Section: Cultural Affairs

The Mullah that dirty the name of دایما inventory

تصویری از یک آخوند مهربان.

A Mullah, the most merciful.

New Persian or Farsi, since the current vogue in the era after Islam, nearly the number of words have kept herself lie within each. A number of these words in the Arabic language after Islam came to this language, and in contemporary times is the number words were made fresh or from the Western world entered. However, the fact that we still can see the classic works of literature such as the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, Iran or grshasbnameh Asadi توسی after a thousand years and more; focus and to show that a few changes over the past century has little impact on our language vocabulary and does not have a significant.

I comes when for the first time in the United States had gone to a restaurant and asked the hostesses of English سرویسهایتان? Failed to notice that what I mean. It turned out it was common in Iran when Word that this person was not in Iran. We made a lot of vocabulary for the toilet or Privy and several decades of vacuum and water and hand washing area to the Loo and mbal and sanitary services, or we got. The cause of the frequent change of vocabulary is that because the word itself refers to the location of the dirt, the words after a period the concept of ugliness has been assumed and dirty this time rather than herself to the other words are given, but in the case of other words this does not happen. For example, we have beds and the CAP Office and centuries in our daily vocabulary we use words and not replace them.

Iran is a country where the rule of Mars, on the

Attack from Mars to Earth. Image source:

Attack from Mars to Earth. Image source:

Imagine one of your friends claim to have come from Mars, Earth and human beings live among us. You have to explain to him that there is no indication of the existence of the people from Mars on earth does not exist in addition to those years studying the planet b. (Mars) By space agencies and academic centers, is a sign of how even simple life forms exist in the time it has not gotten what wildlife species reach more sophisticated or intelligent species and finally the space trips so that they can تمدنهایی to successfully fulfill the. In response you or your friend argues that humans are not seen by Mars, interest and academic and scientific centers is also governed by the same Martian, and in fact they are the ones that people will rule and because human beings were not allow enslaving; that we have the facts they discover. In such circumstances you have to continue that discussion or trying to see that the scientific evidence or documentation for a more convincing hypothesis presenting opposing sides, your friend can provide you with the evidence as the evidence tampering and unnecessarily reject and ultimately result in the discussion also changes could not be created.

Jhood equally offensive is that the Gulf is offensive

A video Akbar Abdi, actor of the cinema, that part of it to Jews as ' jhood» mentions. Apparently this told the Jewish countrymen to protest the rigging of some unknown reasons to believe that the word is offensive jhood.

The title of the Jewish — Some Jewish and replace used and brand jhood — The Islamic religion of the Prophet Moses, the Jewish adjective, that Moses said to him, Muslims. The interlocutor It is also meant to speak in Arabic grammar, the attribute mshabh is on فعیل, which is the weight of the three letters cuff, Lam m (Such as the word) Made. Kalim Allah meaning it one that God is speaking time with him. These words are cut off and the religious concept, and not at the beginning of an ethnic name; however, each ethnic group has the right to choose its own name and if the Jews more Jewish groups have used them the same range.

I don't respect you opinion gzarm

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

My student period in Iran is not the phenomenon of Sandys was not Bob and our Government from Sandys, safely and without fear of آبرویی, we have over. Cake and Sandys of the staples of our time was that some humor to it, "said amelh silencer". This silencer amelh are the days when we had classes or morning till night in Ramadan days are weird sat on. I comes eight years ago a seven day of the month of Ramadan, when lunch is one of the همینها I bought a fairly busy day retreats in one place was speculation. In the same situation with fairly among the gentleman just sort of came and asked except dont know that Ramadan is fasting should not be speculation? I said why I know but all don't think like him and some are not like my day. Said, but you have to respect my opinion بگزاری! I told you you should have with the logic of my opinion and so I respect بگزاری! He said the Islamic country here and most people are fasting, and when a large number are in my opinion after fasting is preferred. I said, to assume that it is the number one fans opinion opposed to it properly and does not believe it is wrong to prove. Say if you should you swing to democracy معتقدی day. I saw Perth and Pola says thmandeh cake and the front region of the ساندیسم I have down. In fact, I was so hungry that if cars came first time cities became accustomed way cake and gave the cities became accustomed after Sandys went Scouting.

Please visit bought one second hand MacBook

MacBook user Iranian type

MacBook user Iranian type

The Daily Telegraph website, which is one of the most visited in the world, and credible sites Images From a user of Persia Mac notebook (Apple computer build) With a computer theft device has released its advertising for the reflection of the society that the scandal less than a full round trip coverage of Ahmadinejad and not to the United Nations and New York's Entourage.

Apparently the subject of a laptop theft device خبر٬ is pirated in London some time earlier and finally head of industry in Iran. The original owner of this device is that a device stolen from the English, the security program was installed on it that allows you to control and positioning remote device provides. The subject of the sort out a laptop theft انگلیسی٬ a few thousand kilometres away in the country of Iran for this Web site it interesting that بوده٬ size images of the Iranian user it is accompanied by a full report published at the website.

وندالیزم at Pasargadae; Khalkhali as Khamenei

The destruction of the mausoleum of Cyrus

The destruction of the mausoleum of Cyrus

The British, in their mouths, a term called وندالیزم (Vandalism) The blind hatred that science and art and culture are applicable. The words of the name of a people called the "vandals" was taken from the Eastern tribes were جرمانیک and تاریخشان platform or so during that barbarism was immortalized on a.

I think if we want the same in Persian language word for enmity with the culture of effort, it must be azanam the Islamic regime and its leaders teach that loan during this 35 Year, one day in the aftermath of the destruction of our cultural and historical monuments of the era did not have a big Cyrus Khalkhali لواطکار and bastard Unpacking and bulldozer to Persepolis, Iran today on the dam and monuments and tombs to mounth Cyrus hand grenade to explode.

The film was released on the Internet today that hand grenade launcher and change the color of the outer part of the walls of the Tomb monument of Cyrus's show. Meanwhile, Iran also reports that Government forces and Basij, were in the same enclosure with the people involved and on the day of Nowruz, chanting death to this or that country head.. Regardless of who is responsible for the vandalism and وندالیزم today, will cut the heads of the Islamic regime, responsible for the protection and preservation of the monuments of Iran and any disaster that affects the head of the Iranian nation's historical works, he dares to come of does.

Bernard Lewis's speech on Iran; Iran, parsing, architect at the University of Tel-Aviv

برنارد لوئیس

Bernard Lewis

Professor Bernard Lewis Khaorshnas English-Jewish origin and Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern studies at Princeton University, which is one of the most prominent experts in the field of the history of the Middle East can be considered.

Intellectual influences Bernard Lewis, aslamshnas, as an expert in American سیاستگذاریهای the last few decades is immeasurable. Jacob ویسبرگ opinion, Newsweek Magazine columnist, Bernard Lewis is the most important intellectual influence on the idea of invading Iraq have. Expressions contained such as "Islamic fundamentalism" or "battle of civilizations» time of inventions is Louis. گفته می شود ساموئل هانتینگتون، استاد پیشین علوم سیاسی در دانشگاه هاروارد، نظریه نبرد تمدنها را با الهام از ایده لوییس مطرح کرد.

لویییس as well as modern theorists say Iran and other Middle Eastern countries in the analysis plan is known. Middle East analysis or plan (Later) The "greater Middle East" project that was titled "Bernard Lewis" is famous, first in the بیلدلبرگ in the year 1979 meeting was discussed on the basis of this plan, Iran would be divided into six or seven pieces; the idea earlier in the run, and now instead of the Iraqi one, in fact there are three Iraq. According to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, in the new century, scientists, lawmakers, diplomats and the media will follow Lewis's wisdom.

The Muslim Afghan, Palestinian and left namslman concerned

مدرسه برای کودکان افغان

School for Afghan children

Thirty-three years of the life of the Islamic regime, enmity and malice of the system than to the country of Israel as the guiding principle and لایتغیر داکترین Iran's foreign policy, and the stakes for the nation of Iran was گرفتاریهای the frequency. In fact no one can deny, Islamic Republic of – Which claims to defend the rights of the people, "Palestine" and other Muslims of the world – In all these years to defend the Palestinian groups and Israel supporters رودروی this country – The great centers of power and wealth in the world are present – And the cost of money it is paved on the Iranian nation.

This confrontation has always been entitled to defend the rights of Muslims in Palestine, but ستمدیده can be done in system behavior facing the Muslim people of Afghanistan, including other Muslims, serious doubts on the goals of the system and claim oppression creates its heads of anti.

Gheyas, Cyrus and the Suppression of the Kurds

A funny story from a friend of Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi It is unfortunate indeed that he sent.

Since it seems this is the master end of the line to fake, but few of the decomposition of the quest, and the Turks and other Muslims there too long like qumgra; this is causing, with harp and بکوشد teeth until the remainder of the camp does not lose time and sometimes a funny stuff for this purpose The baffd also has a pleasing look to ethnicism. Says:

[The girl's eyes in the image] Remember me for the Suppression of the Achaemenid, especially Gary kordan get Cyrus and Darius threw that other practices to form till today continues.

The differences of opinion expressed on the charge of insult, and began

The difference between an insult and intellectuals there is charged. Often they do not know the difference between the two, and the same thing can be used for rendering or abuse.. For the first trait, regardless of its true concept and solely for humiliation of the opposite side, it is offensive and said in some cases insulted. But there are other things that unpleasant traits are used in their core concepts, and that is not an act of abuse.

For example, if we give a woman a "prostitution" ratio simply because we have humiliated, it is the name of this insult.. But if the purpose of this assignment is exactly the prostitution and prostitution, and such words are used in their true meaning. – In the way that the speaker is aware of the concept of consideration. – No other name is insulting and it is a charge that we have noticed, if this is proved to be the reason for what we have attributed, we have expressed the truth, and otherwise lie to others, and there is a slander..

For the charge, we should use the literature that is not called insults.. But it doesn't necessarily mean that we are not going to insult.. If he or she can also insult others with the same literature, then they will be charged with the literature..

Gheyas, Scythians and the killing of the Achaemenid Darius religious reasons

Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi Bisutun inscription says based on the Scythians, Achaemenid Darius religious reasons and the نپرستیدن AHURA Mazda Would killing And threw it into the River to اسرایشان; of course this thread is like most of his recent claims of truth.

About religious freedom during the period of Darius is a master Near Eastern studies At the University of Michigan چنین می گوید:

.Nearly every scholar who has broached the subject views the religious policy of Darius as favorable to the gods of subject peoples

Bresciani says Darius I displayed tolerance and respect for the Egyptian province, as for the other provinces of the empire.

تقریبا تمامی محققین متفق القول اند که سیاست مذهبی داریوش بر پایه خوشامد خدایان مردم مد نظر بود. بریسایانی says that Darius I compared to other parts of their empire remain Egyptians respect and tolerance indicated.

Also, in accordance with the Cambridge Printing history Most of the sources that study the history of Iran, Dariush agreed Egyptian religious leaders agree to draw with them, and like other Nations would respect and tolerance. The same behavior from him about the Temple of apolo and Scouting in General has always been the same religious toleration to Darius There are objective historians attention.

Cyrus the great trade and prostitution

رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی

R. gheyas Abadi

Not long ago Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi In two consecutive posts to trade تلویحا the Achaemenid Cyrus prostitution *. Such first argued that in the reign of Cyrus on Babylon, the girl in the city to redeem her father's debt was taken and so decided that it thought the girl be sure to rent a given time. And they both concluded that this topic is bondage with Cyrus claims based on the abolition of slavery is مغایرات :

"The Charter of Cyrus the great Achaemenid mshhorsh tips on eliminating slavery slab or eliminating exploitation of human beings is brought. But this claim with other Achaemenid era inscription does not agree. For example, pursuant to the eighth year of the plaque number 252 of the Kingdom of Cyrus in Babylon, the girl called tabmoto because his father, a coin of gold and ten silver coins to financial institution or rbakhanh اگیبی, was taken to redeem debt until her father does his debt settlement. Girls who were taken to the Grove, for sexual exploitation were given rent to compensate for their delay damages.

BBC News, the Aryan race and the anti-Iran

بی بی سی


BBC Persian tv awhile ago and its website, based on genetic research a specialist named Dr. ashrafian Bonab, claimed that such: «OBOIranian کثر contrary to what is thought to be, the Aryan race, but do not belong to race that is about ten thousand years ago, have been residing in Iran.

The release of this entry from each side – Agree and disagree – A lot of noise legs *. At the time I wrote the wrong reasons and provided detailed responses fairly claim the BBC's description I gave (Link to my post about The Iranian people's race and interview the BBC audio file from here.)

Most recently, Mr. Bonab also sent a response to the BBC and the false claim that she had been rejected, attributed(Link Disclaimer Dr. Bonab in the BBC Persian website):

درینکویو and mythological king Jamshid in Iran



Per year 1963 During the reconstruction of a house ad in the town of درینکویو in the center of modern Turkey, was a great discovery. At that time, a ton of people happened to establish that an ancient city reached thousands of years. This city has a depth of two hundred and eighty فیتی (Almost 85 Meters under the ground) In the heart of the mountains and along the more than twenty thousand inhabitants in its place gives.

What in connection with this ancient city is important not only to technology, but it dates back, used to build it is. Some experts consider the importance of this ancient city with the largest pyramids of Giza to compare. This is also the fundamental questions about the nature of the city is there because the greatness of the city, including how and who made what is essentially the purpose of dating rates making the building at the heart of such a land?

The Charter of Cyrus and the adventure of stealing gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi

دکتر عبدالمجید ارفعی

Dr. Abdul arfaei

Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi Recently the khonkharter of Cyrus, the Achaemenid Timur and Genghis and his assassin droid تومیریس, Queen of masagetha, The praise (From masagat The Eastern branch of the Iranians Pan trkyst pantrkyst ' analysis, but they can never leave. The title of "tomoros" that used only among gheyas Abadi trkystha background.) And in his name on aohamsh The Privy wall Writes, in the not too distant when a book titled "the Charter of Cyrus the Achaemenid and published in the introduction that he Such a pledge:

"Human behavior in tarikhnameh بازگوكنندة the great, King of the country of niromandtrin k. Nik day interaction the other stizandh of the world, and has been frmaneroayan the world.

Apparently at that time his interest in these counts generally has a different requirement. But the point here is that I have gftensh going, and until recently it had no knowledge that the contents of the translation of the Charter of the book "Dr. Abdul arfaei» has been stolen. Mr. gheyas Abadi, in fact nothing to translate, and not to any ancient language fluency also wishes that it will translate old.

Statistics کشتگان denomination Azerbaijan democratic and fakes trkystha

اعضای فرقه دموکرات آذربایجان با تصویر استالین.

Members of Azerbaijan's Democratic cult with Stalin.

The English version of this article from mehrazar on the Severn here Or here.

Recently Motallebi Pen Ali Karachay world Le – One of the well known Pan-ترکیستهای – The site analyzed the demand of the citizen published کشتگان دروغینی statistics about the number of cult shows provide Azerbaijan democratic. About the site and its performance, citizen earlier An espahbod article here I published.

Trkystha almost all of the threads of history, culture, celebrities and national honors to the number of words and verbs in Turkish, and the population of the provincial budget ترکزبانان and torkzaban areas of counterfeiting, and this is not the first case of جعلیاتشان, certainly will not be too آخرینش. اما این گفته که هزاران نفر از اعضای فرقه دموکرات توسط دولت ایران به قتل رسیدند، دروغی است که باید پیش از فراتر رفتن دامنه جعلیاتشان به آن پاسخ داده شود.

The fact that the Soviet Union, the democratic Azerbaijan and Kurdistan for the cult of fragmentation, straight and your hands, not on the person wearing the. (To learn more To look at these documents)

All together Turkish bread Turkish چیزمان;

نان سنگک

Sangak bread

One of the Pan-Turks claims that the "bread" of Persian Turks It is from the Turks to Iranians, the importance of this claim is better known when we know that this sangak is no longer that old Sangak and thanks to the velayati system, it has a dignity and has reached a grain of thousands of tomans..

Of course we Curmudgeon and perhaps this points to the bread to the Turks at a bread in the La تاریخشان to the shared souvenir, but these guys are not aulshan that time of Surrey and charshnbeh Marilyn Monroe And Rumi And Military And Ibn Sina They started, and now they've reached Sangak bread and goat broth, and if they keep going, they won't just leave anything from our historical past, they must demand something for these historical services..

Ali ایحال encyclopedia of Jewish cuisine which is a The comprehensive academic reference For the classification of foods is a belief to the contrary belief, this pan is trkyst pantrkyst friends According to the encyclopedia ofSangak bread is an Iranian bread that, contrary to the belief of this friend of Pan Turkistman, its name is derived from the same word "stone" Persian and has long been the standard bread of the Iranian army, each soldier has a bag of flour and pebbles with him and if necessary, he cooks bread by doughing the flour..

Barbari bread would also name it barbarian name of "the people of Afghanistan," the traditional bread and nothing to do with the Turks, and in the 18th century came to Iran.

The marriage of his daughter with the Zoroastrian پوروچیستا

Mr. Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas recently claimed that Zoroaster or concerning Gata gathaha Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his translation to English "first returned to the English translation of غیرتخیلی of گاتهای Zoroaster.! He also claims that the gas from the Avestan language translation by someone else and it is translated gheyas Abadi! This is not at all clear if the translation of the description of the Avestan gheyas, another Hamlet is exactly what has been translated? (English translation or English to German translation that is doing). Each subject so that what's important is not translated to the strange assertion that for the first time on the basis that does not.

Before I want to claim gheyas Abadi is complex, you should write that briefly what is gathaha and why is it important. Gathaha is the oldest parts of the Avesta, and poems that they sought to Zoroaster than to make the other parts of the language of the Avesta is older; this Zoroastrian texts other than the gathaha in a more prominent position puts. Professor William malandra, Director of the near Eastern Department of the University of مینستوتا, In Encyclopaedia Iranica Writes: Gathaha over and over again translated in all the Avesta text size no gathaha not translated. He also claims the translation of any text in the whole world, what is new and what is the size of the ancient gathaha description and commentary but if..

Cyrus, Darius or gheyas which the settlements lying;

سگ حسن پسند

Courtesy of dog-friendly

Darius the King says:"God willing, I wanted to chninam that I love and the truth of the lie, and رویگردانم of AHURA Mazda to his country from the enemy's lies, and bad years (Famine) Untouchable?.
But recently, Reza Moradi gheyas, Sultan of the Biker's world, holder of a doctorate degree from the ناکجا and Dog friendly courtesy of frahan (This is the last of herself) Discoverer of the Darius the King brought into operation or perfectly, k. (Maybe both) Since they were liars and so today someone of fear not dare to patriotic Cyrus reveal دروغهایشان, Ella اخترِ the same field of archeology, Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas! Perhaps this is because lying at Darius that God دعایش this to no and stuck our liars like Ahmadinejad in the tortured politics of culture in the field of وغیاث prosperity unleashed.

The BBC's response to the Iranian people is race;

بی بی سی


BBC Persian website recently did a piece titled “The majority of Iranians, not Aryan race” Dr. Maziar ashrafian Bonab quotes, genetics researcher, in the form of a published interview and brought it to such درتوضیح:
"A group of researchers in genetics, University of British portsmot, under the supervision of a researcher to interesting results about the Iranian race have reached. This group believes that most Iranians, contrary to what is believed, are not of Aryan race, but belong to a race that inhabited Iran about 10,000 years ago. This genetic research that is part of the global research under the supervision of Dr. Maziar ashrafian Bonab years ago at Cambridge University and started at the University of portsmot the result is reached.

What of the title and the content of the news and the BBC picked up is that "there is a race called the Aryan race and the people of Iran are often contrary to the common belief that ever has been, this is not a race and of other races that are about ten thousand years ago in Iran. Lived.»

The most basic principles of journalism require that if we quote something from someone, it should be exactly as it is stated, and not that we reflect our own perception and conclusions from what others say in the form of news or reports.

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