Archive for 2016

The first missionary and the first trickster

The first missionary was the first شیادی to hit the first idiot. –Voltaire

این عبارت را از یکی دو جا به فارسی نوشته بودم که به چند شیوه، از جمله با عنوان نخستین پیامبر و نخستین روحانی، باز نقل شده و منبع آن را از من پرسیده اند.

This page in English So come:

The first clergyman was the first rascal who puts the first fool. –Voltaire
نخستین روحانی بود که نخستین احمق را دیدار کرد رذلی نخستین!

در زبان فرانسوی اینطور پیدا کردم:

The first church was the first crook who met the first fool.
The religion of the same started when the first finds the first trickster fool!

They were joyously Hosanna gosfandeha: We have a security awadsh!

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – – Ben Franklin

They will sacrifice that freedom temporarily to achieve security, deserve neither liberty or security of the. – – Benjamin Franklin

Gosfandeha not knowing the security for them to maintain that the rule is sllakh! They don't understand that wolves are just a ton of dearest, but their heads are all sllakh suffer.

All inside corridors were drawn to turn home sllakh line to head down to the butcher knife; they were cheering with joy: We have a security awadsh!

دغلین Hadith Imam Khamenei to pasargad fraud: Learn from the پانترک,

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei (P) In the Hadith, دغلین States: I have two things to you before the death of the Honorable trustee (مدیونید if you think Sir is going to die!): First, the revolutionary guards and Iran until the mob is dependent on the destruction of the latter's citizens head and spread ignorance and ignorance in all of the areas that the essentials of Islam and the system; as these two Twine بیاویزید insider, and you are spared the wrath of the system.

In order to clarify the matter better, His Holiness gives the example of the Pan-Turks who are hung on both strings and eat from the sack of the Revolutionary Guards, and they have also sunk into stupidity and ignorance, and since they meet both conditions, they freely send a faction of 100 Turks to the parliament and they themselves do a lot of hara in the stadium of Trakhtor Harai and no matter how much damage is caused to public property They curse and curse that no one has anything to do with them..

Why is traditional medicine is the science or scientific شیادی

Traditional medicine, an academic at the University of شیادی in Iran.

Traditional medicine, scientific شیادی, at the University of Iran.

Quotes that the ancient Egyptians worship the Pharaohs, and the Pharaohs were gods, worship. Apparently none of the other two groups did not have a problem with the Group's beliefs because the Pharaohs continue to worship the gods and the Egyptians were Pharaohs still hangs the same time!

Imam Khamenei (P)The leader of the Islamic world, the huge almertbeh several times, most recently on the importance of traditional medicine with modern medicine replacement تاکیدات on July موکد.

Along with his comrades and Sir and the wife and home when their pain will be the place to spend the nation most physicians see doctors and hazgh, but today the Iranian nation led to the clergy, داهیانه effect of various kinds of diseases and diabetes are incurred and The highest growth of cancer statistics In the world, have to do with mint and fenugreek and Borage treats!

The right of secession on the radio tomorrow

Rational radio tomorrow Officially the compliment aside And by collecting analyzing known ', according to people inside Iran itself is looking for rights. The comments also coma fi alsabgh censorship that more place to compliment the rest follows.

First, you should know that basically right in the name of secession or separatism issue plan for tomorrow or a loose radio alien media no longer exists. The issue before the comment is related to the decomposition of the foahash quest international laws related to.

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly

Long Ernest Hemingway said:: All thinkers are godless! Even if the idea of Hemingway's indulgence, therefore must accept that even sectors are godless. Almost all of the winners of the Nobel Prize and the greater part of the world's most prominent scientists and thinkers are skeptical of the existence of God and this is even before it is provided to the existence of prophets, Angels, or demons, or ajanh, an imam and a few hundred thousand years have believed the absent. Knowing the importance of this issue is such that the دیدگاههایی in Iran or other Islamic societies like Saudi Arabia deal with security and even face the death penalty would be. Therefore, when faced with such charges (Like the death penalty for Insult to the father of the gpeto) You must know what the extent of cognitive science and uncertainty we face:

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

The Imam Khamenei and reformists to naghi I shelter

Not understanding why Uncle? This is a رفیقمان in the The highest entries! Apart because we respect the boycotters are loved ones transition mshasha comments and do not understand that the promise of this nation with our friend, if they were in a low-cost way of the Scorpion and the mtmadnaneh is happy merely to نشیمنگاه the size of the couch to give the vote to shake and go about confirming Sir vote; he has a way to show that we have a nfahm Scorpion you don't want to go to gort missing now!

After a round of songs, "Mullah Hassan بیامد came smston, head of the" whispered to themselves because they will be dealing mobile situation! November طبیعتش that nature requires Dell to be thin to be discontented with friends from the votes and has not really people that I. Do not understand why we do these things apart?

The first step to ridding the nation of Iran is wrong to accept responsibility

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. --Einstein

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. –Einstein

The choice of the President of the Assembly of experts, Ahmad jannati, also from those it was supposed to be a bad option (In the face of worse options) , Or at least a wave of disappointment and disbelief among voters in the recent elections, created. It is not easy for this large part of Iranians to accept that a group of people who voted for Jannati as reformists would vote for Jannati, but it was not difficult to predict such a situation.

The elections in the Islamic Republic The application is abuse And the government has realized this issue over the past thirty-seven years that it can hold a show of elections and design false options in unfree and unrealistic elections, and prevent effective protest movements.

Non-Mahram Man Ray سرطانزای listens on metshra divine party woman

Thank God the amount of progress in the vast size of our Islamic society, it is not conceivable that the improvement! So that the latest scientific methods and research results among the general public and religious discussion metshra classes to be.
The author of that as of today the revolutionary in the game are much evoke the Humanities of the Qom Seminary, I thought each new revelation things would mirror?. مثلا این خواهرمان در صدا و سیمای جمهوری اسلامی کاشف به عمل آورده که به گواهی علم از چشمان مرد نامحرم اشعه ی مخربی بر صورت زن متشرع مسلمان ساطع می شود که موجب پیری می شود.

In English, حرامزادگی دیاثت and the global crisis

One of the blessings of the revolution was that we still should be the subject of Islamic ندانستیم بخندیم or they cry. I guess if you need more crying inside and if you come bberon laugh; but ahaot it is both work together to do!

Recently the Imam Khamenei (P), The successor of God and the hidden Imam, the representative commented that such afada not have English-language science and false if one is the language of science said. Since the Prophet among the prophets and things like your uneducated and ignorant about what is not precipitation, طرفدارانی of the sequence together himself these words were. Up to this point been put Alternative English Arabic And articles (Which articles?!) The time Write English.

The main winner of the election, Khamenei

Friends instead of n.!

Friends instead of n.!

Suppose to be a cancer patient the possibility that among various cancers one to choose. For example, there is a possibility that the disease of leukemia lung cancer will choose بجایش. Ali has a bad transaction, this transaction should not be, because some types of diseases of other types it is worse. But the problem is that the patient would create the impression that the disease has been a major part of the first alternative condition to solve his problem and the need for drastic measures and painful treatments such as chemotherapy does not have. This is the same thing that every time after the elections to occur in Iran..

The difference between Adam and Adam is not educated, educated

The first year that I was gone one day University in Iran, the head of the class in a discussion on the historical issue, and I got the alleged. Astadem said to say something wrong cause! That he just said, or I, or they dont remember what was discussed today but I gave her an answer that I remember well is. I should get for doctoral astadem to ten thousand page book and I am so over ten thousand pages about the history of the world I read.

Those times I heard that for a doctorate must get ten thousand page reads more specialized which of course is much more. I sing a few thousand monthly news page. However, at that time I found myself with a couple of books, I assume the universe.

The successor to Khamenei, what's worse, the better

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

The last few days several entries about Ali Khamenei and its supporters plan to influence the composition of the Assembly of experts published new. The authors of the content to the next Parliament, a non-competitive situation (161 candidate for the 88 seats) Point out that in some areas it's even competition among two candidates there. On this basis, some of them even argue that in this non-competitive election should be less extreme candidates will vote because the next leader of the House of the future and it might be a more extreme person is Khamenei, successor.

Assassins of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, with closed eyes and hands without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

محمد مختاری را آنطور که از اسلام ناب انقلابی محمدی سراغ داریم، در کمال ناجوانمردی با دستان و چشمان بسته شده بدون اینکه کوچکترین امکان دفاع داشته باشد، به دستور مراجع تقلید شیعه خفه کردند.

Today's story on Facebook بشیرتاش said I saw how to kill Mohammad Mokhtari, a poet and writer and Secretary of the writers ' Association, in murders was described, I noticed a number of punishing and Killers of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists Have been introduced. Hence the need for registration on time, I saw that to write the story.

During the nine years that blogging got what it was a year in which Iran initially and later became what I wrote in the Court, which the United States never came from Kari nnoshtem. Mohammad Mokhtari, knew from childhood. Mr. Mokhtari was my aunt's husband (The girl's aunt's husband that we Uncle we sound).

Mohammad Mokhtari, which I knew was a quiet character and متواضعی. Of those people who are that it was large and small, old and young, his kindness and humility were absorbed. When he was killed, I'm fourteen – Fifteen-year-old, I was so familiar with and I never nzeratsh I want to write a story about it. علاوه بر آن امروز هم که هفده سال از رفتن مختاری می گذرد من بیشتر به مختاری که عضوی از خانواده ما بود قرابت دارم تا مختاری شاعر و نویسنده ی نامدار.

But the issue that I want to mention and must be geared to the future lesson عبرتی is killed because Mr. Mokhtari.

Purple poison Fateh President following Iran's horses were humiliated

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

Recently the Government of Italy in action covering a number of statues of naked and half-naked Italian while visiting Hassan Rohani تمسخرهای ریشخند کاپیتولینه Museum of the bedrock and has a lot of virtual space. In the English-language media, some have argued that in order to respect Mr. Rouhani's Islamic beliefs, Italy should go so far as to censor its artworks, unaware that this issue has other reasons.

Mr. Rohani is a visit of the Museum that a large number of sculptures were covered with wooden box. What is the reason that the Italians a Museum for بادید Obama chose that very large number of works of art where the subject of censorship. Italy artwork and an abundance of historical sites in the city of Rome, which could have been about the President of Iran visited Pakistan. In addition, other centers of manandh industrial factories or other cultural and economic centers would have to be included in the programme of spiritual. So, what is the cause of this particular location selected?

Electoral ploy Imam Khamenei (P) By resorting to Imam Naqi (P)

Of naghi (P) Narrates that prophet shmghder (PS)The camel, its bavfay and the popular President and the people of the province, said Naqi affair: To get the-labor Corp; increase the pay of their children; and کنیزی and نوکری and mathatshan to sink in the clubbing!

Shmghder w *: یابن rsolala! We just want the rest of the mkhlfatsh for پولهایشان? The Prophet with his science, he commented on this provision ladoni that I know and you ندانی!

Ugly, insulting Saudi King's property consultant, to Iranians

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Even Genghis is not speculation can bring such disaster on the nation.

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Maybe even not be such speculation either Genghis disaster brought over a nation.

Suppose Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, today claimed that the head of the Iranian disaster so that they were begging in the streets of Berlin! In the event of such رخدادی probably the nation always on the scene and always on Facebook (Recently the telegram) Some damn fine and coarse money the German Government and German history and culture and at least serve as a virtual miss Chancellor were. If Obama is the same claim about begging in the streets of Washington DC as the Iranians would show the same reaction people; however, this subject also consider the American nation or Germany in a position superior to Iranians, and today, relying on the superiority of our own economic and industrial to humiliation. But this claim is neither the Germans nor the Americans that Saudi Arabia has as.

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