Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

Last year's story about The book burnings, the Arabs in Iran. In a blog I read that version of it, with a slight variations on this site I published. با توجه به اینکه موضوع کتابسوزی اعراب با تاریخ رسمی که نظام کنونی سعی در القای آن می کند، همخوانی ندارد و جمهوری اسلامی هم بنا به تجربه، صدای مخالف را حتی در موضوعات غیر سیاسی و فرهنگی هم تحمل نمی کند؛ تردید نداشتم که نوشته دوست وبلاگ نویسمان هم حذف خواهد شد و به همین علت آنرا انتشار دادم.

In that article the author refers to several historical writings had efforts to engage Iran on the subject of کتابسوزی. Including the story of Ibn Khaldun and about کتابسوزی of Iran, quoted from the book the history of al-Tabari and two centuries of silence had come زرینکوب. The principle in this book Muqaddimah(PS 373) Available and ترجمه انگلیسی را هم می توانید در اینجا See:

Among The Persians, the intellectual sciences played a large and important role, since the Persians dynasties were powerful and ruled without interruption. The intellectual sciences are said to have come to Greeks from the Persians, when Alexander killed Darius and gained control of the Achaemenid empire. At that time, he appropriated the books and sciences of the Persians. However, When the Muslims conquered Persia and came upon an indescribably large number of books and scientific papers, Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas wrote to ‘Umar b. al-Khattab’, asking him for permission to take them and distribute them as booty among the Muslims. On that occasion, ‘Umar wrote him: ‘Threw them into the water. If what they contain is right guidance, God has given us better guidance. If it is error, God has protected us against it. ‘ Thus, the(Muslims) threw them into the water or into the fire, and the science of the Persians were lost and did not reach us.


در میان ایرانیان علوم عقلی نقش بزرگ و با اهمیتی ایفا می‌کند. Since Iranian dynasties were powerful and were ruled without interruption. It is said that when Alexander of Macedon Darius the intellectual Sciences III to the Achaemenid Empire and has control in the hands of the Iranians, through to the Greeks arrive; Alexander books and kept Iranian science. However, when the Muslims conquered Iran and inaccessible to a number of scientific books and pamphlets upon descriptive; Saad bin Abi oghas in the life of Ben addressed this request will allow books to be split among the Muslims as war booty; at the time, Omar replied: They بیانداز into the water; if what is in them is God to us correctly guidelines the guidelines sent to the better and if our God is false since they saved. So the Muslim books to water or fire evacuation and Iranian knowledge of vanished and we completed

The aim of addressing the issue of کتابسوزی the Arabs in Iran?

Although unlike traditional Islam to Iran's ruling mullahs claim, for relief of distress and mass dissemination of Justice and prosperity come past and tribes were the Bandit for piracy and plunder and booty to its feet nonetheless what we today and what are the بخواهییم of Islam in any manner with the fourteen centuries earlier Entered, and after four hundred years to be part of the national identity and tmdnaman and become out of hand, it is also something we do not, and only the greater part of the historical heritage, after aslamman, so the goal of this scheme is not, or should not be anti Islam topics. The purpose of the reference to the subject کتابسوزی the Arabs in Iran, fueling ethnic disputes or anti-Arab sentiment is not because of what the Arabs fourteen centuries ago to the next century, the Arabs will not find fourteen communication; wise is that if we have a problem with the Arabs together or want our future relations We set up our current era, or a maximum of manasbatman within a few decades, notice. بنابر این پیش از آنکه بخواهم به موضوع کتابسوزی در ایران بپردازم مایلم خواننده آگاه باشد که ما از طرح این موضوع و تاکید برآن دقیقا چه هدفی داریم.

Years ago the Masters program in a telephone conversation with cash, "katuzian beliefs on Radio France subject to payment by the Arabs of Iran's library کتابسوزی. Earlier in the piece about Radio zamaneh I had written to the program and mention "katuzian got short.

This conversation here can listen Rami:


Audio interview with French radio, "katuzian Humayun

On the contrary, "katuzian told presenter Dr. رادیوفرانسه Professor of history at the University of Oxford, and a لکترور economy That is also in the University of Oxford As a researcher Activity. A story that he left the apropos books about versions of pre-Islamic era says is correct, but it will be based on the result of that is incorrect. کاتوزیان می گوید از دوران پیش از اسلام آثار مکتوب زیادی به جا نمانده و آنچه هم که مانده متون مذهبی و دینی است و همینطور می گوید به فرض که اعراب کتابخانه سلطنتی در ایران را آتش زده باشند چگونه در ایران کتابخانه دیگری نبوده که آثار ایرانیان در آن بجا بماند؟ و سپس از همه اینها نتیجه می گیرد که ایرانیان پیش از اسلام آثار نوشتاری زیادی نداشتند که امروز چیزی از آنها باقی نمانده است.

اهمیتِ having or not having more time to be specific written works that span and we know the dynamics of a civilization with a number of books and scientific works produced in direct ratio it is therefore a simple concept, "katuzian told Mr. it is Iranians did civilizations before Islam. چون منطقا ما یا باید آثار خطی مربوط به دوران پیش از اسلام را نشان بدهیم و یا ثابت کنیم که در طول زمان چه بر سر تمدن ایرانی و این نوشته ها آمده است.

This issue does not matter because the Islamists for the concerns of this group is merely that it is clear to the Arab invader and make effects for them; Professor since the migration of the Prophet begins and whatever it is does not have the value بررسیدن. This thread is about the Arabs could be true because even in Islamic and Arabic sources of the time to the era of pre-Islamic Arabs, say the جاهلیت era and on to the people of the Prophet the same era begins. Alah چپگرایان Persian civilization on the Islamists, especially for the time before Islam, it does not matter, and in addition to being its dependence on it to not know class society era. بر خلاف علایق این گروهها ، برای ملتها دانستن اینکه چه بر سر آثار مکتوبشان در طول تاریخ آمده، دارای اهمیت حیاتی است؛ برای اینکه بر پایه ی آن می تواند نشان دهد که در طول تاریخ چه سهمی در ایجاد تمدن بشری داشتند و یا دقیقا چه نقشی ایفا کرده اند.

Another friend recently wrote the book under the same "Arab" Susie pointed out that Professor Bernard Louise, Islam, An article about "کتابسوزی Muslims in Alexandria» The release of the subject کتابسوزی in Alexandria under the question raises the. Of this post concludes that the subject of the Arab کتابسوزی in Iran is no basis. Bernard Louise in the Iranian part of it refers to: «تاریخنگار قرن چهاردهم، ابن خلدون، داستان تقریبا یکسانی را راجع به ویران کردن یک کتابخانه در ایران به دستور خلیفه عمر مطرح کرده که نشان از ویژگی عامیانه آن دارد».

The 14th century historian Ibn Khaldun tells an almost identical story concerning the destruction of a library in Persia, also by order of the Caliph ‘Umar, thus demonstrating its folkloric character.

The translator of the book Introduction to the English language is also a Professor of the Arabic language is the similarity in the name of franz rsantal the subject of the book burnings in Iran and the life of Alexandria mentions:«این روایت دیگری از یک افسانه معروف است که بر طبق آن عمر دستور ویرانی کتابخانه اسکندریه را داد»

This is a variant of the famous legend according to which, Umar ordered the destruction of the celebrated library in Alexandria

First, it must be said that the subject of the کتابسوزی in the library of Alexandria, Egypt, with Arab کتابسوزی in Iran or Iranian Horde began its difference کتابسوزی; when the library of Alexandria to say merely refers to a specific location, but the man on several occasions Sassanid library کتابسوزی in the comments we get k E. Bernard Louise and Francis rsantal, the translator of the book introduction, just a hint that the library of Ibn Khaldun quotes; even though it did not in any way refuse, and this sentence that the narrative on general form or elsewhere is not necessarily raised the wrong show it does. This thread is the same false premises "katuzian and something that we continue to be well lit.

Since the previous documentation about the کتابسوزیهای Arabs, are all quoted from the Persian تاریخنویسان or first-hand sources, and this topic could have been in our conclusions properly or the axiom of the historical sources about the creation. This effort has got this about Iran's history of academic sources of the story کتابسوزیهای I find that the ability to have the scientific citations. In Valid encyclopedia ««Library and information science (Volume XIII p. 22-26) About the library and its existing article کتابسوزیهای that I got from a few pages to translate it. This is an encyclopedia by a large number of متخصصینی edits In their disciplines in the humanities are And it is reliable.

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

Up to the time of the constitutional revolution in Iran, there were three types of libraries;

  1. The Royal Library contains library of princes and Ministers
  2. Private libraries especially religious poets and scientists and libraries
  3. For each library to a hospital or a school or a mosque were related

Three major invasion by the Greeks (333 BC)Arab,(641 Ad) And Turkish (1220 Ad) Cause the destruction of countless libraries *. Although many libraries that there were in the past, today they are not detectable, but the number of these libraries is the astronomical. Homayoun f the three volume history of Iran wrote a number of libraries 459 Tai brief explanation about them with each one counts on the. Vazha even list these libraries in this short article is difficult and finding the most even for the list it is not an easy task. Because every single one of these the most important were the library, we are only a few of them as we sample here.

The first resource that helps us to understand the ancient Iran during the Achaemenid era have been related to the library is. The Jewish people on several occasions to have the Iranian reference library. In Ezra we will find that the reality kings بایگانیها and libraries in Babylon, the mud and other cities were. Ester says that Iranians "as a book of tales» were kept up to record historical events in it.

According to Ibn Nadeem, author-fihrist, which around the year 987 Ad posted in our Palace in Persepolis posts for wooden plaque, stone and clay in multiple threads, there. The number of a lot of this will was destroyed by Alexander of Macedon and was sent to the library of Alexandria, or. The discovery of thirty thousand of the plaque of clay per year 1934 And the ruins of our House under the ground this confirms the said. Bastanshnasan this section called the Treasury of Persepolis or have pool library. Alexander also 20000 Cow leather that Avesta was written on them does.. We are told that the books were kept in the archives of Persepolis and Alexander's Palace when the fire drew these books went from among the.

In the Sassanid era (225- 651 Ad) There were at least two massive library. Ibn Nadeem writes:"Ardeshir(Sasani) All ancient books scattered debris, but Iranians who were from India and China to collect and keep the coffers. The first son of his father's way and and all the other languages of the books that had been translated into Persian will collect. He also compiled a book for Christmas Eve *. According to the Avesta, after burn Alexander revived it. Other libraries that were built at this time the first KH library for the University of gundeshapur was. Of particular interest to him to collect the books from the furthest points of the world famous. Gundeshapur was best Sassanid Research Center. بسیای of scientists of different especially in the Church of the war there were many books come to command the first English translation was made.. In addition to these two large libraries, library and there was also another valid. All of the temple and prstshgahha like all hospitals and research centers and educational treasure had their own books.

Then the Arab invasion in the year 641 Extra receipts. They spend a lot of Arab bias and whatever was the Quran were non-rooting. Famous libraries in the mtesrfatshan of the vanished. It is said that the Arab invaders believed that the content of a book, or Koran complies but it can not be superior or it's worse with the Holy Quran is inconsistent. In both cases it is the destruction of the sezaor. And were destroyed. Iranian libraries were destroyed. Books in the water were spilled or burned them.

To get rid of this ordeal, his writings were buried or hidden . Many of these books went out with the passage of time because of the. Ibn Nadeem says that two of these were found in the library of the tenth century. Also, حفاریهای aorfan sexy babes to books and libraries of shows.

However, the destruction of the books was not triggered until the Iranians will lose the اشتیاقشان. The first opportunity that allowed them to books and libraries were set up was written. Many of the library renovation was so great that for a variety of topics were considered separate rooms. In fact, when Iran seized the Arab-Persian literature were میراثدار;. Gradually their library was filled with Persian literature books.

The 11th and 12th century ad had countless libraries and book trade will boom. Nezamiyeh school year 1064 Julian was built which includes a huge collection of books was. As we know from many private libraries-fihrist was there. Almost all the important cities had their own library of Iran. The Princes or rulers everywhere can read to learn. This topic is about the Samanids in Bukhara and buyid was truth in Shiraz. For example, in Bukhara, the famous philosopher and physician Ibn Sina,( 980- 1037 Ad) He was called up by the significant library for Mansour to go the Crown. The Royal collection that Avicenna in his court vision surprised. Avicenna says:"The books are related to each of the Hall of science has its own discrete. There are many forums. In a Hall there is a poetry collection relating to the. Others include the Hall of faith and issues, it is. I found a list of Greek writers, and looking for books that I wanted . I saw this collection of books from those who never had never heard of them and I had never previously seen».

Also, Noah Ibn Mansur ibn outstanding scientist of the sunflower(938-995 Ad) The invitation to his Chancellor.. It is said that Ibn sunflower this request rejected because could not have moved the books. Purely religious books carry him alone to four hundred camels needed. In a typical journey times take thirty camel book. A library that he has criticized for its least Ray went one. Just a list of books available in every field it was ten volumes.

In the city of Ray Ibn amid (In the past year 971 Ad) That life is not just a good scientist but was a keen کتابدوست. Per year 965 Julian is a saboteur and she went home to her house and athas plundered his assets range. Ibn mskovih the librarian he wrote:"He was a lover of books more than any other thing …When he asked me about the vision and lent her when she lent her hand I said healthy and intact, they said someone:You're all my Iqbal heartbreaking things are be replaced except for books…».

مجموعه کتابها و کتابخانه ها در نیشابور، اصفهان، غزنه، بصره، شیراز، مرو و موصل یافت می شد.در قرن نهم هجری ابوالوفا ابن سلما خانه دانشی پایه گذاری کرد و آن را با کتابهایی از همه شاخه های دانش انباشت که برای همه دانشمندان در دسترس بود.

In a library in a wealthy زمیندار 885 Establishments founded and it is said that three hundred thousand Dirhams books will spend. When Mahmoud غزنوی Ray in 1029 And in Isfahan 1033 Rob *. He found that hundreds of times the book herself to win ghzanh. Ibn haban (In the past year 965 Ad) خانه ای را به همراه کتابخانه و اقامتگاهی را برای اقامت دانشجویان به شهرش نیشابور وقف کرد که کتابهایش نمی توانستند برای امانت به بیرون از محل برده شوند.

The best of this era of library probably belongs to Shiraz and was brow. Shiraz Foundation by Prince of buyid, azdaldolah (In the past year 982 Ad) His house was built on the grounds of. The library that was more scientific texts include a Manager(Lawyer) He was a librarian and a head. Books made in forums that are on each side they were kept was اطاقهایی. Every branch of knowledge, the library and browse your website belongs to. In the thirteenth century Mongol invasion Maru less than ten was not a library. Two Thai they are mosques and things were in schools. Ruby حموی (1178-1229) The famous جغرافیدان for a period of three years residence in Meru and is supported by the generosity of the libraries that he was astounded by the trustee,. He wrote:«در خانه ی من هیچگاه کمتر از دویست جلد کتاب نبود که به امانت گرفته می شدند و من هیچ وقت مجبور نبودم که برایشان وثیقه بگذارم چون ارزششان زیاد بود».

Once again the immense Iranians to civilization was destroyed by the assailants, this time by the Mongols and Tatars tribes; they are the mosques have become the barn asbanshan, libraries burned and precious versions used as fuel. و یک بار دیگر زمان کوتاهی پس از آنکه تاخت و تاز و چپاول پایان یافت، کتابها مجددا جمع آوری شدند و کتابخانه های بزرگ دوباره در ایران ساخته شد.

In the fourteenth century ad an Observatory and a library were built in maragheh for the. Nasir al-Din توسی, the famous scientist, mathematician, and astronomer, was responsible for the library. He is a very large number of books that the injury was left of reserved Mogul Merv, Nishapur, Samarkand, Bukhara, and the city will collect the pot of Alamut. The number of books in her collection of more than 400000 The book was. Many of them of Chinese languages, Mongolian, Sanskrit, Arabic and Assyrian were translated.

The library by Minister Rashidi Anserinae Khan, رشیدالدین f, was made. In the early fourteenth century, Rashid al-Din Fazlollah a male scientist and excelled in many branches of knowledge that was more as great a historian known to be. Since Rashid-al-Din was abolish man, a scientific and research center near Tabriz created library it is known. Rashid al-Din also made that after death to be buried near there. He spent most of his library with thousands of valuable books will devote. Fazlollah says:«…من به کتابخانه رشیدی شانزده هزار کتاب در موضوعات مختلف علم، تاریخ، ادبیات و چیزهای دیگر بخشیدم که از ایران، ترکستان، مصر، هند، چین و روم جمع آوری کرده بودم.» رشید الدین برای اینکه کتابهای خودش ایمن بمانند نسخه هایی از آنها را به کتابخانه های مختلف در ایران فرستاد.

Sheikh Safi's library was created in the same time and up to the 19th century when a large part of it to the East by the shnasan was used to stay in Australia. This library of books in Arabic, Persian and Turkish website. Some versions of it had been ordered by Shah Abbas.

Many of the great libraries in Safavid times (1501 1736) The creation of the Royal Library in Isfahan was the biggest they had. Shah Abbas warmly Armenian refugees who were accepted the prosecution. Isfahan jolfa near the place of safety for them was. They were allowed to build their church and library. The library of religious works of immensely valuable in jolfa of Christianity is still active and is one of the oldest of the world's libraries. A small library was ever mounted in Iran and the first book of the year 1641 There was the printing of a book to the Armenian language was. Years later in the year 1826 The first book was published in Tabriz, Iran (Persian).

The other is a library which now belongs to the era of traditional, library of astan Quds Razavi in Mashhad, which is built in the fourteenth century; although this library is located about one or twice so nonetheless still remains and is now the biggest religious library in Iran. The city of Mashhad to the temple رضایش of the eighth Imam of Shiite Imam is honored that. The library is a part of this sacred Temple of Iran that 8910 Set version and is accessible to the public library .... But there is a possibility to take out books.

The collection of this library with a larger endowment to be. As the earliest libraries that already exist in Iran, this library with the preparation of micro-movies of older versions to other libraries can help. So far five volumes from the list of the books of the library, the library also has a monthly publication. حسین ملک، یک مجموعه دار معاصر، اخیرا مجموعه نسخه های ارزشمندی را به این کتابخانه اعطا کرده؛ این مجموعه در حال حاضر در کتابخانه ملک در تهران نگهداری می شود که شعبه ای از کتابخانه رضوی است.

A short explanation about two libraries in the Qajar period (1794-1925) Created, proves that the old pattern of the library to find the course continue; 1878 Hossein sepahsalar, Prime Minister of the time, a mosque and a religious school with a large library in Tehran, making. The first dedicated his library sepahsalar set includes four thousand volumes was that most of them were religious versions. Per year 1935 Sepahsalar school for quite some time and became a theological school at this time its library grew faster. Two volumes from the list of books (Bibliography) It is edited by Joseph Ibn-e-Shirazi, so far has been released.

Other courses in this library as a library سلطتی by Fath Ali Shah Qajar was created and now there and the other Kings of the Qajar dynasty by also was supported. این کتابخانه به عنوان آخرین کتابخانه سلطنتی برای مدت طولانی محسوب می شود که در کاخ گلستان در تهران واقع شده و شامل شمار زیاد و نسخه های خاصی از کتابها است.

Picture pages 22 Up 26 Book

کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran


کتابخانه ها و کتابسوزی در ایران

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

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20 Reply to Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

  • Prsshgar Said:

    Have a question: Why the Chronicles written by Iranians, such as Greek civilization adjacent/Romans, Jews, Indians, or never a reference to the expansion of the ancient Iranians by science yet? While speaking of the greatness of the Iranian شهنشاهی to repeatedly come from?

    • admin Said:

      This is incorrect, for example, your default at the same time a number of Sassanid era Roman philosophers to Khosrow anoushirvan were refugees and a description of the library and jundishapur University in Roman sources, however, we come up with something from this University. in addition to the Greek and Roman dates for knowing a What is the extent of the spread of civilization have not only books that can help, for example, a bridge or a dam to the Parthian or Sassanid period left can you make it to the level of technical knowledge that access the tvansh such a structure, and therefore, this should be The works of مکتوبی it to the left, but in these cases there is actually something to every direction a piece that I got the translation here and put together the mrjash is perfectly valid and the accuracy of the written reasons on the article.

  • kazemita Said:

    My question about Ibn Khaldun that you said at the beginning of your article you brought:
    "The Iranians were significant on massive shiohai aghli balom offered ... This science after the country's culture and on the Alexandra, having overcome kianian Iranian has decreased from ionanian "

    The letter I is what can be found in the word for this? While you tell yourself ارسطاطلیس (Aristotle) Is the age of Alexander the great and everyone knows that the intellectual Sciences already than Aristotle in Greece had reached to the attainment.

    • admin Said:

      Hello dear friend of Ibn Khaldun's narrative about a few note

      Ibn Khaldun narrates the first کتابسوزی of the Arabs in Iran, and his narrative is not the same in Iran and Alexander کتابسوزی should not be the same as the rest of the . Because these two events nearly a thousand years long dispute with each other, and Ibn Khaldun کتابسوزی Muslims have been closer to the the ERGO her awareness in this field is more naturally this issue only related to Ibn Khaldun, and other resources as a Narrator is closer to the event credit There are also more.

      The longer that I wonder if the Arab historians and scientists for stewardship is to be the father of Ibn Khaldun once sociology in the world and the largest old world historian; but if the authenticity of the quotes qulsh about کتابسوزی to reach the Arabs suddenly comes to the throne of the carpet! اما همانطور که خودتان خیلی خوب می دانید مقدمه ابن خلدون معتبرترین تاریخ اسلامی است
      The Muqaddimah, often translated as “Introduction” or «Prolegomenon,» is the most important Islamic history of the premodern world

      However, the primary source is still a secondary source and cannot be considered as the same cause also a same subject encyclopedia I quoted.

      About motahhari said on the intellectual Sciences, do not doubt Greece ahead of Alexander the great, Aristotle and Plato and Socrates and many others have; the other said Ibn Khaldun intellectual Sciences came together to Alexander that Greece is merely the intellectual Sciences have been told that given the Iranians the Greeks reached the Iranian scientific and history of IE Alexander said that many more Iranian works to the library of Alexandria and did not destroy them, at least in the English text of la is not such a thing, of course, I don't have access to the original written in Arabic. Nonetheless the subject of Arab-Israeli کتابسوزی as previously thought, with Alexander کتابسوزی two separate آگاهییهای and is subject to the total of these two is not the same as historian.

      Among The Persians, the intellectual sciences played a large and important role, since the Persians dynasties were powerful and ruled without interruption. The intellectual sciences are said to have come to Greeks from the Persians. when Alexander killed Darius and gained control of the Achaemenid empire. At that time, he appropriated the books and sciences of the Persians.

      The next story is about being in the same لکترور Mr. "katuzian told them his University site are Flo ریسرچ
      Research Fellows and Junior Research Fellows
      And the English Wikipedia is exactly the rank, he noted that in the Oxford equivalent of a college instructor or a student is داکترال mail; there is also other references about the volume of research in the period of داکترال a more detailed post explained to Mr. anti-Iranian "katuzian; اظهانظرهای celebrities and if you follow such material You want something from the fixed "katuzian possibly multiple items easily can find other.

      At the end of the Roman and Indian sources, even if the Chinese and the principle that we mentioned; multiple instances on the same resources as the Iranian libraries referenced the same few examples were told that the scientist and sometime the first refugee to Khosrow, and returned to Rome again, even if only the same base A thread is the same as a University and the smallest trace of it after not eyes of Islam. The issue is not that we have a little later we argument works in the fields of philosophy and the history of the first example is when something. The issue is that there is nothing but scattered contents of pre-Islamic era on the left and the place so if you don't wish to کتابسوزی رابپذیرید should be an issue for this explanation.

      • kazemita Said:

        The intellectual sciences are said to have come to the Greeks from the Persians, when Alexander killed Darius and gained control of the Achemenid empire.

        You have a comma instead of a dot above the past for the same is a problem with English translation. Otherwise the translation is the same as the width of the got. Ibn Khaldun intellectual science is here مدّعی “After” فتح ایران توسط اسکندر از ایران به یونان رسیده است.

        • admin Said:

          Dear doost comma or comma I have written this so that you can read I can't read that intellectual Sciences of Alexander to the Greeks arrived; no reason there about something that I have written the beginning principle of links I want commas to point or point to a comma to distort Every direction you will write دلایلتان I also gave the paskhtan joint

          • kazemita Said:

            I do not intend to abuse. But in English, such as when a comma between the two and nothing like pronouns (when ) There are two such are connected and put them together without interruption--. (A Google search for relative clause)
            The sentence in the introduction to this book is:
            The intellectual sciences are said to have come to the Greeks from the Persians, when Alexander killed Darius and gained control of the Achemenid empire.

            If you notice. In the original text of the book, the word (when) Start with small letters (Instead of w W) That show is still the middle of the sentence. Therefore, it must translate the two sentences to read connected. That is, the

            “Said to be the intellectual Sciences, when Alexander the Achaemenid Empire of Darius and control into the hands of the Iranians, Greeks.”

          • admin Said:

            You مراحمید my friend. Right totally with you and it is the fault of which I was previously that did not, of course, carefully note the English written by hand on the copy paste Google because I will not be. Ali ایحال is still the smallest of the communication between the attack of Alexander and attack the Arabs not to long and not specifically about it there, said shan. I was the first opportunity that I can modify my text

  • kazemita Said:

    By the way where in the list below (University of Oxford) While "katuzian introduced? (Notice that in this list are those that have been introduced with this title but not "katuzian jzoshan)

  • kazemita Said:

    ضمنا این را هم اضافه کنم که دانشنامه‌ای که شما به آن اشاره کرده اید برای بخش کتابخانه‌های ایران مشکلاتی داشته اند

    In many cases we
    could not find appropriate authors and in other cases we did have a contract with an
    author or a team of authors who had to withdraw from the project at a time when it
    was much too late to find a replacement (e.g. Argentina, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon,
    Portugal, New Zealand, Iran, Iraq, South Africa and Russia).

    • admin Said:

      Yes absolutely are right but this thread is not about whether this is a valid encyclopedia content? Or whether the Arabs of Iran's books were burned or not?! About this is that we wanted a comprehensive list of libraries, archives and museums in all of the countries we are preparing but due to a lack of funds in some countries including Iran, we were unable to find those that write comprehensive articles in this field.

      One of our original objectives was to provide a series of country profiles that
      would include a discussion of libraries, archives, and museums and would also
      describe the education of professionals working in these three types of institutions.
      We had initially hoped to include all member countries of UNESCO, but this goal
      proved to be far too ambitious to carry out within a reasonable time frame. The lack
      of any budget for translation was also an inhibiting factor; as a result we were
      limited to those countries where we could identify authors who were able produce a
      comprehensive and sophisticated overview article in English

  • A. Said:

    Unless Iran gets a fraction, such as monuments and architecture, the Palace of elegant and artistic جمشیدو flat or complex system of water supply in Iran!!(Kariz or qanat)Saw and lacks thoughtful scientist and engineer and library visibility!!!!! Unless it gets the biggest Empire in a few hundred years it governed without a thinker and philosopher !! Unless it gets to dress and jewelry and utensils and instruments of war and stairs …We look at them and think they have a bit of knowledge and books were around!!!!! Wherever civilization(شهریگری) The book has been a Honda Civic and University and science is always contrary to the Arabs and the Turks that the desert system down or tribal and urban were tribal.. The only نادانهای illiterate! مغرضین ethnic and religious fanatic and can deliver up to such a نتیچه psychological healing they find Blackjack.

    • admin Said:

      I'm with you my opinion. The issue is not solely related to Iranians. No civilization could not be written without the works of development and expansion should be a tool to locate because the knowledge from one generation to another or from one group to another group the transfer even if it is in a limited field of knowledge, even if purely technical knowledge to build war machines or buildings To be a tool for keeping it to be invented

  • Hope Said:

    Burn the books get the Arabs, Iran is not correct . Firstly, no degree and a valid document did not mention the event of burning the books . Ibn Khaldun also of NLP as a documentary of the event but also as a possibility does . Exterior of the sozandan books قتیبه recounts that the probability is correct but not a few books, library . Two of the school at the time which was set up to teach them Sassanid Empire; . One drop that name before the Arabs closed and did not nothing to do with the onslaught of the Arabs and the latter gundeshapur was bleeding without war and conquest . With this account, or a school or a library where the Science Center that they came to kill Arabs, Ann slide?

    • admin Said:

      Here's a story that I stepped from a reputable encyclopedia. Ibn Khaldun in this post from nothing-fihrist of Ibn Nadeem and not to refer to any direction; this is a academic source source and more is invoked. In the case of Ibn Khaldun also did not see any reason to agree with him that Birmingham. The Arabs later in other countries, such as the کتابسوزی India also were committed. No shrghshnas not know that the first level of this topic specifically may be rejected in one case in particular, have expressed doubt that Ibn Khaldun as "Louise Story wrote about a similar library in Iran pointed out» (Ibn Khaldun noted that in the introduction is not merely a library) But I did not see any place on this topic even from an expert was rejected.. Note taking that to the very primitive tribes invading tribes were, if they were skeptical but this was rather. Even groups that during the Arab period, its much more advanced from the second Caliph, were like the Romans in the course of Julius Caesar, find themselves deprived of the pleasure of the Egyptians did not burn the library. That group, another land and historical heritage will exceed their sustainability to a high level of awareness and development needs. Even in our own times, when the آمریکاییهایی view of the level of knowledge and technology, are the most civilized people of the world, to attack Iraq, a lot of the historical heritage of Iraq even in the country's museums to be destroyed, how do you want to accept that the Arabs, including Iran, and what nsusandend?

  • kourosh Said:

    To the universe and Bel while they mstndtrin ktabsusi ktabsusi slander history have been performed
    ” The horrendous disaster book” 26Azar 1325 To the hands of the Iranian army, The army, under the pretext of monitoring the elections in Azerbaijan was in the form of the rapist in the army 21 Azar 1325 The autonomous Government was causing the fall of Azerbaijan that, according to the army statistics 25000 Execution and 70000 The settler and avarho wounded. In this rape that Azerbaijan as mhmadrezashah save it, name of the defenseless people of Azerbaijani women and even of murder and looting and assaults were not spared the honour. To command all the Tehran school textbooks set fire and collect(26 Azar 1325 Today, the day of the book in between the Azerbaijan national movement activists known to be)! Mhmadrezashah Liberation Army commits crimes, which was unprecedented in history! Interestingly the national newspapers and even the Tudeh Party newspaper also claims that the people's friendship in the face of these crimes remained silent, the habit and the national policy that newspapers have to date! شونیست party of Iran because they remained silent in the face of these crimes. Unfortunately, the Act of the Soviet State and refugees also live in destitution because mostly freight, some shdendo people killed were deported long years.

    • admin Said:

      The army was not Iran, Azerbaijan to monitor elections to enter Azerbaijan; because Azerbaijan is a part of Iran and twenty-five thousand people that no if twenty-five million is the betrayal of the country and should be all the proof of execution of crime; though I don't imagine twenty Five thousand people during the past hundred years have been executed in Iran, officially executed a figure that members of the cult.. Gave you trkystha this is the number of digits and do not know and do not know what the execution of twenty-five thousand. To hit casualties of political and military conflict کشتگان and murders do not work like that, but today China is the most executions in the world in nearly anything about three hundred people a year are executed, but because the Statistics say twenty-five thousand members of the death cult of official statistics of the Iranian army A matter of! Can someone submits the army statistics(Of course, if you're not بگویی right) And here is my plea in a separate post I published with the name of yourself.

      In the case of کتابسوزی there is a difference between کتابسوزی that began in China have Scouting or کتابسوزی the Horde with the کتابسوزی (According to your assumption) That happened in Azerbaijan or کتابسوزیهایی Kasravi and today also occasionally as a political جرکت for example, in the form of the Quran burnings done. کتابسوزیهای the first category is actually the original versions of the books that have registered their predecessors in the knowledge of the library of Alexandria, for example, raises among the کتابسوزی part of the human civilization to destroy because they were copies that were written by hand and did not like the the ERGO a fire destruction and The full content will result in the Elimination of کتابسوزی that can be done today, but nothing of the content of the book, not eliminate, because of the time of printing thousands of copies or industry growth of millions of copies of a post can be published and if something is burned so that no content that is not in fact the Publisher It can also benefit from this because the have copies are purchased so then can they bsusannd. In the case of Azerbaijan, also if something has been burned that I still did not see the document you textbooks or handouts have been ideological during the cult had been printed and burned them. ترکان در تمام طول تاریخشان نه ادبیاتی داشتند و نه اثر علمی بجای گذاشتند که کسی بخواهد بسوزاند

  • […] ایرانیسمکتاب Suzy Arabs in Iran June ۱۰م admin, 1389 کتابسوزی کتابسوزی ایرانپیرامون libraries and book in the Arab “Two centuries of silence” Useful […]

  • irani Said:

    The decisive argument!
    آفرین بر شما

  • I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative
    and engaging, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head.
    The problem is something not enough folks are speaking intelligently about.
    I’m very happy I stumbled across this during my hunt for something regarding this.

  • Reply to admin

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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