least religious conviction at 5.5 percent. [+] []
  3. Atheist []
  4. Agnostic []
  5. Pantheism []
  6. Deism []
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58 Reply to "Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

  • بیخدا Said:

    فوق العاده بود پاسخ پرفسور هاوکینگ برای معمای وجود جهان خیلی جالب تر از وجود خداست.

    • Mohammad Said:

      Mr. mtmanam هیچمطالعه of the nameless God deep in me you disagree with the comment you yourself resources
      At least these notes prove the existence of God in his servant then got philosophical.
      I'm someone who is unbiased that read
      However, I know the difference with your servant, deeper than the harfahast
      Dehdari. blog. ir/1390/03/do-God-is-there

      • Admin Said:

        My dear friend your read more. You do not know the existence of God is logically براهین. As soon as the scientific discussion in astdlaltan name the leftist philosophy and the word means the difference of science and philosophy of the time you don't know. About the existence of God in برهانهای there is a logical and historical استدلالهای brhanha it come together. No it is not wrong that we are not to know something I did in many of these cases like you not aware. But we can put these issues in the writings of others have referred to, and awareness of others is not to study in the same field are not charged. I probably will soon write a story I write.

        • Mohammad Said:

          Hey Mr. admin
          Thank you that you didn't remove comments from a servant of the growing and the response time so
          What you as a logical argument proving the existence of God have the right to learn the worshiper not beg that cognitive of it
          At least I can claim such a narrow despite the fairly good study in Western philosophy and Islamic philosophy, I have not seen. In this regard the following link you can see two;

          Org/wiki wikipedia fa../category:The argument _ proof _ being _ God

          Org/wiki wikipedia fa../the argument _ proof _ being _ God

          So you mean this interpretation of what the category is براهین!

          But it's unlikely to know your mind براهین related to philosophy and from the other hand, as far as I know the most important براهین وجودشناختی براهین land in the West, which is incidentally the servant in the last entry I review this blog براهین.

          But these words from the past and ignorance of science or in other servant براهین piece that I've linked to a full argument and wisdom that belongs to one of the most discussed of the Islamic philosophers, namely سیناست, booali. You instead of being a servant of the میشناسم logical argument correct or not is your opinion regarding the argument raised you express.

          • Mohammad Said:

            Read about the scientific word and the philosophy of science is necessary to mention here are located the common verbal
            You take it to mean experimental science or science you've considered but science in Islamic philosophy is not limited to the experimental science of absolute knowledge or awareness but also to shed. In the Western paradigm that you consider all the Humanities from philosophy and science circle reserves including the word but I do not believe this servant paradigm is also quite clear that utilities why! Because the science of business resources, limited to five senses do not know. Because human knowledge resources in wisdom is that from the perspective of the remainder mghafol پوزیتیویست views. Otherwise your five senses in experimental science that merely warrant the data input and processing time by the wisdom of the original takes place.

          • Admin Said:

            The difference between philosophy and science, the study of their territory. Science deals with facts to the world. The philosophy of the world ممکنات your. The claim of Steven Hawking in this video, that got translated, this is where we enter the world of ممکنات into the world of facts and science because there is no philosophy, no more. In the past, to enter into these areas could help teach philosophy merely because the knowledge up to this massive size was not. Whatever the extent of human knowledge, the more the boundaries of the territory goes beyond facts.

            About the wisdom or nalj in English there are two types of nalj. A kind of nalj who wrote with great (Knowledge) This is nalj about the phenomena that are spiritual and of the scope of the science out and in the sphere of philosophy are that you mentioned. The second type who write with a small (knowledge) This is the second in the field of science and not religion or philosophy in the field of. The truth or the truth of the same name capitalized (Truth) And small (truth) Write; depending on which mdenzrtan, can be found in the sphere of knowledge or not.

            Something called Western پارادیام there (Not because the paradigm of East). The humanities are mostly Western and we didn't produce something. As far as I read and saw the course of Humanities (And not the philosophy) Always in the universities a total of categorization danshaha; of course, it is possible that advanced theories estimate in the realm of the humanities have different methods. Some scientific procedures such as testing and have the view. Some may be looking for the astdlalat logical and abstract aspect of سابجکتیو and have it more. Both of these comments are طرفدارانی.

          • Admin Said:

            Hello dear friend, there is no reason that I do I delete comments you. So when a duplicate comments will not be removed and cultured.. As I wrote I merely know the philosophy of the alphabet and I'm not a specialist in this field, but as far as I know the Islamic philosophy also is part of the Western philosophy. Western religions are also religions Ebrahimi. Anything that goes West is a document in categories of philosophy and ancient Western religions can be considered,. The Eastern and Western talk of being here is not a huge difference between today's academic philosophy and Islamic philosophy relating to the middle ages which is pristine and untouched, there a few hundred years that remained in Iran. There is a difference so that this does not mean that the West, or the philosophy of the contemporary Islamic philosophy and because these two things are separate from the.

            To prove the existence of God, there are three types of argument: Despite being برهانهای (ontological arguments) In the future, possibly in that story I write a separate entry. برهانهای related to the cause of the universe (cosmological arguments) Such as the صدیقین argument Avicenna that you mentioned that Plato or براهینی and azesto about the cause of the first برهانهایی and the provision to the regulations of the world (teleological arguments). The number is براهین. But none of this was not fully accepted until today براهین. In other words, all of this has been compiled during the time of brhanha there including the same argument there is that other people raised صدیقین. About this argument definitely opportunities like Avicenna wrote.

            But as برهانهایی about the existence of God in برهانهایی; also raised the existence of God in the same Wikipedia link so that a list of these is available brhanha.
            Org/wiki wikipedia fa../category:The argument _ proof _ not _ of God

            This is like the first group براهین براهین by a number of approved and rejected by a number of other. Generally, there is no rational reason and was accepted in the logical or of God until today there are no. The belief in the existence of God or not is more a matter of emotional and rational and logical rather than religious..

          • Mohammad Said:

            Dear Dear Admin make the thematic classification that you are for science and philosophy do so got a source you might introduce brushes. Because I am no philosopher or the opinions I've seen scientific philosopher. The philosophy according to which your fashion philosophy--a philosophy continental philosophy, English and اروگای analytic philosophy or any one definition but what at least continental philosophy and discover the truth of the claims of the Islamic world, ranging from the article and the article metadata. In no way is the field of study is limited to the ممکنات philosophers or things of this defendant. Even though the science is also the world's only facts to quote you cannot attend. But if the process of making theory on scientific methodology and پارادایمی for example, پوزیتیویستی or consider any theory of the beginning of the نگاتیویستی is of a hypothesis begins and much of the scientific world now rules in fact not theory but because it has not been proven to the contrary, as well as a scientific propositions have been considered. Regarding the truth and nalj also we do not debate over words. However, with the great nalj who is not limited to metaphysics. But the meaning of experimental science, and ranging from awareness or science.. For more information, see the following link:

            Wikipedia org wiki fa.//.

            Regarding the Western paradigm called ماچیزی that don't say because we don't have the logical paradigm is not a letter, East. At least so claims that this thesis, for instance, are you Pro-cognitive method that only objective and reliable testing topics and scientific view know and servant in addition to experimental and intuitive concepts, maqulat and in the philosophy of science and also the apex of the them, but the mother of all science know this dispute arising from two distinct and different paradigm or two is algovareh.


            In response to another comment you should also do this to the extent that the width of the Islamic ghlsfah is part of the Western philosophy is indicating that it is not you know not of Western philosophy and Islamic philosophy! Now, if you said something scholastic philosophy or philosophy of Greece! But that philosophy is part of Western philosophy, you know it's a surprise! Necessary to ذکره Muslim philosophers of the philosophers of Greece and the Greek اسکولاستیسم after the impact of the same impact but have accepted the principles of the science of influence among Shiites has accepted public principles. That is, to have it changed the whole basics. Essentially, the size and scope of the issues and the diversity of Islamic philosophy is not comparable with the flsghh of Greece if they have issues that for change.


            Regarding the classification of براهین as well as تقَسیم, but its taken a lot of your time, as you mention is not a logical thing to براهین name msbugh. But you said that none of the براهین proving the existence of God is not accepted our original discussion on the head; the issue is. Dear admin who should accept this براهین up for you to be intellectual h.. Many philosophers to believe they were a lot of براهین. For example, Descartes, and although the argument of the تقریری پلانیتینگا believe anslm were. Does this suffice? In principle, any faith even in the experimental sciences may be aphids da مخالفینی. Do some people disagree with a mere belief is false because it believed its authenticity because of the طرفداریشان or spend?! True and false propositions at all unless democracy scientific vector?! A scientific proposition can weigh in with their own wisdom and you must check whether is correct or incorrect!

            Are you the servant question اَست and barham khahshm; Ditto that no prejudice argument listed on the following page sing!

            Dehdari. blog. ir/1390/03/do-God-is-there

            Just once try your mind of the imposed structures surrounded by our media that you have graduated and بیاندیشی whether the intellectual and rational equations allow us to explain the existence of this world without aatghaz to accept the existence of the creator?! Or the reason we accept this concept? The argument Avicenna and Mulla sadra also do not want and cannot be about the quality of the existence of God prove something. So try the alley after Alley the mind of doubts and pass them to a place that does not accept the existence of God except the way. and of course, you have been successful. And of course the argument more successful صدیقین Mulla sadra! What is being done so more immediacy and what better proof that the creator of a creature not used.
            And finally, whether you are looking for the truth if mtman bash the same Providence that God and our lives, and will کمکت. Do not doubt.

          • Admin Said:

            Hello dear friend. تقسیم بندی قلمرو علم و فلسفه از من نیست از ارسطو است؛ اما در دوران مدرن هم کاربرد دارد. برای مثال این کتاب چاپ دانشگاه ایالتی نیویورک را ببینید.

            Traditionally, doxa has been defined as the domain of probable knowledge and contrasted to episteme, the realm of certainty. Ricoeur takes Aristotel’s position on the distinction between probability and certainty, and like him, insists that “rather than denounce doxa (opinions) as inferior to episteme (science), philosophy can consider elaborating a theory of the probable.

            About Islamic philosophy and West philosophy unlike the Eastern philosophy that basically everything is an independent, Islamic philosophy is taken from the اجزایش of Western philosophy. Although I also agree with you that the new creature is made of the independent identity but about my said here And here You can see the.

            About the classification of براهین me something nnoshtem. What I see there only as long as the content is said to me, no matter. I have a philosophy in the University and in the United States sang and phrases that I use here of the English language I English I translation. You have to Logical Argument Any معادلی that you prefer, you can use the English. I don't know what I — Of course, I'm already deep in the philosophy of consciousness — Does not solve your problem.

            In the case of argument from anslm and Descartes is merely on the size of you write that both arguments are reasonable, bugs. The argument Descartes is valid(Valid) But spotless (Sound) Offline. Because mfrwadatsh is false and this gave her the next time the philosophers like Kant should write a separate entry in that story but About Ibn Sina Previously I wrote a story. Please keep out of the wrong per this post written under the same you. Comment this post is written solely about the same topic.

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  • shayan Said:

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    I very much enjoyed .

  • farhad Said:

    “Therefore, the response time that people ask me is, does God create the world?
    I will answer your question that is essentially correct this”…. It is strange that this Quran is the handicapped in the alto umsalh natural laws and to return the big bang and States that do not ask because you don't understand before Barry wine science has with God, but in the chapter: and I think that puts it together of baqarah””We created the heavens and the Earth from “No ” And certainly expand in space are capable of “”Of course, the appearance of the Quran being the cosmic brbsth opinion and return to the NBA “There is no point”Before the big bang. of course, the Torah is the first reference to this process. Hawkins also open its entry derakhr have to use philosophy is of course ” Scientific philosophy ” That is the logic of the Quran and religious intellectuals, and sighted the new time of this method for describing the” The existence of” They use especially in the book of تبین the world agencies placed base. Einstein also question philosophical base in the question of God is expressed objectively Tamim فاکتهای I mean giving. the base of the insert in the popularize philosophy .

  • H. Said:

    What are you allowed to release this site motlbu?

    • Admin Said:

      Hello, John h.
      Any Internet content or for public access on the Internet in the public realm to be published, and you can use it to get a fair and non-commercial.

      Therefore, it is not in this case not matches do not need the permission of the author. The name or address written reference that a mere mention can get wherever you want to redistribute. Be victorious.

  • Mehdi Said:

    Thank you. I hope always to be established and the enlightenment

  • khalil Said:

    I am part of the book direct from the یوتوپ one, which was also watched captioned. But when I download it with the FLV format, subtitles doesn't show a growing.
    If a separate subtitle file might be the growing Persian site let me so I download it.
    Thank you.

    • Admin Said:

      Hello. You have to download a zipped folder, another folder contains two files there. One of the two files, the file is another video file translation. Inside the zip file out of the folder and at the time of the implementation of the video files are both files inside the folder. If you did not run on the subtitle file to run for you. For those who can only download a KMV formet file because there is a subtitles file dukhtm and convert to a single file *. FLV to formet but users inside Iran or with low Internet speed I, consists of two separate file. Be victorious.

  • khalil Said:

    Hi John, thanks for admin attention tone.
    As the previous post you said, I got the file from “یوتوپ” When I download display subtitles website but after downloading, it's got subtitles.
    From the اونجایی file that I “Zip” Rowe did not download, it's got subtitles not in possession. And on the other hand downloading it again that high volumes, I hard.
    So please if you got that subtitle file separately might be, you've got to let the site that I use.
    I thank you.

  • khalil Said:

    Hi Admin John
    Because of the growing leftist subtitle file I'm useful, again.
    Happy and bouncing and be diligent in the way of knowledge,.

  • AR Said:

    Hi thanks for subtitles
    With the growing زیرنویستون ajaston link you mentioned the name of one of the sites with your site I put
    I thank you

  • amir Said:

    Greetings and نشکر
    The other two parts of this series, please also let

  • artimis Said:

    Greetings and thanks
    Is this part of your video the same three programs?:

    If English subtitles might be two different episode let me give.

    • Admin Said:

      I'm sure a high like I did not know this video is part of a three-part series. Of course, each of these sections is independent and rational about a variety of topics is.

      This current article myself a few months ago I saw and then for some reason come in time concluded that English should be translated. May be a few other video I want to translate but it is unlikely to be a set of. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to do so now as you can see my blog a few months did the update thing but if anyone from this collection or its contents related to translation and the desire of the bandwidth I use, the translation file can be written with his own name and upload here, so others will be able to download the convenient. Be victorious.

  • rafie Said:

    Hi okhsth really do not” With your permission I got subtitles بینظیره u سابسین I لینکش I upload reference site to use comfortable friends thanks


  • nasim Said:

    You've got two other episodes subtitled God let.

  • […] God is the creator of the world "or" does God exist ", from here you can see. In this program, got two attempts to restore, […]

  • elham Said:

    Hello please if anyone can give me a reply to my question thank you
    The end of the movie where we got that there was no time, now it's time for the possibility of non-God's? I.e. where did not time.
    The same black hole does not have time, but there's a crime
    Apart from God, not in the time and energy there?

  • […] Simpson know; ordinary people with a strange illness and his controversial theories about the existence of God and the emergence of the universe, and they come in the world of science with highlights […]

  • Anonymous Said:

    Tell me one good k bingbang? Han? Or hmom like what hichi dorsh hole? In my opinion, do not risk إصفوني and denies God that bshid if it بأيد and then account khodaee if I got the disadvantage of nkordim …….

    • Admin Said:

      This is not a time to see. If you watch this movie once did not demand a response.. This documentary short علیرم that is carefully made and what we agree with the reasons for it or the opposite, trying to answer a few basic questions have. You should see it once, and not write to پرسشهایت at once and again and about to watch it yourself. The second story is that of hawking and translation section in the videos is also probably helps.

  • A Said:

    Then bing bang ki work?

  • Saeed Said:

    The documentary was very interesting I got 80 I agree there is a drsadsh امکانش got a life after death and his life is the fruit of hard man that I گناهانی to do something but it's all the same order and harmony and anfjarnshonh بزرگیه of a creator that doesn't mean brushing time

  • baran Said:

    Hi cheers.
    I got the download but got the caption to زبونای suggesting strange. what should I do?

  • said Said:

    This is God's way of saying ogohadrbare somewhere نمیبرد

    • Admin Said:

      Saeed is better to write it in Latin letters: Saeed

      I will publish on this post I mention in the same sentence, I explain a few of the first. These threads if you set somewhere at the time; the battle shows that among the greatest thinkers of the world is also an important subject such as the presence or absence of God, there are fundamental doubts. As I said above 93 The percentage of the world's most prominent scientists now believe in the existence of God.

      This is about all forms of belief in God. God is not the God of religions that are not necessarily God who necessarily Ebrahimi; the World Affairs does not interfere, and the God who does not necessarily have a single character and God the God of gods is not omnipotent; merely that operating the world Genesis. If the Creator God to get humans there are very serious problems. Uncertainties of the process beyond the philosophy circle. In different sciences such as biology big bugs such as the principle of natural selection, a God of the monotheistic religions and there is no logical proof is essentially intellectual and.

      Now imagine not only the existence of this as an undeniable and obvious principle, but this پذیرفتیم of God or the gods, the prophets, and the prophets for the Imam and successor to its representatives and representative for the imams it tail and we determined the economic and governance. All of these are based on the assumptions that the most basic place of doubt.

      • mohammad Said:

        Of my friends please dont talk so naively!
        I mean, what is the international organization that can make such a claim that the number of top scientists around the world have ahasa rafaght?! What appeared to be such that the percentage of the time that they, for example, 93% agree God!
        I don't know what to say!

        • Admin Said:

          My dear friend refers to members of the Academy of Sciences of the United States, was that the most prominent scientists of the American and the world are now. Does the content of the link I posted at the University of Chicago come down.

  • The mad century Said:

    I did not see this one if a friend does to my email bfrsth thanks a lot thank you can you .
    But my opinion is that the right of God or energy and Jude sucks but I want to say God because in the past, only that the camera or camcorder, or tv or the Internet, or ……… There have been more hazorsh? It's weird that if humans tick the correct inventory of hidden دیدگانش, بیاره or btersh or the reason that shouldn't see menu …صوفصتاییان in Greece do not convince you that argument can, for example, severe: Telling you anything that you see is not real, and part of its past and do you in gzashts ……. And for this reason the argument was convincing to the listener ………..

  • baran Said:

    WOW Thanks so much problem solved.. کردین. seeing the movie really enjoyed with logic is very compact in Steven Hawking. documentaries and books this is always nice.
    Wow, from the site مفیدتون.

  • Mohammad Said:

    By the way my first entry link apparently corrupted کامنتم. Apparently was deleted previously only http:// have been. If you fixed mghdore now. It's also has a deal with monologue! Thank sdert of self-control.

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh Said:

    One of the people of the religion are very ahmghi, and finally fhashi have panterk ahmghi against Iran under the name h. mohammadzadeh sedigh has red to dosegon
    A written disclosure of the insidious character of Hussain Sadiq (Dosegon) Author a. Ashrafi noshngh

    H. mohammadzadeh sedigh jael and sharp-tongued Iranian tribes to the stupid panterk- Panterk and analysis of ahmghi with the riakari show their religious but in fact noker laiek kmonist and grgahai panterk and bozaqordi of the plant is a fashist. This is the most stupid dumb bisoadtrin and the person is on Earth. Panterk bjnordi fool called e. salarian aka shirvanli and e. e. ardabili major role in the promotion of racist thoughts can play this stupid panterk.

    Author: A. Ashrafi noshngh
    The first Soviet Union in Iran?

    The first public expression of ideas in the Pahlavi era, about the developments in Iran after an article by Mirza Ibrahim اُف under revision as "life in the South» (5) As. Although the above article in the monthly magazine owned by the US author (s) Azerbaijan appeared to clear the contents of the collection was ulikan was Mirza Ebrahim اُف residents in the article section of the Institute of language and literature, the southern military literature azari (Attributable to the Iranian poet ـ m) Have a responsible. The many ideas expressed in this article is referenced in the period after the azari journals Pahlavi have been selected the above statements, the existence of a strong political feelings and severe tendency nationalisti towards the enjoyment of their cultural and political one, Mokhtari in a framework makes clear the Iranian. Due to the nature of the sources of this article, that the producer on most of the quotes in the article title, Mirza Ebrahim اُف, aslahati used to get badly needed color and the Soviet Union, not to far from the expected. Mirza Ebrahim اُف this entry with the Soviet Union, these readers of the press among the Azeri shares in:

    Other Iranian azarbaijani people, such as with Nouri on the horizon of the revolution, after a long night lay behind the tar and a period of fifty years of tyranny, the first gamahai beautiful loft in the way the educational enrichment of the spiritual, cultural, social, and have taken. The people's aspirations and arzwhai had been shkova for a long time have been suppressed and, above all, that these wishes, literary pieces have been mtgeli nghz(A. Ashrafi noshngh).

    Many of the works of the order and the prose has been quoted in this article, which specimens confirmed as national awareness in Iranian azari is brought, before the outbreak of the Iranian revolution to come, so in tharir view that in these works of protest about the purposes of government repression and persecution of the national and on the other hand, much of the language so far to glorify the azari talk. This content at the time of the Shah's Government was nersdeh and just print of the year 1979 It was later exposed that public opinion was shared. But the literary community is dependent on the roshanfekr floor of the Iranian azari amani in the place of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan had been brkhorder since 1948, these topics may have.

    Literary critics of the Soviet Union also referred to this point to claim that, despite the failure to release the Iranian azari literature in 1979, before the Soviet Union and Iran, Azeri literature in the era after the war (The second world ـ m) Parallel to the path developments have taken in each step. The political significance of this match and the literary parallel, to the specific interpretation of the species, the group still in Iran, that of the author (s) of the policy are "azari Assembly sharai Jafar khandan» often, it should be mentioned in the year 1944, Assembly by azari language had been established in her hometown of Tabriz iolonda. The concept of relate such positions was in Iran, are tailor made for achieving azari itself Mokhtari, both national cooperation with fellow employees to the indigent in the Soviet Union are.

    In the Soviet Union, Azeri media about this issue is that the positions adopted by the author (s) of the Iranian azari is very similar to the Soviet Union about the support positions, has been talking a very. For example, it is said that the person named. Richness. Yashar in a journal in azari language 1979 Published in Tehran, stated that "feudal bourgeois fanatic ـ patriotic homeland» has the purposes of the time, were in positions where" the mother tongue of Azerbaijan, national and local, determined by the characteristics of their culture that were "and" activities and their skills in mzmohal and among them, because they could not follow a healthy developmental path, and others that the best human khsais they were ridicule wind». Such a comment, just easy, this is managed in the Soviet Union for Azerbaijan, but without any changes by the political officials of the sansori, it is given. One of the distinguishing characteristic of the General Survey (6) "The issue of the South by the Soviet Union, utilizing a completely covered by the selected quotes from Iranian Azeri media during the Pahlavi regime after it has been.

    One of the examples that showed significant differences in this regard is the issue of Soviet Union give-away, the country handled with mbahthati which was about the formation of the "Association of poets and writers in Iran," if Azerbaijan was. Azari language literary journal of the Soviet Union in a report, addressed his readers and may says, "according to the content and information contained in the publications reached Iran, Hossein dozghon, the editor-in-Chief of the literary magazine" ioldash "in Indonesia, azari is called shorvist, and calls for the convening of the Conference to form an organization to author (s) to debate Iranian azari. His proposal, including who should be discussed masaeli may was of the phrase were: The formation of an Association of poets, and the author (s): "with other author (s) and communicate that progress of the Republican organizations in the world," defend "the honour of the Pahlavi regime by the meliman heritage has been destroyed," the expansion of the concept of "worker class and the people in between, zahmatkesh, while at the same time" of any solution, we avoided lost nationalisti or prejudice, "preparing the curriculum for the next academic year to mother tongue, making the young generation familiar with the heritage of the aftkharafarin and adbiman», and Farsi language newspaper "inform Tehran of the parent application, our forums».

    In addition to this general political dozghon another request is raised, including that of aialti and the provincial association predicted during the more advanced and progressive to the constitutional form of the revival, and other more "that the Government of Azerbaijan does not require khodmkhtari».

    But in spite of the political nature of the dozghon suggestions, Exchange trivia, and discussion of next, was almost exclusive to talk on ante language, literary language of Azerbaijan and the role that the Soviet Union must be that of Iranian azari language aifa. But the issue was abundant problems with language: Firstly, in the language of the Soviet Union a revised sirillik alfbay azari (7) Date went whereas alfbay azari language used, modification of the Arabic a, secondly, in the language of the Soviet Union many linguistic corrections taken azari, respectively, whereas the Iranian azari language of approximately 35 Years ago it was prohibited, that this issue of changing it (Controlled bsourti) Thirdly, prevention was the literary language has Azerbaijan Soviet Union largely corresponded with the باكوئي accent, which in terms of avashnasi and has a far different language with the command language of Tabriz in Azerbaijan that the Soviet Union was, eventually, language link was tagesstni with it. On the other hand, scientists of the nineteenth century such emotional azari may have alfbay way of learning Arabic, he/she and becoming literate is in addition to all of this dictionary, grammar books and curriculum available to azari language was written and that the Soviet Union Azerbaijan Soviet Union is ready to provide any assistance in this area was. Soviet Union were convinced that, as in the Iranian Azerbaijan more discussion about the language for national self consciousness, the same amount of time to the Azeri transformation will be more, and also two more near together Azerbaijan, therefore their writings and radio programs that were broadcast to Iran, it is important to put your language Center *.

    Many of the dimensions of the notice (User agreement) It called for the creation of the dozghon during the political and cultural developments, in the title of the Forum by the demands of Azerbaijan (Non-marksist) Also mentioned was the Forum would also calls khodmkhtari in the field of culture, languages and politics had been. Ulikan the final conclusion was that almost all the categories of the international language, azari, Iran, no matter their political or personal religious inclinations, can have a consensus about it. Mirza Ebrahim pointed to اُف are quoted motallebi is a "letter to the editor" in one of the magazines to print political language has Azeri and in it the author of the letter is that the plaintiffs oppose the Iranian azari language movement ", on behalf of those who have asked, by applying force We will book your language and culture that in fact this is a defiance against God's wishes in the shadows». Therefore, the existence of this universal language of popular support in Iran, major advertising rate azari for Soviet Union brings supply.

    In addition to a number of articles and research thesis about the problems of the written language in Iranian Azerbaijan, in 1979 Two of the Soviet Union, sharai azari namahai Bakhtiar Wahab and Ali Sir corchi Eli, in this regard to the essence of the students residing in the UK and Iranian Azeri point of their ideas for the future in relation to آرزوهائي are often have been Iranian Azerbaijan. Vahab Zadeh of shari in the same year the name of "mother tongue"-radio Baku for recitation, which Iranian azari presumably his voice on the tape recording in Iran, and then the text of the poems in a Tehran newspaper were published in the language of azari. When the above poem for the awareness of readers (Press) Soviet Union was published, Wahab stated that his born to compose the lyrics of inspired a letter from Azerbaijan, Iran has been sent, so we wrote an that theme: "I'm one of the guys, but unfortunately the language madarim azari does not know. Please send book braim so I could tongue of the biamozam».

    Simultaneously with the publication of the poem in one of the journals born Wahab Soviet Union, another article in the same magazine to print, but showed to the efforts of the South section of language and literature department responsible that azari ـ Mirza Ebrahim اُف — many books were collected and sent to the Iranian Azerbaijan.[1]

    Starting and trailing to the conditions of society journals and the Tudeh Party was shut down one after another. In this years nshriati "ioldash" iolonda revolution ";;;" the "azadliq" ini iol» by this trend will release another one found was closed after.

    Preservation of ethnic orientation after the end of the war, especially after the end of the Holy defense of 1370, 1988 1371 The same with the cultural approach was to enter the universities. The existence of خلأهايي because of the lack of nobility the officials to ethnic issues at different levels and the absence of Turkish language and literature degree in universities is the best opportunity for this to flow up under the pretext of their mother tongue, they expanded the activities of the. Introduction to the activities of one of its activists, together with the supply of mass marksisti can record many facts showed significant differences..

    The most important active Pan trakisti in Iran

    Of the race of the people like zhtabi presti, j., dosegon, dashghn, Behzad behzadi, a. serrafi, b. ajirelo, m. and other majdfar (The loss of the newspaper more anderkaran)Hamraz, r., h. Shadi, e. theoretical and some others may be named. However, in an important position among some dosegon has a look at h. to his widespread activities for the eradication of mental bsteri this finding is necessary and.

    Dosegon of kmonisti prior to the revolution, which is the same charge has been arrested and detained while also. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, "Indonesia's Prime ioldash journal» published by advocating the creed kmonisti. This journal is one of the most important records in Iran marakisti trakisti Pan flow into account will be. On the issue of repeated insult to the clergy and the leader of the Islamic revolution in the form of adult cartoon with the complaint of the people detained were not forbid this journal.

    You notice that the article has been set so that the ability to print and may not agree with all of NLP

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  • […] Fair (Fair use for purely educational purposes;), You can get from here. (The rest of my documentary from here […]

  • kazemita Said:

    Science cannot be about the presence or absence of God gave the opinion.

    About this idea that science and faith are two separate categories of time here you can read more:


  • god is near Said:

    Many scientists have violated God's sas, but so far no one has been successful . I have a certain respect for you, but I'm handling resulted in a site for violation of God in vain . So did not attempt to breach that khdara because they dont get tired, but you can't have your . Of course, you are nothing but the scientists also did they violate God's . And I'll tell you this much about the existence of God is not so much the question and not looking to violate it, but to be God as an accepted argument that human wisdom, accept is so incomplete that doesn't God never

    • Hesam Said:

      There is no God. . I mean, the God we think don't exist. . And we are not ashraf creatures. . And the prophets, in the words of Zachariah Razi, are long bearded goats, and their books are all legends. . From God and to religion and …..Let yourself go. . And enjoy life after life. . Don't stop your own pleasures, it'll be over very soon, so just enjoy it. . Of course, pleasure isn't just about looking for sex, it's very enjoyable to pursue scientific, philosophical and cosmic material. . Be victorious

  • Anonymous Said:

    çox sağolun

  • Anonymous Said:

    Your views about this and I thank you very much.
    If I have endless bother to answer you?

  • H. Said:

    hello. I think I just create a little zhneh the outcome of the coming times. remains unclear before Bing bang or later. and even create it نمیدونن cause scientists to come. so should the creator first created the world or later zmanera or vice versa. This man is not whether that theory turned out right. Dont have to create the incident Bing bang to energy need. or that the world is a little cell come after Bing bang reproduced. need for you need not the creator or hollow cavity that time draneha ndardokhb mass means. have weight I could power the Lord of suggesting that Ki sakhtshon tbbat elements in its involvement in the future itself did not come boohvd. says for this work which would have created a goal is coming or has to be guided by consciousness or intelligence oaghl. میکه vacuum made by law world. law essentially made their creator or the creator can't act well.. Later says was made from هبچی. To create from nothing according to the philosophy of شعوری is that it has no need to lead your people to be or has intelligence.. That is, the universe must have with themselves do یاتوسط the navigation شعوری oshur wisdom its goal. There is no درطبیعت your astounding. you can't remember sforta tell derflan tree هیچم your garden there is people can't be cleaned.

  • M Said:

    I Mage…I would,,,,

  • Reply to AR

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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