Section: Political

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Abouzar a royalist who is the top of the room, right below the pulpit Haji squatting, for times I type the day 18: «Viva Reza Shah II! God bless the Pahlavi dynasty of glorious wind!» More offers: "The national منقلی Mossadegh پیزوری Regency!»

Not only that but David mkhatabsh someone a few meters away there is a distance with his anti-Pahlavi and abouzar mosadeghi «شاقلی» to the «fairy» and «tajbakhsh s. 'm» reference offers!

The political dispute between Abouzar and Daoud has been followed on social media for several years, sometimes even more intensely, and both sides have gained supporters, but outside the world of politics, the relationship between Abouzar and Daoud is warm and cordial.

The provisions of the ship with Internet Imam Khamenei pigs; or the Cyber identification procedures, Sir

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get all dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Long ago I learned that ship with a pig هیجگاه نگیرم. If you get both with a dirty wrestling pigs and pigs of you enjoyed.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

~ George Bernard Shaw

A reasonable person can adapt himself to the world, but a reasonable opinion frustrated person to thrust himself in accordance with the desire of the world. Use this for all of the world's progress is dependent on the person's neck/unreasonably nagozar!

The Islamic Republic, how your personal information on the Internet how to deal and acquires

A friend sent a story with the Ministry of information, as though the Islamic Republic's highest website There is cooperation (The same link; also in matters related to the Internet thugs, legions of iodine are طولاتری Ministry of information!) The user and IP puts Iran. Regardless of whether or not the highest such work should know that there are several ways to identify users (You) On the Internet there is an IP registered by a website is merely one of the ways. If you are in Iran or want to travel to Iran, and even if you do not deal with the highest and similar sites, it is better to learn these methods.

In this it is assumed that you know the basic principles of the initial mistakes and not get. For example, do not click on any link to see; you don't install a program from the latest version of the software and patch the operating system you use; your personal information easily on the Internet and others do not have secure; پسووردهای; share on your computer virus and firewall software been updated there breaker And at least for sending information of SSL (https) Do you use.

On repeated twice: First aid a second time as the Safavid; Mohsen Rezai as

The late Karl Marx's famous quote that will probably be heard:

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.

Translate: Hegel said all major historical events and the actors are repeated twice, but forgot to add the book first went to the tragedy and the second time as farce!

With its weighty website Fares نیور Not confused!

Three essential communication application in case of Internet failure in Iran.

With the growth of the protests in Iran and possibly the people's movement persists in access to the Internet at all, or in disturbed areas will be. These are a few essential application that allows you to send files, send instant message or chat with a cell phone without access to the Internet offers.

The good functioning of the application are subject to larger numbers of users is that they use it. How many more of these programs installed on your phone, call quality goes higher. So this is better before getting cut off the Internet in Iran, this program expanded.

The world's fifth country of Iran; the fifth country in the world so miserable happy/why Khamenei embarrassment does not take

Ali Khamenei's recent statements on Iranian media had said sang that soon all the objectives to be attained and the revolution of the Iranian people is several thousand times the volume before the revolution at the time of the revolution, and achievement in the period before the revolution basically there is not much achievement.

On the other hand the King's interview came bkhaterm. The following 13 minutes interview:27 to see what English King an honorary reporter says that in the next ten years to the current situation in Iran will reach your country; and in twenty-five years is one of the five countries the rich world will be. What a delight and honor in his face when saying the words wave systems. And ایراندوستی worship of homeland can be single this sentence felt. Anyone who deals with economic statistics and figures knows that Iran had reached the highest economic growth in the world, and to what extent these words were true and true.

A collateral Patriots Imam Khamenei Imam Khamenei, or how to control the Internet

Cyber Corps Center: Over 8 million لایک have peers on Facebook

A true story

The news from Iran, which has a (Alias) Arrested and obtain ناراحتید. These days the news of the arrest comes one after another. Cheating in the election, Khamenei himself to Ahmadinejad for President, two hundred – Three hundred of those who protested against this trend have been killed in the streets and in detention centers, and now the government is arresting anyone who has been politically active in the past, whether related to or unrelated to recent cases, in order to poison the eyes.

A quiet guy to know dorador; and well; she is like you twenty-four more years is not a student like you, but unlike you still lives in Iran.. Already some time together once you have and Internet chat he collected in a multiplayer you meet. According to the news that the mullahs, and brutality of the سبوعیت for a good fate you don't anticipate.

Oscar Farhadi and guard duck

Americans have the proverbial: If you like duck-duck-like walk; sound; if you look like a duck, it probably is a duck!

The meaning of this saying is that if you see something that looks like a duck or goose is probably the whale or not and the Zebra is what you think, that is the duck. Of course, there is no guarantee that it must be a duck, for example, someone may have made a mechanical duck to deceive you, or you may not understand the signs of being a duck well and the fault may be due to your senses, but the predominant suspicion is the duck.

The American people to restrict the entry of Trump support Iranians

Images like this, the image format of the people of Iran are in the American media.

Images like this, the image format of the people of Iran are in the American media.

The first public opinion surveys after the entry ban on Iranians and other nationals of the six countries to the U.S. show that often the American people of this decision They support.

The results of this survey for those who are familiar with public opinion, the Americans should not be surprised. During the eight years of the Islamic system of life and were successful, the mullahs of the dirty face of the Iranian nation is a nation of backward, reactionary, superstitious and fanatic, Assassin's creed, which show its performance with all the values of the civilized and free world in conflict and conflict is. This image is what they themselves tried to make a reality by destroying all the traces of modernity of the past half century and the achievements of Iranians since the constitutional era in these years.

They were joyously Hosanna gosfandeha: We have a security awadsh!

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – – Ben Franklin

They will sacrifice that freedom temporarily to achieve security, deserve neither liberty or security of the. – – Benjamin Franklin

Gosfandeha not knowing the security for them to maintain that the rule is sllakh! They don't understand that wolves are just a ton of dearest, but their heads are all sllakh suffer.

All inside corridors were drawn to turn home sllakh line to head down to the butcher knife; they were cheering with joy: We have a security awadsh!

دغلین Hadith Imam Khamenei to pasargad fraud: Learn from the پانترک,

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei (P) In the Hadith, دغلین States: I have two things to you before the death of the Honorable trustee (مدیونید if you think Sir is going to die!): First, the revolutionary guards and Iran until the mob is dependent on the destruction of the latter's citizens head and spread ignorance and ignorance in all of the areas that the essentials of Islam and the system; as these two Twine بیاویزید insider, and you are spared the wrath of the system.

In order to clarify the matter better, His Holiness gives the example of the Pan-Turks who are hung on both strings and eat from the sack of the Revolutionary Guards, and they have also sunk into stupidity and ignorance, and since they meet both conditions, they freely send a faction of 100 Turks to the parliament and they themselves do a lot of hara in the stadium of Trakhtor Harai and no matter how much damage is caused to public property They curse and curse that no one has anything to do with them..

The right of secession on the radio tomorrow

Rational radio tomorrow Officially the compliment aside And by collecting analyzing known ', according to people inside Iran itself is looking for rights. The comments also coma fi alsabgh censorship that more place to compliment the rest follows.

First, you should know that basically right in the name of secession or separatism issue plan for tomorrow or a loose radio alien media no longer exists. The issue before the comment is related to the decomposition of the foahash quest international laws related to.

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

The Imam Khamenei and reformists to naghi I shelter

Not understanding why Uncle? This is a رفیقمان in the The highest entries! Apart because we respect the boycotters are loved ones transition mshasha comments and do not understand that the promise of this nation with our friend, if they were in a low-cost way of the Scorpion and the mtmadnaneh is happy merely to نشیمنگاه the size of the couch to give the vote to shake and go about confirming Sir vote; he has a way to show that we have a nfahm Scorpion you don't want to go to gort missing now!

After a round of songs, "Mullah Hassan بیامد came smston, head of the" whispered to themselves because they will be dealing mobile situation! November طبیعتش that nature requires Dell to be thin to be discontented with friends from the votes and has not really people that I. Do not understand why we do these things apart?

The first step to ridding the nation of Iran is wrong to accept responsibility

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. --Einstein

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. –Einstein

The choice of the President of the Assembly of experts, Ahmad jannati, also from those it was supposed to be a bad option (In the face of worse options) , Or at least a wave of disappointment and disbelief among voters in the recent elections, created. It is not easy for this large part of Iranians to accept that a group of people who voted for Jannati as reformists would vote for Jannati, but it was not difficult to predict such a situation.

The elections in the Islamic Republic The application is abuse And the government has realized this issue over the past thirty-seven years that it can hold a show of elections and design false options in unfree and unrealistic elections, and prevent effective protest movements.

In English, حرامزادگی دیاثت and the global crisis

One of the blessings of the revolution was that we still should be the subject of Islamic ندانستیم بخندیم or they cry. I guess if you need more crying inside and if you come bberon laugh; but ahaot it is both work together to do!

Recently the Imam Khamenei (P), The successor of God and the hidden Imam, the representative commented that such afada not have English-language science and false if one is the language of science said. Since the Prophet among the prophets and things like your uneducated and ignorant about what is not precipitation, طرفدارانی of the sequence together himself these words were. Up to this point been put Alternative English Arabic And articles (Which articles?!) The time Write English.

The main winner of the election, Khamenei

Friends instead of n.!

Friends instead of n.!

Suppose to be a cancer patient the possibility that among various cancers one to choose. For example, there is a possibility that the disease of leukemia lung cancer will choose بجایش. Ali has a bad transaction, this transaction should not be, because some types of diseases of other types it is worse. But the problem is that the patient would create the impression that the disease has been a major part of the first alternative condition to solve his problem and the need for drastic measures and painful treatments such as chemotherapy does not have. This is the same thing that every time after the elections to occur in Iran..

The successor to Khamenei, what's worse, the better

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

The last few days several entries about Ali Khamenei and its supporters plan to influence the composition of the Assembly of experts published new. The authors of the content to the next Parliament, a non-competitive situation (161 candidate for the 88 seats) Point out that in some areas it's even competition among two candidates there. On this basis, some of them even argue that in this non-competitive election should be less extreme candidates will vote because the next leader of the House of the future and it might be a more extreme person is Khamenei, successor.

Assassins of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, with closed eyes and hands without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, in ناجوانمردی with the hands and eyes of perfection has been closed without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Today's story on Facebook بشیرتاش said I saw how to kill Mohammad Mokhtari, a poet and writer and Secretary of the writers ' Association, in murders was described, I noticed a number of punishing and Killers of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists Have been introduced. Hence the need for registration on time, I saw that to write the story.

During the nine years that blogging got what it was a year in which Iran initially and later became what I wrote in the Court, which the United States never came from Kari nnoshtem. Mohammad Mokhtari, knew from childhood. Mr. Mokhtari was my aunt's husband (The girl's aunt's husband that we Uncle we sound).

Mohammad Mokhtari, which I knew was a quiet character and متواضعی. Of those people who are that it was large and small, old and young, his kindness and humility were absorbed. When he was killed, I'm fourteen – Fifteen-year-old, I was so familiar with and I never nzeratsh I want to write a story about it. In addition it is today that seventeen years of autonomy is going to me more autonomy that was a member of our family, I have close to the renowned poet and author of the autonomy.

But the issue that I want to mention and must be geared to the future lesson عبرتی is killed because Mr. Mokhtari.

Purple poison Fateh President following Iran's horses were humiliated

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

Recently the Government of Italy in action covering a number of statues of naked and half-naked Italian while visiting Hassan Rohani تمسخرهای ریشخند کاپیتولینه Museum of the bedrock and has a lot of virtual space. In the English-language media, some have argued that in order to respect Mr. Rouhani's Islamic beliefs, Italy should go so far as to censor its artworks, unaware that this issue has other reasons.

Mr. Rohani is a visit of the Museum that a large number of sculptures were covered with wooden box. What is the reason that the Italians a Museum for بادید Obama chose that very large number of works of art where the subject of censorship. Italy artwork and an abundance of historical sites in the city of Rome, which could have been about the President of Iran visited Pakistan. In addition, other centers of manandh industrial factories or other cultural and economic centers would have to be included in the programme of spiritual. So, what is the cause of this particular location selected?

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